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Everything posted by bengovier182

  1. If i were a wealthier man, i would literally throw my money at you! Ha Good luck with the les paul. Ben.
  2. My lord this is one beautiful bass! One question, can you play much slap bass on this thing?, EBs are notoriously not for slap, but this looks like you could be possibly. Ben.
  3. Make a great Xmas prezzie this would. Ben.
  4. £200. price drop bump.
  5. Oh this is lovely! If i had the money I'd be all over this! Shouldn't be here very long. Ben.
  6. Oh gosh these are beautiful. Don't suppose you'd be up for any sort of trade? Red Cort Gb34 bass, or pink Squier showmaster? Ben.
  7. Would love this to go with my Model 32, but alas, my heart belongs to another. These are a lot of bass for the money at retail, but this, is an absolute steal. Ben.
  8. Would really love this bass, but they aren't big slappers, and I'm a huge slapper (I'm a what?!) Ben.
  9. Still for sale Any trades welcome, anything musical.
  10. Come in peeps need to shift this now. Ridiculous amount of bass for the money. Great xmas gift maybe ha I would keep it if i wasn't after a new one.
  11. Got a new car, but now im back on the hunt for a jaguar bass. Anyone want help me fund that??
  12. I was going to buy this off you, until my car died, remember ha I still maintain that i will be back in touch eventually, i need this bass ha Ben.
  13. Ive actually already messaged him, filling him in on his lack of Jaguar/Fender history, and he hasnt changed anything! Oh well, hopefully know ones stupid enough to buy it.
  14. These any good for slap bass? I imagine this would play more like a gibson with that bridge design, or maybe an old style precision. Ben.
  15. Who wants to help towards my new car fund then?
  16. Just for sale now. A new car on the cards i am inevitably being dealt. Bump!
  17. Bump No trade on this now, after straight sale.
  18. [quote name='4StringFortress' timestamp='1350651362' post='1841778'] Received the BB 415 for Ben this morning, I got to say I love the wine burst look and the grain poking through the red subtly. As for playing this was going to be a back up fr my TRB5-II and you know what I would go as far as say I prefer the way this feels and plays, I really like the chunky p style neck to it, nice and fast too. As for pictures here we are: [attachment=121529:IMAG0211.jpg] [attachment=121530:IMAG0212.jpg] [attachment=121531:IMAG0213.jpg] And this is my current family! [attachment=121532:IMAG0214.jpg] [/quote] It looks soo much nicer now that you've got it haha Better finances one day and i might get another one! Enjoy.
  19. Anyone willing to accept this as part exchange for something? Need money, but serious GAS bump!
  20. My BB415 has just left my hands on its way to Ben, and the whole transaction was so smooth; plenty of contact, immediate payment, arranged courier himself. Great buyer, hope you enjoy my bass Ben.
  21. Preferebly trade or part-ex?
  22. Ooh that is nice, if i didnt need the money i would gone for this aha nice case to, hiscox? I'd keep them both, its nice to matching a mathing pair. Good luck selling it, ben.
  23. SOLD!
  24. "A bit loud" "Yea have you seen the size of our amps, and our drummer!" Hot girl: "you're in the band right?" "Yes i am" Hot girl: "is you're drummer still abouts?" -_- "Do you do any....?" "No!" "C'mon its easy" "I'm sure it is, doesn't mean we know it" "How about any......?" "WE DONT F*****G KNOW IT!!!"
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