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Posts posted by NoRhino

  1. Last weekend we played in Balloch near Loch Lomond. Arrived at 7pm to load in to be told we weren't to play until the Rugby finished at 9:30pm. It was France v England. Pub was packed with lots of Frenchmen in Scottish tops who I'm pleased to say stayed on afterwards to enjoy the band.
    PS. Well done England on winning everything in sight. ;)

  2. I'm back with this same topic... I hope you can help again.

    I now have my 2 KAM Powerbars which work fine with a single KAM footswitch. So at least I have that for a default every gig. Problem is all it does is step through a single colour wash which gets a bit tedious.

    I now have my Transcension Master 64 LED controller and can programme ONE light on One of the bars - I thought I was getting somewhere but can't do anything else.

    So - Bass Chatters - Please help me.

  3. Always looking for new venues to play I clicked an 'application to play' link for a local club.

    A few minutes later in comes an email saying I need to register with Music Glue who will forward my application to the venue.

    What's your experience of this? Seems lazy or dodgy to me.

  4. When the sound chap says " And can I have the bass please?" I usually play solid root notes at low middle and high positions on the fretboard. Then I'll play a walking bass figure across the board finishing with a bit of noodling above the 12th.
    At this point the SM will say "Thanks" and move on to the next muso.
    Any other suggestion as to a good sound check routine please?

  5. [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Dad - the small units work well for small venues, at larger places we do use more appropriate powered monitors.[/color][/font]
    [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]I'm not easily embarrassed so no problem in you asking... We always use the Ext Speaker output from the CXP to the CM10 and it worked well for years. [/color][/font]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]​On the cable front I do admit to always only using a standard instrument cable.Is that embarrassing? :blush: but am inspired by your suggestions and will try a few things. Thank you.[/color][/font]
    [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]​It has never suffered a lager assault. [/color][/font]

    [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]​ikay - Thanks for your input too. I'll take the CM10 to a rehearsal tomorrow and test it from the PA there. It worked well for years until this fault appeared.[/color][/font]

  6. I use 1 x powered monitor and 1 x [b]passive monitor [/b]for vocals foldback at small gigs.
    The powered monitor works perfectly well but the sound from the [b]passive [/b]unit is weak to barely audible. I know how to wield a screwdriver and use a meter; what should I test and what are your suggestions to fix this?

    The faulty unit is a Laney CM10


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