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Everything posted by NoRhino

  1. The Slade Alive! album. After hearing that what other instrument would a teenage boy want to play? Several decades later and I still listen to it regularly.
  2. It's been a long time but here's an update. The Glasgow shop didn't phone back and by the time I contacted an online store last week it's out of stock. I've placed my order and delivery date is mid March. Here's hoping it's worth the wait.
  3. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1423664503' post='2687627'] One of the members of the band seem to like suggesting songs from 'Dads Rock 100' type CDs you see on fathers day or the playlist from a karaoke machine. [/quote] Ha ha. I've just started rehearsing with a second band whose whole mission is to play songs "from one of those Father's Day CDs" We'll see what transpires.
  4. Agencies can be useful but you need to know how to work them and what you are to them. If you're a 'managed act' they will want total control of your diary and you will be expected to play where they place you. They also expect a %fee of any booking taken by you at one of their gigs. So you play a venue for the agent, someone books you for their wedding/venue/party you are expected to pay a slice of that to the agency. Even though the agent hasn't actually done any work. If you use an agent to provide ad hoc work you pay their % fee but can also decline an offer of work if it doesn't suit you. You can also use several agents. I see this as the agents working for you. You need to decide which path works best for your band.
  5. At a StatusNo gig, the clue's in the name , dulcet Glaswegian tones from he back of he hall "Gie's The Killers!" At a wedding band gig - "Mate, put a Robbie Williams record on next"
  6. If you're in a band and people are there to see you you should play it as close to the Andy Fraser lines as possible and keep your personal hatred hidden. I played with a drummer who turned from a good fluent drummer into a tippy tappy couldn't care merchant during a song he didn't like and the audience and booker noticed. We weren't asked back. He's no longer my drummer.
  7. Your guitarists sound like reasonable guys. Let us know how they react when you suggest how they should play a specific song.
  8. As promised, another six or so 'likes' added today. Well done to PinBall for starting this thread,
  9. I'm left handed but play right handed bass because my older brother is right handed and I learnt to play on his guitar first and there was no choice. I do however make sure my mic stand adjustment screws (and music stand screws when I use one) are all on the correct left side. And I adjust my amp settings with my left. A lefty and a righty lifting a heavy amp or speaker into the back of a car is funny to see. A clash of spiral torsion if there is such a concept.
  10. [i]Thanks KevB, logistically wasn't possible but i appreciate the link. [/i]
  11. I'll be in Doncaster on a business trip this Monday/Tuesday. I know these aren't popular nights for gigs but is there anything happening? I won't have a car so town centre things preferred.
  12. Updated my like clicks again today. Thanks to everyone who liked https://www.facebook.com/statusnoscotland I stopped at page 8 but will pick up from here again next weekend when there may be a few more pages to like. I think this has been a great thread because we never know what contacts, gigs and local networking will come from a few simple clicks. Some posters say they want to vet everyone first and will only 'like' what they personally like. I've liked every page and will check back in when time permits to actually peruse your content. Some good looking bands out there and my favourite name has to be The Badly Stuffed Bears. That's just genius.
  13. A long time ago I noticed that our keys player was playing bass on his left hand that really clashed with what I needed to play. It's what keys players do naturally so he didn't notice. I pointed out that we were clashing and he stopped immediately and now adds other layers of sound. My point is that if your keys player is a decent bloke he'll see what you mean and play for the good of the band.
  14. If you're in a covers band - Will the audience know it? Can people dance to it? It's in.
  15. StatusNo from Saturday 27 December. Using Straight Shooter's drum kit (thanks guys) and ignoring their mahoosive banner. Don't you just love those quick turnaround gigs? http://youtu.be/PheBQNiFZMI
  16. Not really sure of the mechanics of Facebook but I liked all Bass Chat bands from my personal page and also logged onto facebook from my band page and liked everyone again. So here's hoping you all get 2 for the price of 1 from me. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]StatusNo [/font][/color][url="https://www.facebook.com/statusnoscotland"]https://www.facebook...tatusnoscotland[/url]
  17. Fantastically simple idea. Here's my Quo tribute/cover band. https://www.facebook.com/statusnoscotland Now I'm going to work my way through every link on this thread. And I'll keep checking in to like more. 'mon the Bass Chat community!
  18. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1418984040' post='2635414'] ^^^^^^^ I suppose the upside of this was. there was no audience left to witness the Red face disaster. Upon seeing the 'Stand', they had all done a U turn during venue entry. [/quote] If only they had!
  19. As an experienced player who sometimes uses a stand (discreetly placed to the side of the PA and hidden as much as possible) this thread brought back a memory of a fateful gig. I was asked to play a one-off show with a local church ceilidh band for a dance and learnt a few tunes that I definitely needed prompts and reminders for. There were about 10 players on this old church hall stage and come the night of the gig I set my amp up, sat on my chair (they do that at ceilidh gigs) placed my music stand in front of me and arranged my music sheets in good order. The band leader counted in the first tune and at that initial mighty 'daddaaa' that begins every Scottish Country Dance tune everyone on the stage began to stamp their feet in time and my music stand fell over scattering paper all over the stage. They didn't miss a beat and one shame-faced bass player busked his way through the first tune extremely red of face. Does Bass Chat have an on the night disasters forum?
  20. Still no response from the shop. Customer service zero. When I made 2 visits and 1 phone call the least they can do is call me when they said they would. And people wonder why we buy items online?
  21. There's not much you can do when the dreaded lurgy strikes. If it was that bad the day before the gig perhaps you should have called on a dep but if it struck without warning on the night that's just bad luck.
  22. I called last week. Will be nearby next Friday so will go in and look at the embarrassment on his face if he hasn't phoned by then. I'm a trusting kind of man so will assume he's really trying hard to please a customer.
  23. Well what do you know? Now Thursday late afternoon and not a cheep from the shop.
  24. Put an elasticated ponytail band round the neck at the 2nd fret. This stops all unwanted ringing. Victor Wooten recommends it. I'm not anywhere near his league but it does work a treat for open A and E strings in basic rock songs. I buy mine from Claire's Accessories
  25. Thanks Mike257 and Bluesparky I'm waiting on the call from my local shop to tell me we my unit arrives. Looking like Tuesday now. Then I'll dive into the world of DMX. Looks like fun. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
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