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Posts posted by NoRhino

  1. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1493190267' post='3286262']
    Yeah, there's only the two bands playing. It's a home crowd for us but several comments here have confirmed my views about death by support band !!😁

    The main band is Rhino's Revenge and we are a Quo tribute, so hoping it will be a great night!

    Excellent. We're doing the very same gig in Glasgow and are playing for an hour. You're a Quo band at a Rhino gig. You can't lose.

  2. To the OP.
    If you're a tribute band and initiated the gig play for an hour but get on within 30 mins of the doors opening.
    With only two bands an hour of you and 90 mins of the headliner is plenty. I assume the venue will also appreciate a 30 mins break between acts to encourage punters to the bar.

  3. Are we talking about the worst song we've heard or our least favourite song?
    My last favourite song is Charlene's I've Never Been to Me because of the line about the Isle o f Greece. but the worst song I've ever heard was when my own band murdered a simple 4 chord boogie shuffle when Mr Lead player played the whole thing a semi tone up. It was painful.

  4. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1484558723' post='3216229']
    Demon's eye was always mine - it was a B side of Fireball so was accessible on the pub juke boxes and i think my most selected song ever. If you were ever in White's Bar Oxford in about 72

    Demon's Eye for me too.

  5. We did play charity shows in 2013 and were well paid and fed at every show. The people behind that were a different league and taught me a lot. This time I haven't met the organiser yet and only been contacted via the other band. I want to play the gig and support the charity but definitely will not sell to play.

  6. Thanks for the wise opinions as usual. I've decided to tell them that we're happy to waive our fee to help the occasion but won't sell tickets as that's the fundraisers' role. If that's a game changer for them we'll say thanks for asking but it's not for us this time and walk away with dignity intact.

  7. Been asked to play on a two band charity show. I like and support the charity but the terms are no fee, which I don't mind as a one off, plus we're expected to sell 50 tickets which does annoy me. IMO that's the fund raiser's job.
    Currently I want to ofeer to play for nothing and be up front that we will not sell tickets. If that's a deal breaker we'll walk away.
    What are BC's thoughts please?

  8. I played in Perth last night at a venue with PA and backline provided so took only my bass. Soundman came along and said to set the amp settings as I prefer but the 4x10 cab won't be used. If I hadn't read this thread I might have objected but went along with his advice and listened to my playing through the monitors front of stage. A bit odd at first but knowing it sounded good FOH put me at ease. Well done BC.

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