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Everything posted by martinbass7750

  1. Watch the power rating of the 410 - from memory it's 300 watts rms, and if it's a 4 ohm cab the max700 will deliver 450 watts. If it's an 8 ohm cab you should be ok. I love the bottom end of the 410tvx, it's great for the low b on a 5 string. I also use an ebs neo 2x10 as it's so much lighter and is fine for smaller gigs - the 410 is a monster to carry around. Really want a neo 410, just can't afford one. I recently heard a band with an epfani 410 which sounded great, and two guys lifted it over their heads at the end of the gig - they wouldn't have done that with the peavey. Enjoy the kit - it's great for the money.
  2. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='54406' date='Sep 2 2007, 08:28 PM']singing would put me in the spotlight... people would be blinded by the glare off my bonce... it would mean having to find a suitable "Blues" hat... plus I haven't really sung in public since my voice broke some 35 years ago... I can do backing... I could dig out my guitar and tune the bottom 4 strings DACD and play 7th chords to the progressions... or tune normally and double the bassline an octave higher... I've been meaning to get my guitar playing back up to scratch... no soloing or lead, just get the chords right and do the rhythm[/quote] sound like you're from the same era as us - shiny domes included hey - if you want to get together sometime to see if we can put something together, I'm game.
  3. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='53868' date='Sep 1 2007, 03:58 PM']you do realise I'm in Gloucester as well... bit problematic with your band though, difficult to fit two bassists in...[/quote] just like a bus - you wait for ages then two come along at the same time I don't suppose you play anything else? or sing?
  4. I'd be interested too - I've been attempting to put a blues band together in the gloucester area with a mate of mine for a while, but no luck finding other musicians so far.
  5. [quote name='tinyviking' post='26483' date='Jul 3 2007, 01:14 PM']That Lakeland for sale also looks good but I really like to play the guitar before parting with any greens.[/quote] can you visit the guy selling the lakland? or is he too far away? I've had a few Yamaha instruments, guitars and brass. All well built, but second hand values are dreadful. I currently have a Pacifica 812, dealers won't take it in px unless it's really cheap (like £100). Personally I wouldn't buy another yamaha.
  6. [quote name='Groove65' post='26523' date='Jul 3 2007, 02:30 PM']Just received my new Lakland 5501 from the states and might nice it is too ! one thing tho - didnt receive a booklet with it saying what pot does what. figured out which is volume (nearest neck) but cant work out the pickup blend, low, mid and high ones. anyone got a pdf they can point me to or tell me which is which ? ta all ![/quote] looking down at the controls when you are playing, next right is blend (at the top) then bass, then mid under blend, then treble under the volume. And as Stewart says, pull out the volume to switch to passive mode. Hope you enjoy your Lakland - I do.
  7. [quote name='Sean' post='26338' date='Jul 3 2007, 07:36 AM']There's a nice Lakland 55-02 in the For Sale section from andyonbass. This fits in with your spec...[/quote] +1 for Lakland - I bought a 55-01 a few months ago - I'm really pleased with it.
  8. Thanks to both of you for the replies, the knowledge on this forum is really helpful Cheers Martin
  9. Hi All, I've just fitted a replacement neck pickup on my Lakland 55-01 (the old one was picking up noise) How should I set the height? Another question - the electronics fitted (Bartolini NTMB) has a preset pot inside the compartment - is that just to set the maximum output? Cheers Martin
  10. Well, the [b]free of charge[/b] replacement pickup arrived last week. I've fitted it, and the buzzing has gone. I'm very impressed with the service Lakland have given me - it took a while for the new pickup to arrive, but they emailed me to say they were waiting for stock to arrive, hence the delay.
  11. Hi Guys, a bit more information on the buzzzzzzzz last night I found that the neck pickup was noisier than the bridge pickup - I could reduce the amount of buzz by setting the pickup balance towards the bridge pickup. I emailed Lakland again, and tonight I had a pleasant surprise - they think it's a noisy pickup, and are going to send me a new one. I'm very impressed with their response and helpfulness. I'll let you know if it cures the problem when I've installed it. Cheers Martin
  12. hi - I live 10 miles from Cheltenham, and want to sell my peavey 4x10, and it's a 4 ohm. I've replaced it with EBS, much lighter, but also loads more money. I'm look for £150 for it. Great condition, and sound is superb. Just a back breaker! Cheers Martin
  13. [quote name='Hamster' post='15687' date='Jun 11 2007, 04:10 PM']I know there have been problems caused by the finish on some Laklands where the conducting paint on the inside of the control cavity has been painted/laquered over so you don't get continuity with the cavity cover. Hamster[/quote] interesting - I'll look at that. I also wondered about lining the cavity with aluminium foil - it does seem like it could be a screening problem Cheers Martin p.s. still no response from Lakland!
  14. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='15625' date='Jun 11 2007, 02:50 PM']I agree with the others that it could be an earthing problem but i also have a buzz with mine (i have upgraded(!) to a NTMB) but with mine its RF interference.[/quote] Hi, thanks for all the replies. It does sound like RF interference - I can change the amount of noise by moving around, but never get rid of it. Like I said, my SR505 it quiet, so I'm surprised the Lakland picks up so much interference. I'm wondering if the pre-amp is oscillating and acting like a receiver. I'll have to bring it into work and have a good poke around with a scope - it might be that it just needs a 0.1uF cap on the power rail. If I find out the cause, I'll post some more information. I have emailed Lakland, but no reponse yet. Cheers Martin
  15. Hi All, I recently bought a used Lakland 55-01 NTMB which I love (from this site) But, I've found that when i turn the volume up there's a fairly loud buzzing through the speaker - it gets much quieter if I touch the bridge. It's also there if I switch into passive mode, although slightly quieter. I thought it might be mains earthing, but my Ibanez SR505 doesn't make the noise. Anyone got any suggestions? Cheers Martin
  16. I've got a Peavey 410 which I want to sell - if you manage to sell your 810, then maybe the 410 would suit you. I'm in gloucester, so not far away. Cheers Martin
  17. [quote name='lukeward2004' post='8995' date='May 30 2007, 09:04 AM']Damn you! Im after one of these but I dont have the cash right now - why does that always seem to happen to me!!!!! ARRRRRGH![/quote] I think there's a lot of us out here with the same problem!
  18. Hi Graham thanks for the offer of help - I'm currently talking to JPJ from this forum re building a cab for me Cheers Martin
  19. thanks - I searched the celestion website but couldn't find anything. I'll have a look at the fane
  20. Greetings Phil, I recently played with the BOSS and Ashdown octave boxes. I wasn't convinced about them - they struggled to track lower notes. Haven't tried the EBS one. cheers Martin
  21. Hi, I was reading your thread while you were reading my post :>) I've just PM'd JPJ - your cab looks great
  22. I've had a look at Bill's site - no sure i have the patience/skills/space to make one myself, although I am thinking about it
  23. Greetings, I have an EBS Neo210 and would love to add a 115 to it, but can't afford ebs at the moment. Would anyone here consider making a 115 cab to match the ebs? I can source drive units. I know nothing about cabinet design, so any help and advice would be appreciated.
  24. Greetings, I'm interested in your opinions on compression. Do you use it with your bass? If you do, what compressors work for you? I have a Boss LMB3 bass limiter, but I've never really been happy with the results. Maybe I just haven't set it up right?
  25. bought a Lakland 55-01 from Pete, it's a great bass, and it was great to meet him. now I need to shift some basses to pay for the Lakland!
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