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Everything posted by martinbass7750

  1. [quote name='XB26354' post='336148' date='Nov 25 2008, 11:54 AM']PM sent...[/quote] and replied to
  2. Hi - I've never played a Warwick, but I've been told I might not like the neck profile. I'm really looking for a sale, but it might be interesting to try a Warwick. Where are you based? And which Warwicks do you have? Cheers Martin [quote name='aido43' post='331545' date='Nov 18 2008, 03:39 PM']Interested in trades?--got two Warwicks Im keen on swapping.[/quote]
  3. Comfort strap from Bass Direct - doesn't look as good as my leather one, but it really is comfortable, and the bass stays in much the same place all evening i.e. the strap doesn't move on my shoulders!
  4. Thanks Sean and Pete, Yes it is a lovely bass, and it still looks the same as in Sean's pics (thanks for posting them, I was just about to take some). It's taken me a while to decide to sell it; when I first bought the Jazz I wasn't sure I liked it so I kept the Lakland to fall back on, but now I find I've fallen in love with the Jazz neck. I played a Clover Apeiron the other weekend at the Bass Direct stand, and I'm thinking about getting one of those, so funds are required! Cheers Martin
  5. I've decided to sell my Lakland Skyline 55-01 NTMB - I moved back to a 4 string Jazz back in July, and I've decided to stick with 4 string now. Sean has kiindly put some pics up of the bass, see below. Here's a brief description: Lakland Skyline 55-01 (5 string) in candy apple red, with maple fretboard. American made NTMB electronics. It's been through a few hands on this forum - I've been the owner since about March 2007, and gigged it up until July 2008. Condition is very good. New Rotosound strings. Gig bag. Looking for £400. Cheers Martin
  6. [quote name='magnumcb' post='324661' date='Nov 8 2008, 08:37 AM']are these sold as yet Im intrested in buying them[/quote] sorry, sold
  7. Thanks for all the suggestions, I'm going to try to audition some of them this weekend. Cheers Martin
  8. Hi all, Just want some advice on choosing a practice/small gig amp. I use an Eden head with a pair of EBS neo cabs for gigs and some practice venues, however I would like a combo to leave at a friends house where we rehearse at low levels. I want depth of sound and clarity, almost hifi if that makes sense. I suspect the PJB briefcase would fill the bill, but it's a bit dear for leaving at a mates house at around £450. Anyone got any other suggestions at a lower budget? Cheers Martin
  9. I bought a usa highway standard jazz - really pleased with it, and great value at £560 methinks!
  10. [quote name='mikeh' post='268988' date='Aug 24 2008, 06:15 PM']SOLD...[/quote] what bow are you using there? I've got a couple of Hoyt compounds I haven't used for about 6 years.
  11. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='253326' date='Aug 2 2008, 02:35 PM']Very good value these cabs, IMO. I had one for a year or so, used it with a Gallien Krueger 700 RB and it coped really well with my 5 string basses and never sounded strained at all.. Good luck with the sale![/quote] Hey Nik - have you sold that great Peavey cab then? What are you using now? And yes, they have a big sound and are great value for money!
  12. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='200647' date='May 16 2008, 07:00 PM']My 4 piece band use these. [url="http://www.shure.com/ProAudio/Products/PersonalMonitorSystems/us_pro_PSM200_content"]http://www.shure.com/ProAudio/Products/Per..._PSM200_content[/url] We play to a click as we have sampling. The reason we all have is so we all have click so we dont have to count in on every song! One reason we went for these rather than some of the more expensive ones is the fact that they have 2 inputs with 2 outputs. This ment that if we don't have enough aux's from the desk, we can plug our chosen instrument/vox into the front of it aswell as a bandmix & click in the other. -Jake[/quote] What do you think of the PSM200? I'm thinking of getting one so your views would be appreciated.
  13. Hi All, Anyone used the Shure PSM200? It comes with SCL2 phones. I've found it for just under £350 delivered, and would appreciate anyone's personal experiences of it. Cheers Martin
  14. Here's my twopence worth: For smaller gigs I use an EBS neo210 with the Eden WT405 - plenty of mid range punch and now I've gone from 5 string to back 4, the bottom end is pretty good too. When I need more power I add an EBS neo212 to the above rig which ups the volume loads and puts some deep bass in. I found I needed the depth with a 5 string. Both cabs are reasonably small and light - but at the end of a gig I prefer to use a hand truck to get them back to the car! Have fun choosing!
  15. [quote name='steve-soar' post='235421' date='Jul 9 2008, 12:27 AM']I think it is great that the UK has its own dedicated bass guitar magazine. I subscribe to it and found last months the best so far. It is changing all the time, with interviews with Peter Hook and Charlotte Cooper, who I think is an excellent, dynamic bassist, like JJ Burnel. Good rag and a good selection of gear.[/quote] When you say last months, do you mean april/may? I haven't received June/July yet and I need something to read!
  16. [quote name='Mokl' post='231788' date='Jul 3 2008, 09:37 AM']Glas you got it sorted Martin, which Jazz did you go for? I have a severe hankering for one of the new US Standard models. Mark had a really nice Highway One Jazz in the shop last time I was in there, was it that one you bought?[/quote] yes - I now own that very Highway One Jazz - I played it for a couple of hours last night and really love it. I've been playing 5 string for 4 years now after a few months on a 4 string, so was a bit scared about going back to 4 string. I started 5 string on my Ibanez, then changed to the Lakland just over a year ago. I love the Lakland, but I don't think it will be used much now. I'll probably hang on to it for a while in case I've made a mistake though. Mark reckoned the Highway One was not very different from a USA Standard in all the ways that matter - maybe that was a bit of sales pitch, but I'm pleased with it anyway. Seems really good value for a USA Jazz, I think list for Highway One is £649, list for a Standard in sunburst is £1035 ish. Don't know what the going rate is for them, but I was pleased with the deal we did. I'll have to find out what you get for the extra £400. I know the Standard has a hard case, strap and toolkit whereas this one only has a gig bag - so I guess that's £100 of it.
  17. I visited Aroundabout Sound in Cheltenham this afternoon, Mark had a play and agreed with me that all was not well. He suggested a new set of strings, and guess what - it's now sorted. But I tried out a passive Jazz, and that gives me exactly the sound I've been yearning for - so I now own one. So the Lakland will probably be up for sale once I'm completely convinced the Jazz is what I want. Thanks for all your suggestions and advice Cheers Martin
  18. [quote name='Mokl' post='228884' date='Jun 29 2008, 09:40 AM']martinbass, where abouts do you live? I live in the Gloucester area and used to own a 55-01 with NTMB. If you want to hook up one evening and try some comparisons against some of my motley selection you'd be more than welcome. I could probably tell you whether I think the Lakland is behaving properly compared my experience with one as well, if that would be any use to you?[/quote] Hey that would be great. I'm in churchdown, where are you?
  19. [quote name='chris_b' post='228679' date='Jun 28 2008, 07:07 PM']How hard are you pulling the strings? Maybe you're pulling them beyond the limit of the pole pieces and affecting the pickup responce as a result.[/quote] I don't think its excessive - I'm ' digging in' I played a passive fender tonight (not sure if it was a P or J, excuse my ignorance) and if got muchmore dynamic range than I do on the Lakland, and thais what I'm after. Th action was a bit higher than mine so I'll try raising it a bit to see what that does. Have to say that I did like the sound of the fender. It had two very slim pickups - does that identify which it was? Edit: Aah - it was an American Jazz, haven't a clue which one as there are so many, but it was silver I wonder what the 5 string USA Jazz's are like? Have to start another thread!
  20. [quote name='SJA' post='228144' date='Jun 27 2008, 04:23 PM']I think even on passive basses the level of the actual note played is limited somewhat as your plucking/picking attack gets harder- you get more percussive sound of the string hitting the frets, but beyond a point the actual fundamental won't get louder, and may actually get choked. when recording last year, using my passive Warmoth P, watching the signal Leds on the desk fade out on the last note on songs, I found that the note sustained longer when I played fingerstyle compared with when I played hard with a pick. I read on Soundonsound an interview with the guy who produced the Jam, who said that Weller & Foxton played very hard, and sometimes he got Foxton to overdub individual notes in places to get more of the fundamental.[/quote] 'begin choked' is g odd description of what I hear - maybe I'm just playing too hard!
  21. [quote name='bnt' post='228090' date='Jun 27 2008, 03:18 PM']The Lakland web page says that bass uses Bartolini MK1 electronics, which I can't find on the Bartolini page... do you know if you have the option of going to 18V (2 batteries) for more headroom? I don't know Bartolini stuff that well, but I know that EMG say you can go 18V for more headroom, and I did it for a while on my bass with EMG 35- P & -J soapbars. I didn't notice any difference, so I eventually stopped, but it's something to consider if the circuit is designed for it.[/quote] I don't know - but it was something I wondered about as well. I've tried contacting Bartolini in the past from their website and not had a response, might try again.
  22. [quote name='Fraktal' post='228017' date='Jun 27 2008, 01:48 PM']You should really try a good bass with 100% passive electronics. There is virtually no limits to your dynamics and sound headroom on one of those. MEC brand crafts some incredibly nice passive pickups. Full of detail, whole frequency spectrum, superb dynamics and you can listen to the slightest nuance of your playstyle.[/quote] that would probably rule out my local shop then - nothing over £350 in stock! But I take your point about active/passive. It's finding somewhere inside a reasonable traveling distance where I can try a decent bass.
  23. [quote name='wulf' post='227995' date='Jun 27 2008, 01:30 PM']Playing hard does give a different sound. You could try moving the pickups further away from the strings. It might be better just to play a bit softer, turning up your amp if necessary. That saves wear on the strings, bass and fingers. Wulf[/quote] And sometimes the change of sound is welcome. I tend not to use compression as I'd rather have more control over my dynamic range, and I guess I'm trying to play louder when I get the compression effect. I might pop into my local guitar shop and try out some of their basses against mine - that should show me if mine has a problem.
  24. [quote name='Fraktal' post='227992' date='Jun 27 2008, 01:25 PM']Thats one of the reasons I hate active basses. Active electronics have a certain headroom and if you reach the ceiling, you either distort or limit the sound. Of course you can also limit the sound physically, if you set a fairly low action, the string vibration could be limited, but then you would hear a lot of fret buzz. You say you play hard with your fingers, mind if I ask you where exactly you hit the strings? Usually, the closer to the bridge you pluck the strings, the less the string vibrates, helping to prevent fret buzz/string vibration limits. Anyway, if you dont notice a lot of fret buzz while playing your bass (unplugged) that means your electronics may have a limiter circuit.[/quote] The action is set to Lakland's recommendations, and there's no fret buzz. I move around the strings, depending on the sound I want. Sometimes near the bridge to get more punch, and sometimes near the neck to get more of an upright bass sound. Generally about halfway between the bridge and the neck, between the two pickups.
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