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Everything posted by nugget

  1. Hey - Bugger I cant make it, gigging saturday eve and meeting with some musicians sat afternoon to talk through a new project. Shame as I fancy another rip on your tele Dave
  2. Anything from Tristan da Cunha by chance??
  3. Thinking of having a bit of a change-around and possibly looking to swap my 212L cab for a good giggable combo, could possibly add a bit of cash for the right combo. Combo must be pretty small so 2x10" is about as big as I wanna go! The Schroeder is very small and very light 4ohms and 800watts
  4. [quote name='lockpicker1969' timestamp='1335458804' post='1631584'] do you use this with your db? [/quote] No I use the SWR studio 220 for upright, the sound from the SWR is so pure (I think there is one for sale here at stupid low price). GK is more in-your-face electric bass amp, fantastic punch and drive for 'normal' pop/rock bands Ta Dave
  5. Hi I'm looking for someone to teach me the basics on double bass near worcester??? Can anyone help me get started???? Thanks Dave
  6. Bump before I spend too much money on a new amp..
  7. Just recieved a K&K bass master pro from Walker, great guy, couldnt have been better. Thanks Chris Dave
  8. Hi Looking to trade my GK 400 for something with a valve preamp or just a smoother sounding amp. GK is super defined an punchy as hell, it's just not what I'm looking for, I need a more mellow sound The 400 is PLENTY loud enough for our 'typical' 5 piece pub/club band with hard hitting drummer -it typically runs about 12 o'clock on the volume and never clips. The only minor issue with the amp is the input gain led doesnt work, but you can hear when the input starts distorting /clipping so this doesnt effect the operation. I've got some cash which could be added to the deal for the right amp No ashdown / trace - sorry Ta Dave
  9. Got double bass from Will today, great guy happy to hold it for me for a week and then wait around for me to turn up!! THANKS
  10. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' timestamp='1321266658' post='1437001'] Almost every guitarist i know has a Telecaster,i've got two. [/quote] I've only got one but I feel a b bender coming on strong..... [IMG]http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd380/firecreekCustom/FirecreekThinlineTeleFront.jpg[/IMG]
  11. Hi Looking to get into upright playing and looking to got something to try it out on but very limited budget so max £250 I guess Would much prefer a double bass but would consider a good EUB. Not too bothered about condition so will conside anything a bit battered as long as it plays..... Thanks Dave
  12. When I heard you play I though you had THE perfect setup ! it sounded amazing, the sort of rounded true bass sound I'd love to have. DONT SELL ANYTHING unless its to me at a price I can afford....
  13. Bugger - last week I got a Nordstrand P5 (no J) and paid a LOT more than that for the 1 pup!!!! Bloody good.......
  14. OMG - My perfect guitar.....Love it, I would kill for a b bender
  15. Pm'd back, see ya thursday
  16. I've got a load of dry 2" ash, I've got enough to spare you a one piece body size. It's rough sawn so will need thicknessing etc. It's yours if you want it, plus I'll be driving up around Manchester M60 / M62 Thursday
  17. I'm no expert on EUB but researched a lot into violin neck finish and applied that to electric bass Bare wood feels the best once finely sanded to at least 600 grit but preferably higher but bare wood takes on moisture (and dirt) the mositure isnt good for the wood Once sanded back apply a spirit based sanding sealer with a rag, 3-4 coats a few hours apart and leave a day to dry - it drys quick. rub VERY lighly with 1200grit just to take off any high spots and there you have it, the shellac brings out the gain and seals the wood. It feels 95% as good as bare wood but 100% better than gloss finish. Cheap (£15?) quick and easy. Dave
  18. Thanks - I was looking on Farnell last night and missed those, Gonna get some on order and have a play with tone pot bypass etc Ta Dave
  19. Hi I'm looking for a 250k linear pot with an off switch at the end of the travel (not a push pull) You know the sort of things some older radios had where the volume knob switched the radio off. All I can find on internet is dimmer light switches which arent right. Can anyone point me in the right direction Ta Dave
  20. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1328809369' post='1533059'] looking good mate. I'm not sure the shape does it for me but the wood is great. [/quote] Thanks for all the good comments Hey it's cool that not everyone likes the same shape else we'd all be playing the same bass....... Ta Dave
  21. [quote name='Al Heeley' timestamp='1328709298' post='1531444'] found some more useful torres stuff here: [url="http://www.jpbourgeois.org/guitar/microsbis.htm#Midrange%20Modification"]http://www.jpbourgeo...%20Modification[/url] [/quote] Thats good stuff !! Thanks for posting that
  22. [quote name='Davebassics' timestamp='1328550710' post='1528952'] I can in detail explain a active filtering system I adopted for my preamp designs. In short, summing a inverted band passed signal with the input so the 'mid cut' frequencies cancel each other out. You also can adopt pots and extras to make it parametric. I have no answers for passive designs unfortunately. [/quote] I wanna know more - I'll send you a PM rather than clutter this post
  23. [quote name='Al Heeley' timestamp='1328562264' post='1529235'] $99 for a passive control is[b] outrageous![/b] Thx for the link but I need to find somewhere on the internet the circuitry for this. It should be no more then £10 for parts and 10 mins soldering. [/quote] As above quoted above here's the link to the schemes [url="http://www.geocities.jp/dgb_studio/index_e.htm"][color="#0f72da"]http://www.geocities...dio/index_e.htm[/color][/url] Yes $99 is outrageous [u][b]unless[/b][/u] they have done extensive practical research into the component values rather than just going from the calcs.....
  24. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1328547673' post='1528868'] Active mids are gooood. Especially mid freq which is a lot of fun to twiddle. [/quote] Sorry to steal the thread - Mr Letts - Your mate at IMP (or is it you?) has some preamps (and tasty pups) shown but no details, specs and prices, any plans to update the website??
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