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Everything posted by nugget

  1. [url="http://www.geocities.jp/dgb_studio/index_e.htm"]http://www.geocities.jp/dgb_studio/index_e.htm[/url] Been looking into this a lot for a very interesting upcoming project..... Above link is the diagram and the same site has a cool LC calculator for working out values etc. The gibson ripper bass has a 5 position mid cut and schematics are available on internet. A lot has been written on passive mid cut and the concensus is it's not really viable/useful. The use of bandwidth filters cuts output significantly and there is a lot of interaction between std 'tone' cut and any mid cut imposed. A GOOD transparent preamp should sound exactly the same with controls flat as in passive mode (not many preamps do!!) and therefore a GOOD active mid boost/cut wont loose any tone??
  2. I agree with Mr Letts re compatability of clear coat and the ease of Cellulose if compatible with base coat For the neck have you thought about not over finishing the neck? a bare wood neck (to some) feels so much better and faster than a highly polished glossy one, sweet in the hands sticks to glass like surfaces. Trouble with bare necks is there is nothing to protect the wood and stop it getting dirt ingrained. There are some really good modifed shellac sprits available that with a few light coats rubbed in offer protection but retain the natural feel of the neck. Very easy to do, doesnt look as fancy as glassy neck but plays a lot better
  3. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1328450849' post='1527131'] Any ideas folks ? [/quote] Mylands suggest for Polyurethane [b]Stains - [/b]Non Fade Ground stains, Light Fast and Water stains Stains can be added to the poly and brushed in, test on a scrap piece of maple to get shade right. Or have a look at [url="http://www.rustoleum.com/CBGProduct.asp?pid=56"]http://www.rustoleum.com/CBGProduct.asp?pid=56[/url] But there is no flexibility in getting colour match. I'd go with water bases dye such as mylands or liberons Dave
  4. [quote name='Lorne' timestamp='1328180556' post='1523037'] Who sprayed the bass for you and why does "Firecreek Custom Basses" not have a website>? [/quote] I spray the basses myself, it's not too difficult (most of the time) just time consuming.... No website yet - Been thinking about setting up a facebook page to make it more interactive. A lot of times when talking through design idea some really interesting stuff comes up that others might find useful. Currently having an amazing design conversation with a great guy called Tom who has some really neat novel ideas and it's good to bounce ideas back and forth. I think facebook would be a good vehicle for such conversations where others can jump in with their ideas and suggestions. The plan is to have much more detail and openness to the build with far more detail than would be acceptable on a forum like this (I love BC and not in anyway dissing this great site) Ta Dave
  5. Got some pickups from Vin Great guy, packed them up well enough to withstand a hurricane! Ta Dave
  6. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1328045291' post='1520981'] I think the " 4 ohm to get the full power out of my amp" bit is a complete red herring though. I don't believe the difference in volume is noticeable, and If you want to make more noise you are better off with an 8 ohm so you can add another one at a later date. Moving twice as much air IS going to be noticeably louder. [/quote] +1 wish I had done that
  7. Schroeder 212L - VERY small and very light. Great cabs, I want another
  8. Hi - Bit of a feeler this. Only recently got this GK400RB (2nd hand from here) and only done 3 gigs with it but I'm not too keen on the tone. I play in a loud 5 piece pop/rock covers band and it IS plenty loud enough, volume only just over 1/2 way so plenty in reserve. Only looking to straight swap this, pretty open to all offers except Ashdown & Trace. Contition is nearly mint. Ta Dave
  9. Thats a work of art - STUNNING
  10. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1327589580' post='1513843'] That is one cool looking bass guitar Can you tell us more about it ? I love the wood grain and colour [/quote] Thanks - more details here[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/157452-firecreek-thinline-p5-wengewalnut/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/157452-firecreek-thinline-p5-wengewalnut/[/url] It's a thinline through neck with wenge body and wenge/maple neck. Walnut top with a kinda funky inlayed fretboard to give a bound look to the neck. Heavily chambered to reduce the weight of the wenge and add some thick roundness to the tone which takes some of the edge of the emg. Overall very nice round sound that cuts through a noisy band really well live. Ta Dave
  11. Can I post a non fender one here?? I'll remove this if it offends.....
  12. Just picked up a GK amp from the doctor - great guy, amp in perfect working order, peferct condition and got to drool over his Shuker..... and didnt complain when I was an hour late!!! 10/10
  13. Ha Ha - Finally finished, It got delayed with building a telecaster.... Got it all put back together and setup this afternoon but the pictures didnt turn out very well, I'll try and take some more next weekend and put em up here. [attachment=97913:Full.JPG] [attachment=97916:Front Close.JPG] Ta Dave
  14. Hi I've tried Delano and EMG in 5 string P. I know a lot here dont like EMGs but I find that playing live they really cut through the band with a great tight punch. The delano has more overall tone though if run passive. Dave
  15. [quote name='juice' timestamp='1326927770' post='1504037'] Could I be so bold as to suggest these are collected by a member then we run a raffle for which tickets can be bought through one of the mods to raise maximum cash for charity/basschat? ....just.a thought. J. [/quote] +1 Great Idea
  16. [quote name='Cyrene' timestamp='1327005386' post='1505190'] Offers around 225 taken. [/quote] PLEASE stop lowering the price!!! I want this and it's getting ever closer to a price I can afford.....I just cant afford another divorce.
  17. Hi mate - Dont know the answer so will probably get shot down in flames (as usuall) - I would go for the toughest material you can find. Typically the harder it is the better it will finish ie you can polish the cut edges bettter with a harder material. But certainly make DONT buy one - wher's the fun in that?? Then you can make a neck for it, then a body.....
  18. Been looking everywhere for GOOD cheap timber... Tyler Harwood in Marlborough Wilts - has some VERY cheap wood. 2" rippled (flame) ash 7ft x 2ft for about £80, very good flame. They only sell in large planks (all Kiln dried and kept inside) But you can always cut it up and sell loads of one piece ash bodies if you dont need it all, they also have flame maple at £70ft3 (in 12ft planks!) but not much else for us Jack Clark from Rolston Timber, Leigh Sinton, Worcestershire has THE best wood you could ever want but he knows how much it's worth. Everything from big long pieces of snakewood, cocobolo, ziricote, wenge, figured maple, Rio Rosewood etc. Again only sells in large planks so the prices seem a bit high but the qualtiy is amazing. If you are after something real special he's the guy to see. Trev in Lincoln 01636 821828, lovely guy with 5 huge sheds full mainly of mahogany at VERY good prices for example, one piece african mahogany body would set you back about £25! try beating that on ebay, and some cheap lacewood planks. He's also got a few gems lurking around but you have to take your life into your hands and sort through the piles. He's got some maple (neck size) but not very figured for about £20 There you go all my secrets are out now.....
  19. Make one - it's cheap for a sheet from ebay etc and fun to do. Dont need any special tools....
  20. Hey - good news you guys were right, couple of weekend gigs and it's better than ever..thanks
  21. New valve fitted and sounds fine at home volume, gonna give it ago at this weekends gigs. Fingers crossed and thanks for the suggestion Ta Dave
  22. Hi Last few gigs my swr head has been playing up and last night it was very bad. It sounds like there is a load of reverb. It's not echo in the room and it's not the bass or cab. There isnt a reverb unit in the head and it's making everything sound very mushy and un-defined. Anyone got any ideas?? Ta Dave
  23. Is this still available??
  24. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1323207775' post='1460680'] I was interested, but reviews say they're underpowered [/quote] I gig with one twice a week in a 5 piece band doing the usual pop/rock covers! Play mainly pubs but also large beer festivals, weddings in large venues and open air festivals etc. It can easily cope with it. You can pick these up for not a lot (£200 seems going rate) and they sound amazing for that money.
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