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Everything posted by justgone

  1. Yep....according to tinternet Nevada have them for £399, available for immediate dispatch? Db
  2. Yep 1+ for the rack mountability of my Tour 700! But watch ya dont trap yer fingers like this silly old twit did! OUCH!! (there are no grab handles to ease the "lowering" in phase of installing in a rack!) Doh!! ..lol. I grab your inferences to 1 cab versus 2 cabs/amps etc etc.. (But i DID like the ashdown abm head!! Tho a bit to pricey for me). Trouble is it's so damn difficult, time wise, and your local music store is bound NOT to have the gear in you'd really like to give a good thrashing? I came close not too long ago to acquiring a S/H Firebass 700, but if i remember correctly it only gives it's true 700w into 2Ohm, and around 450w into 4Ohm (2 x 8ohm cabs?). Didn't suit my needs at the time as i'd just disposed of my trusty old Peavey mk6 400w head (same 2Ohm thing going on which i had out with the Peavey tech heads!). I've pretty much used Peavey gear all my adult playing life, (around 30+ years now!!)and have been very very happy! Apart from my misgivings as previously posted with my new tour 700. I'm sure you'll be happy with it, as you possibly have better hearing than me. I'm a bit mutton after all those years of standing next to LOUD drummers (not my gear ofcourse..lol) ta ta Db
  3. Oooooooh, In that case, Everyone should have one of these AKG Systems. I am very impressed!! Cheers Oldgit (from prob` an even older git?! lol) Db
  4. Honestly i was a bit disappointed when using this Tour 700 with just 1 cab! I deffo thought the 500w at 8ohms a little of a exaggeration? It could have been me tho? So if you can, either try the rig you want out first, or maybe try and acquire 1 x 4ohm cab? But like i said in my previous post, the FULL rig i now have is the dogs danglers! No question at all! regards Db (your humble but LOUD bass player - )
  5. I had a precision years ago with a similar prob. But the match-stick trick worked for that one? I think providing the match stick is thick enough to "force" in with some gentle and careful persuasion, and "glued" with some good quality PVA adhesive, then allowed to dry overnight before attempting to rescrew it! Worked for me. Db
  6. Hi. Thought i'd chuck my penneth in! I've tried the freebass out some time ago, and wasn't too impressed with the noise etc? I have now purchased the AKG WMS40-PRO Flexx, same price as the freebass, and IMO much better! I have NO loss of signal/Eq etc No unwanted noise, the range isn't brilliant though, i get to say 40/50 mtrs from the receiver and a iget a deffo kind of "delay" in signal, but isn't too much to worry about. The Flexx system i have is UHF, has 3 selectable frequencies (which came in handy the first time i used it as the compere was on the same freq` and my bass roared out of their squeeky PA system lmao!!) It is rack mountable, with a kit costing around 14/15 quid. Solidly built. The body pack has it's own "gain" control with a built in tool in the battery compartment lid! How cool is that?! I deffo recommend these babies i think the specs say they are as low as 35Hz? So that would account why i have NO loss in signal/Eq etc.. Battery life is supposed to be about 30hrs Off 1x AA battery, i've done two gigs with the same crappy battery, and it's still Ok! You can however (ahem!) purchase a battery charger (er.. for rechargeable batteries of course) that the bodypack plugs into, withdrawing the need to ever open up the battery compartment once a rechargeable battery is inserted, and the internal gain is set to it. BUT, here's the downside, this charger costs in the region of £150 (cough - splutter!) So i'm gonna take my chances with normal everyday batteries (alkaline). So, in summary, if, like me, you don't have a millionaires lifestyle, but really want/need a wireless system, BUY THIS ONE! Oh, one more thing to remember, with a wireless system, you aint "plugged" directly into your amp etc, which in turn means you aint gonna get fried! Plus, i've noticed with my gear thus far, the reduction in my single coil HUM problem!?? hope this helps y'all! Db
  7. Well, going back sort of to my previous post here. I now have a rig consisting of !. Peavey tour 700 Head. 2. My (very old) trusty Peavey 410tx cab. 3. New addition! Ashdown ABM410T cab. I was gonna ditch the old peavey cab, BUT! after now gigging them on a largish club stage, WOW! The sound was fan-bloody-tastic! So i'm gonna keep this rig exactly how it is, it's gr8! The sad thing is i suppose is that the Peavey tour 700 (to my ears anyway., and my band m8`s) doesn't quite dish out the guts etc, with any one cab? BUT, together like i say, WOW! So IMHO The peavey tour 700 is best served with a 4ohm load? Or at least 2 x 8ohm cabs like these babies anyways! I would deffo recommend this head now after trying the rig out properly! (I also use an old Zoom 708 fx an i've had to turn down the gain to less than half!, Plus, i've just added a AKG WMS40-Pro Flexx wireless system - that rocks too, no loss of bottom end etc..) regards Db
  8. I own a Peavey tour 700, had about 12mths now. In summary, it aint as good IMHO as the old (very old) XP series head i once had for over 10 years! But, it aint bad at all. I feel the 500w/8ohm - 700w/4ohm prob slightly exaggerated? But there is plenty power there with my old trusty 410tx cab (8ohm). I have just recently acquired a ashdown abm 410 cab to further assist my fading hearing tho, So that should be interesting when i get to finally try the whole rig out! (i will tho...if i like the ashdown?......... acquire a further ashdown abm cab to replace my trusty but tired old Peavey 410tx!) Just to add! At the time of acquiring the Peavey tour 700, i tried out a ashdown abm 500 evo III head. But couldn't stretch the finances at the time! But IMO the ashdown abm is a better amp! D
  9. Thought i'd just give these guys in Edinburgh a SHOUT on here! They were fantastic with me, living many miles away from them. They were courtious, professional, AND kept their promise to deliver my order the very next day! I ordered a new but shop soiled (scuffed etc..) for a reasonable discount, Ashdown ABM410T Bass Cab. and AKG WMS40 Pro-Flexx Wireless system. The cab is exactly as described, just lightly scuffed, but otherwise brand new! If ya know what yers want, try their website: www.reddogmusic.co.uk. Or call em and ask for Kirsten! She rocks! regards folks. D
  10. I'd agree wholly with that last comment! We use a fully active HK Audio system and the sound is IMMENSE! But they are expensive! Doh! The curious looking "transformer" thingies appear to be some kind of signal balancing gubbins, and NOT a crossover. I think (Hmmmmm..dont say it..) that the XLR Inputs require these "plug-ins" for a balanced signal. I'd refer to someone who really knows (Peavey?) Or someone on here who used them. You could try the "jacks" but you'll have an unbalanced signal input which could result in unwanted signal noise (or even HUM!)?? Jg
  11. I would look for the manual on peavey website! Instead of plugging in and hoping for the best! It does look like the high/low outputs are purely for a line signal to another amp/slave etc..(ie: not to your passive speakers!) The high/low on the inputs are purely for "input signal" kinda balancing (if you had a mixer or preamp with high gain you,d use the "low" input (i think GET THE MANUAL) But....LOL... I have not the faintest idea about the curious looking "transformer" thingies on the back!? Again MANUAL!?? PS It would pay dividends maybe, if you are using the "XLR" connections on your Mixer, to check the wiring config` (ie tip 1 =hot or whatever) against the peavey`s xlr inputs (that may be the cause of the feedback??) PSSS!! There are quite a few "800" amps on the peavey website, so you'll need the exact model number,and all are there for free!! GET IT NOW!! Jg
  12. Should av been sold but i missed the guys call (coz i'm a dope!) and he's not replied to my apologies! I know i'm a tit! i'll get me coat! So ye...still available. cheers peeps justgone
  13. Bump ....at the mo. Jg
  14. Cheers folks. All PM`s replied to. Just to add, as per original post at top of page, i have no cab to try it out with at my disposal currently, But you're welcome to bring your own if you so wish, NP. ta Justgone
  15. Still for sale folks, not heard recently from interested parties? First £100, it's yours. But buyer collects i'm afraid.(from manchester area) Hurry, this offer wont last forever! LOL! cheers Justgone
  16. Big bump then ebay beckons? Jg
  17. I've just purchased a Peavey Tour 700 head from them at Salford, but on the 12 mths interest free. Great amp! As for cabs, i'm sure you'll find someat there you'll fancy!! Does that help?? Jg
  18. bump! no-one want a bargain then? Doh...wanted to avoid fleabay, never mind. i'm in the Manchester area btw! Jg
  19. thx guys. Well.......bestest offer of over £100. It's yours Jg
  20. sorry Manchester area! regards Jg
  21. This has to go! I didn't really like it if i'm honest, couldn't get to grips with the weird EQ section and i found it wasn't really powerfull enough for my needs. I have now purchased a brand new Peavey Tour 700 (great amp!!), and this has the power i need (and then some). So.......price?..how about offers over £100? I've had this amp about 8 months, second hand, i paid £185 for it, and it's been housed in a rack unit from new i'm told, so is in great nick. I would prefer it to be picked up from my home as its rather heavy, plus potential buyers can see it for themselves etc etc. Although you will have to bring a suitable cab to try it out as mine is in lock-up! I may consider some kind of exchange for a similar valued bass (4 or 5string?) Or what have you. photos should be here if i've done it right!? [attachment=8056:PHTO0036.JPG] [attachment=8057:PHTO0023.JPG] [attachment=8058:PHTO0034.JPG] [attachment=8059:PHTO0043.JPG] [attachment=8060:PHTO0035.JPG] cheers Jg
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