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Posts posted by sammybee

  1. I was wondering if anyone could recommend an active PA speaker with a built in mixer that could take a bass, guitar and mic. Just looking for something to sit in the corner of our extension, that we could plug in for a jam/small parties. I really dont want to lug a bass rig and guitar combo out from our 2nd floor music room when we just want to jam for an hour or two.

  2. No you can definitely cancel the sale after - I've done it several times (normally because the item got damaged, couldnt be shipped etc) . Once the sale is cancelled, neither of you can leave feedback, you get your final value fees back - and everyone moves on.. cut and paste from my ebay account...

    You've sold this item.

    If the item is lost, broken or out of stock, or the buyer requests a cancellation, select [b]Cancel order[/b] below and issue a refund.
    If the buyer paid using PayPal, their refund will be issued automatically. Once they receive their refund we consider the cancellation complete. If they didn't use PayPal, please issue their refund manually within 10 days. The buyer will need to confirm that they've received their refund in order to complete the cancellation.
    Orders can be cancelled up to 30 days after the item is sold. Once the refund is successful and the cancellation is complete, you'll receive a final value fee credit.

  3. You won't be able to give negative feedback, and there is no such thing as a negative seller strike. As a seller you can cancel the transaction at any time (and get your fees back) - you just have to say the item is no longer available for sale. Just as, as a buyer, you can choose not to pay for items you win and no one will/can force you to pay.

  4. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1500460810' post='3337909']
    It takes all sorts I guess, but against the advice of other members my personal experience of trying to learn an instrument from a book is not good. Theres no substitue for proper tuition.

    I say this as someone who was self taught for years before taking some lessons. I learnt more in the 3 years of lessons than I had in 10 years of trying to do it myself.


  5. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1500839725' post='3340555']
    Agreed re the drummer and have one lined up for a couple of weeks time. Re the bass teacher, I am not sure what you mean - my previous tutor was a guitarist and that was part of the problem for me. Do you mean with a player of something else from the rhythm section?

    I still take lessons, from a guy who although 'can' play bass plays other instruments primarily piano and guitar much much better (and is more enthusiastic about music in a wider sense than just the bass - the whole picture if you like). All we do is play - although much of what we do 'pushes me' on bass, we rarely talk/learn about technique. I've had 'bass' teachers in the past & they were great helping me with technique issues but really poor at facilitating learning about what it is to play bass with other people.

    You're about 1/2 an hour's drive from him if you fancied me putting in touch with him.

  6. You need more than a drum machine, you need another player(s) (not bass) to play with, to bounce off, to groove with...

    Take a lesson with someone who isn't a bass teacher. You might be very suprised at the result!

  7. I think I'm still looking for my voice. But I'm having a lot of fun searching for it.

    The single most important thing for me, is playing with another musician(s). Get a drum machine (or if space/neighbours allow a drummer), a friendly guitar player, and your goodself. Just play, jam, get into the groove and flow.

    Don't play covers, just let your voice come through your fingers.

  8. As someone that came late to bass, I would say get a tutor, even if it's just once a month. All the knowledge on the internet means nothing if you don't know how to apply it. Plus a tutor can give you immediate feedback and correct you - you dont get that from youtube!

    Play with other people, don't just play on your own otherwise you will get bored really quickly.

  9. I don't know if it's my perception, but my Stingray is at it's best when it's wearing 40-100's as recommended. Sounds and feels much better than when I try with 105's (yes setup is adjusted between changes)

    I also had a Mex 70's Jazz bass which would only support the factory spec strings a couple of years ago. Put 105's on it and the neck went snap.

    I'm sure I'm the exception though.

  10. BC 212 2x12" Cab available. In very nice condition. I have two of these, but 2 is overkill for my music room at home.

    £150 takes it. I'm sorted for Amps/Cabs - but happy to hear trade offers.

    I don't have any packaging materials - but could find some at a push if you wanted it couriered.

    Collect from Northampton. Otherwise I can deliver in person (no charge) to Milton Keynes, or I travel to Birmingham on a fairly regular basis.

    Pictures on the dropbox link below.


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