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Everything posted by sammybee

  1. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1417379085' post='2619802'] Ok, as you were. Just read the Thomann site. They have a pan-EU VAT number and will charge you UK VAT which you claim back. I suspect part of their site hasn't been updated to reflect the pan EU VAT registration. The FAQ seems to refer to the old regime that I describe above. [/quote] Thanks for clarifying - I'm on the flat rate scheme, so this wont help me
  2. Thats what I thought would happen with Thomann - but the price stays the same.
  3. Has anyone here successfully bought anything from Thomann without the VAT added? Their FAQ suggests they will not charge VAT if you supply a GB VAT number. Selected my bass, input my details (including VAT number) and the price stays the same. At what point do they adjust the price? I dont want to complete the payment page in case I get charged (and then I'm not sure if I can claim it back - as it is an EU supplier).
  4. Vox Amplug v1 for sale. Perfect working order, will ship with fresh batteries. Really useful headphone amp for practice. Bank transfer or paypal gift please. Cost £35 a couple of months ago at GuitarGuitar
  5. Can you tell us the weight of this?
  6. +1 for OBBM Superb service too. Ordered on Tuesday night, arrived Thursday morning. Really well put together, quality cable
  7. Thanks for all the suggestions, I ordered one with Blocks and Bindings from Custom World in the end. The original neck decided to turn into a banana when I changed the strings from 100-45 to 105-45. No amount of coaxing would get it back into shape. The truss rod was exceedingly stiff and just sprang the neck back out of shape when left overnight.
  8. wow - thats...inexpensive thanks
  9. My 70s Classic Jazz (MiM) needs a new neck. I've talked to Fender who recommend a straight replacement - but at £550 it seems a little steep (and I don't think the bass is *that* good that I would spend anything like that on it even when its 100%). Can anybody recommend a supplier of reasonably priced necks (with blocks and binding)? I can remember a thread on here a while ago but cant find it for the life of me. Cheers.
  10. How much does she weigh?
  11. Try a Kala SUB UBass - tiny package, huge sound.
  12. Reluctantly selling my Yamaha YAS 275 Saxophone, made in Japan (unlike recent models made in Indonesia/China). I bought this a number of years ago with a view to myself and my wife learning to play. It was taken out of its case for a single lesson, cleaned and then replaced in its case until yesterday when I took it to a local woodwind specialist for an appraisal. Their opinion was that it is 'as new' and should be advertised as such.. Complete with case, ligature and mouthpiece. Photos available on request.
  13. I have one of these, and can vouch for them being very fun instruments. Perfect for oompah loompahs and kids learning to play They are not made in the USA though, the California series are, but these SUBs are only set up in the US (much the same way as Sterling by Musicman).
  14. It's currently sitting next to my desk very pleased with the purchase
  15. How much does she weigh?
  16. pm'd - I'll take this off your hands.
  17. Marcus Miller MIM/MIJ, 70's Classic MIM (I have both of these & they have the 70's spacing)
  18. [quote name='muttley' timestamp='1400939955' post='2458370'] That's odd. How much duty were you charged? Were the import duty and VAT levied based on the invoice value or some other figure? Some sellers will under delcare goods in the hope that the buyer will get away with not paying any duty. However, HMRC can charge duty and VAT on what they consider is the market value of the item. See section 2.1 in the link I gave above for more info. Disclaimer: I don't work for HMRC but I do import goods as part of my job. [/quote] I recall it was about £20+ quid all in (can't remember the exact breakdown) - thought it was all a bit excessive at the time for a $45 dollar expansion card (market value declared, not declared as gift).
  19. [quote name='muttley' timestamp='1400863752' post='2457734'] Must have been below the value threshold. If the calculated duty is less than £9 then custom s don't bother collecting (just the VAT) ([url="http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/channelsPortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageTravel_ShowContent&id=HMCE_CL_000014&propertyType=document#P20_1804"]see section 2.3[/url]). [/quote] This is definitely not true, I bought an expansion card for a drum machine from the US - $45 dollars, got charged for VAT and Import Duties & the handling fee.
  20. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1400851942' post='2457552'] This is a nice little interface. The preamps as you've said aren't really needed but you get 20 in/20 out and the converters are very good... The nice preamps are just a bonus :-) [url="http://www.production-room.com/product-details/Focusrite-Saffire-PRO-40"]http://www.productio...-Saffire-PRO-40[/url] [/quote] I think if you want 20 analogue ins you need to hook this up to another interface via ADAT.
  21. You could easily buy 2x Motu 828 mk2 (firewire), 2nd hand and link them together via ADAT. I just have the one of these, and it is absolutely rock solid. Would give you 20x inputs (with preamps on 4 of those).
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