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Posts posted by sammybee

  1. On 07/05/2021 at 19:17, fleabag said:

    Buyers are not forced to buy stuff on Ebay, so there is none of this  " buyers are having to pay extra "

    Buyers can simply not buy something if it's too expensive.  Period.

    You'd be surprised. (Us) Sellers won't simply 'absorb' the additional fees, we will work them into the deal.

    Buyers will end up paying the additional. Especially on a lot of our stock (for which it is a sellers market). Buyers will still buy, and sellers will still sell, in a market place such as eBay - price is a secondary (or tertiary) consideration for most. Have you not seen the prices that basses and guitars sell for on the bay. Stupid prices... and there is a queue of buyers round the block for them

  2. 16 minutes ago, Reggaebass said:

    I live just round the corner from where Andy Baxter was and I remember that bass, whoever bought it, Andy was going to get Norman to hand it to them 

    Yep. I had a couple of chats with Andy about it. It took him a few weeks to shift it, I guess it was a lot of cash back then for a bass. Kick myself at least once a week for not grabbing it at the time & getting the OG to show me how to play Rhythm Stick properly :)

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  3. On 17/04/2021 at 17:51, Dad3353 said:

    I rather think that we're at cross-purposes here. I can see the 'Accept' button, and may even be inclined to press it, but I believe it to be deontologically correct to have, equally visible, the alternative 'Refuse' button. I don't see such a button, and when I access the 'Cookie Policy' jungle, I get page after scrolled page of waffle, all of which masks the choice (if indeed there even is one in there...) of refusing. I do realise that sites, blogs and the like have to get revenue from somewhere, and I'm not against that. It's the sneakiness that I object to, that's all.
    Hope this helps. :|

    A lot of web-sites (particularly if you are using pre-built stuff like word-press), actually require cookies to function. So if you refuse cookies the site wont be able to function for you. Nowt comes for free these days, you need to pay one way (cash to build your site properly) or the other (take the no cost upfront, but pay with data/ads)!

  4. 20 hours ago, Al Krow said:


    PS @sammybee  if there are any YT tutorials on the Akai MPC that you particularly rate, I'd be all ears!

    I don't really rate YouTube videos for getting to know the AkaiMPC. 99.9% of them are all about teaching non-musicians how to make the next trap/rap/drill 'beat' by some 16yo kid who wears his trousers round his knees!!!! :) The videos from AkaiPro are probably the best on you tube if you want a more 'vanilla' intro. This 'MPC Bible' used to be quite highly rated https://www.mpc-samples.com/product.php/268/mpc-bible/ and comes with sounds & plenty of tutorials.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 56 minutes ago, Killed_by_Death said:


    I'd rather have ONE bass that can do it ALL, but at the moment I have two.

    Usually I've VERY quick to sell one I'm not using, but in this particular case there's nothing inherently wrong with the extra one, which was my #1 bass for years.

    I've butted heads with many over their justification for having So Many basses & there's no point, they will find justification for their hoarding.



    • Like 1
  6. On 18/03/2021 at 19:49, Mudpup said:

    A friend of mine sold a Macbook over the weekend. He used Hermes and he dropped the parcel off at a local collection point in a shop. It was delivered today to the buyer. When they opened the box someone had taken the Macbook out and put some random junk in there. Probably happened at the shop or with the delivery driver in my mates opinion. He paid for insurance but he's waiting for Hermes to attempt to dodge it. 

    £1000 item sent with a £2.99 courier - was that so wise ?

  7. Bought a Rumble 15 combo from Chris. Very smooth transaction, good comms, excellent packaging, and generally super service all round. Don't know how he managed to get the combo to me so fast :) I wouldn't hesitate to buy again from Chris, deal with confidence. 


  8. 1 hour ago, WHUFC BASS said:

    The foundations, brickwork and roof were all done by a local building company as will the electrics (I'm not going anywhere near them!). The door and window I'm in two minds whether to tackle it or get a proffessional in. I've never fitted double-glazing or hung a door and I don't want to radge that up. The internal insulation, stud work, plasterboarding, flooring etc. will be done by me. 

    The last DG windows I had installed, I got them supplied and fitted by a local firm - was a no brainer, they fit windows all day long and didn't charge very much for the labour. Really interested to hear (as I'm sure others are) the final budget figures for the project. This build would make a cracking series of videos for youTube

    • Like 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, WHUFC BASS said:

    Don't need planning permission for this. It's a building that's more than 2m away from the main dwelling and the height is less than 2.5m from the point of the base of the main dwelling. The actual questions asked for planning permission are:

    The shed can’t cover more than 50% of the total garden space - It doesn't. There's almost 50% just by the house and I'd say there's another 25 % to the sides and rear of the new building.

    It can’t be forward of the front wall of the house (so you can’t put it in the front garden) - Yep, obviously haven't done this.

    It must be no higher than 2.5 metres at the eaves or an overall height of 3 metres - It fully complies with these stipulations.

    If it is within 2 metres of the edge of the property, it can’t be more than 2.5 metres high - This isn't the case, it's not more than 2.5m high and it's about 5m away from the back fence anyway.

    Looks much bigger in your photos :) I will be watching your progress with anticipation as I'd really like to do this too - albeit with one wall of glass so I can have a bit of a view when I work.

    Are you doing the actual building work yourself? 

    • Like 1
  10. I did a trade in with Classic And Cool a few years ago. It was a very smooth transaction and Mark gave me a very fair price based on photos of my bass (Marcus Miller Jazz) against a very reasonably priced US '75 Jazz RI . I'm not the kind of person who would normally do a trade in - but Mark made the process trouble free

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