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Everything posted by Slatfatf

  1. The Jam Then before I turned 17 I heard Black Dog by Led Zeppelin That track hit me like a shock from the mains and I changed my mind instantly to Zep
  2. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1439032362' post='2839510'] Otis Redding wrote Dock Of The Bay, a complete change in gear and direction for him, after listening to Sgt Pepper and Brian Holland used to go home after a day at Motown and listen to Beatles records for inspiration. Brian Wilson said he felt in a battle with The Beatles to produce the best music, and was feeling confident until he heard Stg Pepper. Then he knew they'd won. Liking or hating this record doesn't change anything. Sgt Pepper is in the top 3 most influential albums of any time. I saw the before and after effect so I think it's at No1. [/quote] If there is a top 3 most influential albums, what would be the other two? A tough question I know.
  3. Thick as a Brick
  4. Recommended. It's the best pedal I ever bought and a steal at that price.
  5. This is just sublime How have I never heard of this bloke before?
  6. Agree with you Greggo. I started on guitar but after learning to play bass I knew that I was better as a bass player. At home I prefer playing guitar, but HAVE to be in a band to play bass! Many on here won't understand that but I do...
  7. My Pitchblack is a great tuner, but batteries don't last very long. I checked one these "dead" batteries with a meter and it read 8.5v, put it in my active bass and it lasted another 18 months and was still working when I removed it, only 5v!! Needless to say I've used it with a power supply since then. I can only assume that the Pitchblack isn't as forgiving when the voltage starts to drop...
  8. It's the singing that turns me off.... Some people do dislike Morrissey for whatever reason, I don't actually dislike him, it's his singing I can't stand.
  9. I can't get past him either. Singing badly on purpose? Irony? Amusing? There you go, after thirty years I still don't get The Smiths. Shame 'cos musically they sound pretty good....
  10. Writing a Rock Opera!! How can we follooooww!!!
  11. Mr Brightside, cack song.. I enjoy playing the bass part to it though.
  12. ... so why are the instruments so rare? maybe everybody is right handed.
  13. it's a bit annoying when you read posts about a million basses right handers have tried.... availability!
  14. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1361629358' post='1988505'] Absolute tune and a boss bass part(not to mention a belter of a guitar solo!), well known enough too, but probably a bit too heavy for anyone that doesn't recognise it... +1 to Welcome to The Jungle(or possibly Night Train..?), especially if you're after that style but are trying to avoid playing the obvious Gn'R/Slash tune... [/quote] Slither goes down OK for us. As for Welcome To The Jungle, much better tune, but harder to pull off and a hundred times harder to sing.... your singer needs some voice for that one... more so if you're in standard tuning.
  15. Anyway, back to post #1 Lozz196 summed it up nicely, Beverley Knight's vocal was frankly astounding. Her performance of Twist And Shout was a fitting climax to the programme and the applause of the other musicians and singers present was spontaneous and real. Loved it! Great stuff!
  16. The Beatles' music should be on the school curriculum as a subject in it's own right. Fantastic tunes and so many of them. To this day my jaw still drops when I hear someone say that they don't like their music.
  17. Yes they do.
  18. I'm using D'addario Prosteels and they sound pretty cutting to me. More so than Rotosound and Ernie Ball I think..
  19. Stuff by AC/DC, Highway to Hell springs to mind..
  20. so the answer is no ... probably
  21. I'm learning Sex Machine..... and it's THE best!! no question.
  22. brensabre79 - you were dead right! even though the valve looked secure at first glance. I took it out, scratched my head, put it back in and it worked fine. AND I swear it sounds better!! In the meantime everybody's input has got me thinking about a change. Tung Sol have good reviews, not sure if they sound sufficiently different to the Ruby that's already in?
  23. My Shuttle 9.0 is hissing and crackling like there's no tomorrow ....... so I'm hoping I just need to replace the valve. Does anybody recommend a good replacement that will last? I don't like too much dirt in my sound.
  24. Ta! Off to Amazon to peruse.....
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