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Everything posted by alembic63

  1. Nice little rig there mate and not far from me, have you got the EBS logos off the front of the cabs?
  2. very nice neck mate.... Think your right about it being a 75, 02035153 should breakdown to 02(jazz) 03(maple neck) 51(51st week) 5(75) 3(Wednesday) GLWTS.......PMd
  3. Caravan - Cunning stunts Camel - Breathless Greenslade - Bedside manners are extra
  4. YOB..for me, stunning GLWTS
  5. Where you based Pete?
  6. Caravan "The show of our lives"
  7. Love this bass....have a bump on me
  8. Yeah sorry guys....itchy trigger finger on the tablet
  9. Lee Pomeroy,yes that's the guy. felt sorry for Ella Henderson who was supporting, she's got a great voice but the sound was shocking,typical support act sound,all Boom Boom Boom. Anyone know who the drummer was ?
  10. Well,got dragged kicking and screaming to see Take That yesterday by the missus,must admit I wasn't expecting much but OMG.....I f....g loved it. The band was brilliant especially the drummer,didn't catch has the bass players name,think it was Lee something ,left handed guy with a cool looking black Ricky. Wish I was going again tonight......
  11. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1432547481' post='2782443'] I'd probably leave the neck as it is if it's all original, obviously the bodies worth has been decreased, but if you ever sell it, the neck would up the worth if its untouched. However if the neck has also been fiddled with previously, refinished etc, then why not! Si [/quote] Yeah I take your point Si,the neck is original and one of the best Fender jazz necks I've played and that's the main reason I've invested in the renovation work to be honest.
  12. I'm thinking about having a matching headstock,I've got some buckeye left and Brian has the Fender decals so can get the logo and serial number back on, must admit I'm very very pleased with it and it sounds great
  13. Thanks guys,here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/341iehrhu2nv70n/20150519_185843.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/b00i8lhso6sw2jd/20150519_190001.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/yvi3a07kcecwcjx/20150519_185729.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/i0fbikdy666dsg9/20150519_185625.jpg?dl=0
  14. D I've reused the 78 pups and covers,just need to replace the plastic covers with new
  15. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1432372732' post='2780890'] Mrs Chiliwailer is in love with that, rosewood veneer is a great touch. Bold move gone well [/quote] Thanks....its better looking in the flesh and the glockenklang pre sounds amazing
  16. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1432371253' post='2780871'] Whaaa...? Blimey, I didn't expect that! [/quote] Haha.....I know,couldn't live with the slime green,had a few quotes for a restore to Antigua but in the end , sliced 10mm off the body and got Brian Eastwood to stick on the Rosewood veneer, and buckeyeburl top.....
  17. Buckeye burl top,rosewood vaneer, A style hipshot bridge,original 78 pickups ,glockenklang preamp.....lovely
  18. X https://www.dropbox.com/s/i0fbikdy666dsg9/20150519_185625.jpg?dl=0
  19. Well,after playing this bass for a few months,I decided I wasn't going to sell it,so I bit the bullet and here's the finished bass
  20. £600,is that just for the cab ?
  21. Been playing for over 40 years,loved every minute of it,probably describe myself as competent
  22. The mighty Groundhogs.. http://youtu.be/uzrzoY-syCE
  23. My two older brothers .....one a drummer, the other a guitarist...before I knew it I was in a band
  24. I'm looking for a bit of advice on pricing 1970's vintage Fender jazz bass pickups. I've got a 1978 Fender jazz bridge pick up , a 1982 Fender jazz bridge pick up and a 197--? last number unreadable, fender jazz, neck pick up, I'm looking to sell them on but I've no idea as to pricing them. Any idea's ? Thanks in advance Ian
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