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Everything posted by steantval

  1. One of my favourite bands, seen them twice, top quality musicians. Found another great vocalist in Arnel Pineda to replace the legendary Steve Perry.
  2. Pet Shop Boys, tonight Mathew I’m going to like sound like Al Stewart.
  3. Keith Emerson proved you don’t have to be boring behind a keyboard.
  4. Let’s not forget the young lady who used to dance in the buff at old Hawkwind gigs. Her name was Stacia.
  5. None of them, I don’t drink on gigs, so it would be a couple of diet Cokes. Although I’m not into gigging for the money, I usually come away with £60 in my pocket, taking a loss or getting a couple of drinks is taking the p*ss, the only folks taking money are the promotors or venue. If you are an originals band I can see the point of taking these type of gigs to get the band exposure.
  6. A conflict of interest will occur sometime in the future, it’s what happens when musicians play in more than one band.
  7. I thought this thread was going to be about either Bob Seger or Metallica.
  8. I would have thought you would be listening to Kung Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas 😀
  9. Can’t beat a bit of decent sub, so much more bottom end especially with the kick drum.
  10. No problem playing with the bass, not sure about the combo being loud enough for live gigging with our band, it would require being put through the PA.
  11. Seen a vid of you guys before, I must repeat that your vocalist has a superb voice (proper singing), in another league to these all sound alike modern lispy female vocalists.
  12. Blimey that’s £15 to £20 on strings per gig, hope you get well paid gigs.
  13. At least the Queen track Brighton Rock at number 10 was a quality proper rock track from them, unlike a lot of their tracks that usually get played.
  14. Not for me it ain’t. Every band I have been in including every member of them were not in it for the money, enjoyment in playing was the main factor. Hate is a very strong word as stated in the thread title, if you hate gigging, simply don’t do it.
  15. Agree with your bit about the vocalist, sort of. With our current band the vocalist chooses the majority of our songs, he knows if he can sing them in the original keys. If any of the rest of us in the band want to do a song, we send it to him first, he will initially try it out, if he is certain he can perform it in the original key, it gets his approval and the rest of the band can start learning it. We have yet to choose a song that is out of his range, if he cannot do it in the original key he has no interest in doing it anyway.
  16. Bang on there, our vocalist had professional lessons, rock stuff is pretty easy for him, he can also do opera, often does a bit of it when warming up.
  17. Its like Brian Adams, Run To You, the guitar intro needs to be done in the original key otherwise it won’t work. There are some songs you just cannot transpose into different keys.
  18. What would you suggest, I purchased a five string just for one song or played it an octave higher and it would sound crap.🤔 Most of the verses are around the first and third frets, drop it down a tone and a half and it goes off the end of the neck 😤 That band was the only band I have ever played in where a load of the songs had to be played in a different key, I must have been very lucky with previous and my current band where the vocalists are of a high quality and every song is played in the original recorded key barring a couple of Lizzy songs that are usually moved by a semitone.
  19. Our drummer puts his phone on random play rock tracks through the PA.
  20. Doh, a step and a half down.👍
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