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Everything posted by steantval

  1. Once upon a time in the West - Dire Straits.
  2. Gladys Knight this Sunday in Nottingham.
  3. Surely your sound/tone alters from venue to venue, size of room, low/high ceiling, solid floor, carpeted etc etc. The next gig you play at a different venue it will most probably sound good again.
  4. Pure class, one of my all time favourite songs.
  5. With his hand firmly on his d*ck.
  6. I’m not to sure this is as easy as folks claim it to be, you probably only recognise them if they are playing within their normal genre, get them playing on something entirely different it’s pretty hard to pick them out. For example and ease, use ten of the ones already listed above playing say Mustang Sally as of the original recording, I personally would have a job saying who was actually playing bass, by this I mean not Mark King slapping all through it but playing it straight as the original recording.
  7. Singer A on all counts. Singer B although having the stronger voice would be a absolute nightmare based on these early signs, personally wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole.
  8. Batteries seem to last for ages in active basses, can’t really see the point of purchasing rechargeable ones.
  9. This song brings me so much joy, just left school and started my first job, happy carefree times.
  10. Not the case in most businesses I have been in, why use an outsider to write/set your KPI’s when they have no knowledge of the business. KPI’s are usually driven from the top management downwards and they all link in to help achieve the overall objectives of the business.
  11. Read through the responsibilities and requirements, what a load of corporate bullsh*t jargon. Rowing together in the same direction, WTF. Read - lots of stress.
  12. Stick a marshmallow to each button on the waistcoat, that should do the job.
  13. Oops, didn’t realise it was a repeat and folks on here had already viewed it.
  14. Missed the start, but I think it was owned by a well known musician.
  15. Been out in Antigua for the last ten days and saw some excellent quality reggae bands, fabulous musicians and amazing female vocalists. One of the top bands are Spirited, a 7 piece including two female vocalist, featuring two ex world class cricketers, Curtly Ambrose on bass and Richie Richardson on guitar. This is a promo video doing a Maroon 5 cover.
  16. Been out in Antigua for the last 10 days and managed to avoid everything about this abomination of a music contest, I’m totally chilled and reggaed out at the moment.😎
  17. One of the first songs I played with a band on bass many many years ago, pretty sure we played it in D.
  18. The retailer often sells it to them at 50% of the mark up price (because they’re on the telly), if you or me went in and said I’ll give you half of what your selling it for, the retailer would tell you politely to fook orf.
  19. Then add a flame and end up with that burnt finish you always wanted 😀
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