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Everything posted by steantval

  1. Our band is looking to do a rock instrumental, I’m considering suggesting this Metallica track, just concerned it might be a step too far for me to do it justice.
  2. Get the drummer to carry it 😀
  3. Tough decision, but family must be your priority. Your very last sentence causes a bit of concern, every band I have ever been in works on any new song introduced to the set has to be agreeable to every member of the band, if one member is not happy with doing it, it doesn’t get learnt.
  4. Probably would have been a good idea (time permitting) to have had a little rehearsal with them to go through those specific songs. Enjoy your night, hopefully it will lead on to some other live gig opportunities for you.
  5. I have seen the band many times, this is really bad for them, I sincerely hope they manage to locate their van and gear.
  6. He’s got some neck attempting a job like that.
  7. Correct terminology please, clock technician.
  8. Booked a Premier well in advance and £29 for the night, incredible price. Several of my pals were a bit lazy and left it a couple of weeks after I had originally booked it and paid nearly £90 for the same date.
  9. Does the fishing line have to be a specific breaking strain for maximum effect?
  10. You can also hang your goolies off it when you have lifted one of those cabinets a few times 🥴
  11. Great until some scumbag nicks the car while you are sleeping up on the roof, it would be like a scene off Mr Bean.
  12. The cardboard box option is far less expensive.
  13. You can easily sleep four band members in one of these. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=large+cardboard+box+photo&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari#imgrc=VLfpzJtZNR4SPM:
  14. The gig venues around our way want you to start playing at 9.00 and be finished by 12.00 plus some encores. That is a three hour slot to fill with breaks between sets, 2 x 45’s leaves a massive break between sets, we have opted to always do 2 x 45 and a 50 minute sets with just 15 minute breaks between sets, we would sooner be up playing than sitting on our butts half of the night. Venues definitely get good value when they book our band or maybe we are daft.
  15. Anywhere between 10 and 12 songs. 10 minute version of Stormy Monday personally far too long, but each to their own.
  16. Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith, starting diff on bass is really tricky, lots of left and right hand technique. Its one you cannot pink torpedo up on a live gig because the bass plays the intro almost alone for quite a bit of time.
  17. The interesting bit is where the guitar riff and bass go out of time with the drums, seen a lot of bands cover the song and put that bit back in time, a lot harder to play it out of time as per recording.
  18. My band would let me know that well before hearing it on the radio 😀
  19. Was he wearing the white helmet and racing suit ?
  20. None of those were/are a three piece last time I checked.👁👁
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