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Everything posted by steantval

  1. Get some traps 🐭🐭🐭 nothing worse than having them in a drum kit 😀
  2. If you have an estate of 900 pubs and growing and employ over 37,000 people, it places you in a very strong position to negotiate the leanest buying prices, it’s economies of scale, that’s why I can go into my local one (and it is a local, manager and same staff been there years) and buy a pint of cider for £1.99. The original premises, a hotel, stood empty for a few years, Wetherspoons revived it to a very high standard retaining many of the original features and it’s now a great focal/meeting point in the small market town where I live. Showing a video of a brawl in one Wetherspoons out of 900 does not depict the usual type of clientele that use there pubs.
  3. Weird to say the least. A lot of folks on here suggesting putting the kick through the PA, vmaxblues hasn’t mentioned the set up they are currently running, if they don’t have bass bins or a powered sub, putting the kick through would be a waste of time. It would be better for the drummer to sell his current silly bass amplification and invest the money in a powered sub, vmaxblues could also capitalise on this by di-ing his bass out through the PA/Sub.
  4. Great gig last night at local popular live music venue, played three sets 45, 50 and 50 minutes, place was really full and punters were really enjoying the band. Got home at 1.10am, nice to turn the clock back an hour and get the extra hour in bed.
  5. Not gigging tonight so I went out to see a band playing locally, a rock band called Walkway based in Norfolk. They have just released their third album and they are a class outfit, played a set of their own material and classic rock covers to a very high standard.
  6. Just ordered a set of ACS Pro 17’s, appointment booked next Friday at Boots Hearing Care next Friday to get the impressions done. The lady at Boots asked if I wanted a free hearing test at the same time, I thought I might as well, but pretty scared what the results will be, hearing has definitely suffered through riding motorcycles and playing in loud rock bands for decades.
  7. I’m seriously considering purchasing some ACS Custom earplugs, not sure which ones to go for, it would be either the 17,26 or 27. Any advice would be welcome please.
  8. You asked the questions, what should I do, what would you do. No need to get arsy when you get a realistic response.
  9. You have sort of answered your own question there. Your only option with 9 songs as others have suggested is to do support slots. If your songs average 5 minutes long, you still only have 45 minutes of material, I couldn’t foresee any venue just booking you as the only band as it would not fill the evening.
  10. If you are wishing to gig, it sounds to me like you could be wasting time and effort with this band. A drummer without symbols beggars belief. Four months rehearsing just 9 songs. In our area you would have zero chance of getting a gig with only 9 songs, unless it was a support slot to another band. Does the band have a PA? I cannot answer your question as what you should do, I would personally walk and hopefully find some other musicians with gigging experience to work with, life is too short. Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, but reality sometimes has to kick in.
  11. Get a vocalist in and start learning a whole new set, if you get on well with the guys you are currently playing with.
  12. Ronnie Wood or possibly Roy Wood.
  13. n/a for me, I don’t slap, not much call for it in classic rock.
  14. I must I agree with her about avoiding playing open strings, I do my best to avoid playing them if there is an alternative fretted position.
  15. If they had a person on the decks, it would have been Pork Scratching.
  16. It’s good we all have different tastes, otherwise it would be a dull world, but I thought this outfit were dreadful.
  17. Our new guitarist is about 64 and he is still one of the best players in our area, we were privileged to get him on board.
  18. Stop, the Joe Bonamassa version, a lot. The next new song to go into our set, nailed it and ready to rehearse it Thursday evening👍
  19. If it’s active, you will also run the battery down a lot quicker.
  20. Debatable singing talent, can’t believe JH has him as one of the vocalists on his upcoming tour.👎
  21. Night off gigging last night, so went out to see Groove Cartell playing at the Brewery Tap. Excellent set of funk and soul, bass player top class and excellent tone through MarkBass rig and Warwick 5 string.
  22. Rehearsals twice a week, is that both with the vocalist or one or none. Did the rest of the band give a valid reason why the vocalist was not there at your audition?
  23. IMO they are taking the p*ss getting musicians auditioning for a band and the vocalist can’t be ars*d to attend.
  24. Our vocalist for a laugh started singing Fly Me To The Moon Our guitarist asks the audience - will someone buy him a f*cking ticket.
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