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Everything posted by steantval

  1. What about playing bass while pole dancing.👍
  2. Slight claim to fame. He is still alive, he was staying at his pad in Antigua when I was there in May.
  3. Every inch of you - Hot Cakes Album The Horn - Hot Cakes Extra Album
  4. There was a band around our way called The Karzy Chiefs.
  5. Easy one for us - Classic Rock & Blues.
  6. Played in a Free tribute band, during our second set, the venue owner asked if we did any Phil Collins.
  7. Kylie is a singer and a dancer, it doesn’t mean I have to enjoy what she does, IMHO what I heard and saw in the vids is what I consider as throw away pop, 18 months time, Christine and the Queens - who?
  8. Totally agree with Mr Smalls comments after giving these vids a listen, it falls into the “throw away pop” category for me, similar to Beyoncé etc, artists who have to be surrounded by dancers.
  9. Had a good gig tonight, the venue was pretty full with punters. The downside is that our guitarist put in his notice due to a medical problem, he has been suffering with tendon issues in his left hand, he has just seen a specialist and it’s not going to get better, so he has no other option that to give up playing. We are now left in a position where we will be seeking out a replacement, not looking forward to sifting through folks with flaky attitudes or massive egos, hopefully we will find the right person, otherwise the band will fold.
  10. Totally agree with the Chic comments about the female vocalist, awful high pitched, sounded like she was on helium, I was disappointed because I do like the band. My neighbour went to see them at Blenheim Palace last night and said they were excellent.
  11. I didn’t, so that’s exactly what I did, turned it off.
  12. Give the trio Back Door a listen, features our local world renowned bass player Colin Hodgkinson.
  13. If you get the chance, Limehouse Lizzy is the Thin Lizzy tribute band to see.
  14. Tonight’s - Nile and Chic - bit weak, disappointing, awful high pitched female vocalist, I was expecting better. Second band, dreadful repetitive strumming riff all the way through. Third band, guy in red trousers, had enough and turned off.
  15. I personally would not pick a new member for our band just based on three songs for an audition. If it’s a current covers band that is looking for a new member, you would provide the current full set list with keys (ours are always in the original) and say pick out 6 and play them with the band at the audition. My bass role in the current band, I managed 9 numbers at my audition and got the job. Our current vocalist for his first audition nailed 12 songs, he got the job.
  16. Very rarely, although I did during the bass solo in Mr Big by Free and if you are playing the bass riff correct during the guitar solo in Alright Now, you also need to be in the higher reaches.
  17. That’s not a bass, it just a guitar with fatter strings 😀
  18. Yeh, what about his work for the teenage cancer trust.
  19. Probably not reggae in the pure sense like eg Jah Woosh, but UB40 are listed under the genre of reggae.
  20. Reggae - UB40 Funk/Disco - Billy Ocean with a fabulous backing band.
  21. Just got back from a great gig in Peterborough, a proper live music pub with a really appreciative audience. Several local musicians in there watching us, as it was the first time we had played there, a couple of bass players came up at the end and complimented me on my bass tone, it was nice to hear.
  22. Redrock our classic rock band in the 90’s. A bit of sadness when I look at it, as two of the guys are no longer with us, Chris drummer far left, killed in motorcycle accident and Pete vocalist striped shirt died from cancer.
  23. Whats Moira Stuart ex Newsreader doing on the show, I thought she had retired.
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