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Everything posted by steantval

  1. Hi , I think you may have misread the thread, we are not really discussing the gear, we are talking about car insurance, not what you are carrying inside of it. I would assume most of us would know that the gear would either require a separate insurance or be listed as high value specified items on your home insurance, which are usually covered in the home and away from the home.
  2. They still haven't got the naked gyrating girl on stage with them are they? Blimey, she would be about 70 now ???
  3. Had the band rehearsal tonight and asked the other three guys and none of them mention to their car insurers that they play in bands, they all found it rather odd that I asked the question.
  4. After a few years and the kids left, we decided to downsize to a 4 x 10 ???
  5. I used to live inside a Trace Elliot 8 x 10 cab ???
  6. I have a rehearsal tomorrow evening with the band, I will ask the other three guys if they mention it to their car insurers and I will report back.
  7. I cannot understand what the type of people in a venue effect my car insurance, the only thing I can think of is if my car is parked outside and some p*sshead decides to vandalise it, but that could also happen to any of the punters cars. Car drivers go to football matches every weekend and there are definitely intoxicated and generally excited people in attendance at those venues, so the risk is just as great.
  8. Yeh, like the guys who remove or cover up their number plates when doing track days.?
  9. I'll lack common sense then, what I do in my spare time has nothing to do with them, it's a hobby and not a job. If I was playing full time it would be daft not to mention it, but I don't. It would be really interesting to have a poll on this forum (excluding the pro players) who mention this fact to their vehicle insurers, I recon it's not that many.
  10. I never mention it, it's not an occupation, it's a hobby.
  11. This goes to show how off the scene I am with the latest bands etc, I have purchased nothing new that was released during this current year, I also do not recognise any of the bands/artists excluding King Crimson and U2 that have been listed on this thread so far.
  12. Band TBA Seen them playing at loads of venues, must be very popular ?
  13. I was one of those Mods. Lambretta TV200, Parka, Ben Sherman, Desert Boots. First full time job £9 a week, living at home , into Hendrix, Fleetwood Mac, Chicken Shack, Cream etc? Happy days and not a care in the world.
  14. Never been to a Wedding or your Aunties 50th Wedding Anniversary ? ?
  15. Have you listened to the Chicago version, I personally think it's better.
  16. Same here, the band would not exist without me doing it.
  17. The drummer in our Free tribute band was Jeff Rich ex Status Quo. Many years ago I played in a classic rock covers band, we used to play a pub in Somersham and on a couple of occasions Dave Greenfield (The Stranglers) came in to watch us play and chatted to us while we were packing away at the end of the gigs.
  18. Oh no, bit like songs from the shows, I'll take The Police anytime over this. I love some of his solo stuff, the one recorded at the villa in Italy around the time of 9/11 has some superb musicianship.
  19. +1 regarding Walk this Way, the only rap recording I actually like.
  20. A drummer 90 miles away and doesn't drive - it will never work. You now have the singer with issues, this person also picks up the drummer, every time you have a singer issue it will effect two members of the band.
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