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Everything posted by steantval

  1. Don't look good, personally I would be looking for another band. Very frustrating and it has been mentioned on other threads, a fair share of musicians are not the most reliable of people.
  2. I know, please drop me a line at - Number 1 Portmerion Wales
  3. Free Allman Brothers Doobie Brothers
  4. Why go out and play on NYE and enjoy yourself when you could stay in and watch Jools Hollands NYE show ???
  5. Another stupid craze that that originated in the USA.
  6. A pint of cider and four diet cokes cost about £12 to £13 around our way, times that by four band members and it's well worth negotiating that as part of the gig deal.
  7. My usual for a night is one pint of cider then it's diet cokes for the rest of the evening. All of our band drive and none of us would be stupid enough to drink and drive.
  8. I must have been lucky that I have played with three excellent drummers, two were pro players and all three were also drum tutors. All three were rock solid and the tempo was like a metronome. When you play with ones at a lesser level, which I also have, their timing wanders, one guy in particular also did backing vocals, whenever he started singing the tempo sped up.
  9. If it's just a pub gig, I would be happy to take away £100 per band member plus free drinks.
  10. 11am Currently on the BBC Red Button, repeated until 2pm.
  11. This does nothing for me, IMO a horrible toppy tone. A bass is called so because it should produce lovely low bass tones.
  12. I don't, my back line is enough without resorting to putting it through our PA.
  13. All very subjective, but this list is really stretching the boundaries of the genre of a rock band. A lot on the list I would never consider to be placed within the category of rock band, some are just pure pop, indie or punk. IMO there are twelve bands included that would not be on there. Where are the likes of Cream, Free, Whitesnake etc etc ?
  14. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1510252304' post='3405090'] I try to play the music I love. Can't imagine playing music that leaves you cold can lead to a passionate perfomance! Like working at a copy shop and calling yourself an artist, weird! [/quote] +1 I did play in a band for a few years that had half the set of songs I would not listen to personally or had any interest in, eventually got fed up with playing what I considered to be crappy songs and left the band. I now enjoy playing in a band with musicians of very similar musical tastes and like playing every song in our set.
  15. I'm in the same position, that I end up booking all the gigs for our band, the case is if I didn't do it we would not be out playing. I also contact the local press and send out the posters to the venues in advance of the gigs. I am now getting to the point that I will be taking an extra 10% of the gig money for all the additional work and stress that goes with it.
  16. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1510048519' post='3403430'] How long does it take you to set up? If I'm on bass I plug my pedalboard into a DI and tune up. It takes abut 20 seconds. I play a lot of drums and can set up my full kit in about 5 minutes. If I'm on a "shared kit" it's about the same as every other drummer seems to sit about a foot lower than me. My main band is generally ready within 10 minutes. Most bands seem to take significantly longer. I've waited over an hour for the "headline" drummer to set up for soundcheck at a multi band gig. It really winds me up! [/quote] Is your drum kit carried in pro flight cases, if so it would take well over 5 minutes just to take the full kit, stands and cymbals out of them before actually putting the kit together.
  17. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1509968932' post='3402891'] The title of this thread should be 'Deluded old men rant at stuff young people do'... [/quote] I'm happy with that, just a slight adjustment "deluded talented old men" Just noticed your birthday is on the same day as mine except I have a lot more years on you.
  18. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1509914039' post='3402602'] I haven't watched Later... for a long long time, so with my wife departed for bed and a coffee to finish I was scanning the channels for something that wasn't Wheeler Dealers or How It's Made. And jeepers. Nothing really changes for Jools vanity show. I tuned in as Aimee Mann was finishing up. Bland and my only actual thought was she looked horribly thin, unhealthily so. Next up, Saz'iso a folk band from Albania. Christ on a bike, I [i]really [/i]need to look them up. That at the end of their performance people in the audience were actually whooping made me extremely sad as they were just so terrible. Next up, Noel Gallagher. Left me cold. Was that woman playing scissors? Finally, for me at least, there was a Superorganism, a band that NME (rest it's soul) describe as 2017 Buzziest Band. It was at this juncture I decided it was time for bed. All this does raise the question of how the hell does this show stay on air? I honestly doubt anyone who watches it on broadcast will actually utter the words, 'Ooh, they're good,' after each performance. I'd also doubt anyone who records this horrific mash-up of world music actually isn't reaching for the remote after the first act or two. There's such a lack of consistency; juxtaposition this (if you have a memory that long) to something like The Tube, a live show that knew it's audience and you were pretty much certain that you'd hold out until C4's News at 7.00pm. The other thing is, we gig a lot and the majority of the bands under and over us would knock every band on that show out of the field of play. Christ, my band would knock all of these bands for six. [/quote] +1 A lot of true words said here.
  19. May sound a bit smug but I'm not interested in changing or improving my gear, my Stingray bass and choice of two Markbass rigs I'm entirely happy with and have not purchased anything during 2017. When I was a guitarist in the 80's I was one of those guys that constantly changed guitars and amps on a regular basis, never felt comfortable.
  20. I remember several years ago when holidaying in the US, the exchange rate was two dollars to the pound and I'm kicking myself because I was dilly dallying over bringing back a bass. I visited the big Sam Ash music store in Sarasota and could have purchased a brand new Musicman Stingray for $1300 (£650). Our guitarist was really lucky after purchasing a brand new PRS from a music superstore in Vegas, got really lucky on the return trip through U.K. Customs, just waved through and paid zero duty, lucky chap.
  21. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1509002256' post='3395852'] I would have rephrased the message you sent, in order to prevent his ego being bruised. After all nobody likes rejection. I would have said that the original guitarist has decided to rejoin the band and tell the auditioner that they were amazing and thank them for their time. Guitarists have fragile egos at the best of times. It's best to treat them gently. [/quote] I cannot understand why you would go to these lengths and fib to the guy, there are usually only two outcomes for someone auditioning, you either get the job or you don't. People need to toughen up a bit, there is too much molly coddling around the possibility of upsetting people in situations like this. Rejection is part of life, it happens everyday to people who apply for jobs, get to final interview stage and fail to get the role.
  22. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1508925301' post='3395342'] True - But equally, because one doesn't like the music being made, that doesn't mean the programme has seriously lost the plot. Or come to think of it, neither does a white dress or being a woman. [/quote] Fact - it was a woman in a white dress and she was playing a piano. If it was a bloke in a white suit I would have stated a bloke in a white suit.
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