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Everything posted by steantval

  1. Leave the string bending to the guitarist's, next thing will be that bassist's will looking to play six string basses !!
  2. 9pm - Nile Rodgers, how to make it in the music business, part 1 of 3. 10pm - The genius of funk. Sorry, it should read Friday, not tonight.
  3. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1505751143' post='3374026'] Firstly accept that will make mistakes If you make one just stop playing you until you get an idea where to come back in Second just concentrate on having fun Also aware that other people will make mistakes as well [/quote] I personally would not recommend to stop playing if you make a mistake, it would only highlight it more. Just carry on playing and hopefully you will pick up where you should be again, enjoy. Another thought, start wearing earplugs from your first gig and continue to use them going forwards, something that lots of us on here never did and we are now suffering the consequences with hearing issues.
  4. Poorly attended gig last night, about 20 punters in the venue. Owner said it looked like it could be a poor night, advised us to start earlier so we could finish earlier. Stopped playing at 11pm and stripping down the PA etc, sods law, a party of 12 people turned up. Oh well, we call these ones paid rehearsals.
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1506551167' post='3379567'] I am pretty much alone. Retired, single & more than happy. Blue [/quote] Good on ya, the second statement does now make sense.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1506466987' post='3379008'] I've made every gig and every rehearsal for the last 6 years, and we were doing 65-70 shows annually. Music / gigs cone first in my life, anything personal I cancel. Blue [/quote] Gee man, that second statement is strong. I'm married, but if I made the same statement, I would certainly be alone 😢😢😢
  7. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1506451966' post='3378894'] I had a similar issue with a guitarist. Great player, decent guy but no mobile phone and getting hold of him was murder. In the end I gave him one of my older ones and told him to get a Tesco sim card for it. Fast forward 2 months and he still hadn`t got a sim card for it. Which was very annoying as his wife worked in....Tesco!! You just cant win with some people. [/quote] Buy the SIM card for him and then deduct it out of his share of your next gigs money, job done.
  8. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1506073425' post='3376233'] Sam the Sham had Little Red Riding Hood too. Humble Pie a one hit wonder? Or are we not counting albums? [/quote] Humble Pie were huge, Mr Marriott and Mr Frampton, yes they had albums but Natural Born Boogie was their only hit single in the UK.
  9. Humble Pie - Natural Born Boogie Jucy Lucy - Who Do You Love
  10. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1505991499' post='3375681'] Well, not quite. There's not a lot I can do about all the rapes and muggings in the world that are going on. I can have a word with the idiot standing next to me at a show there and then and maybe make them think twice next time. I'm fairly sure I shouldn't have to wait until all the rapes and muggings have been stopped first before I approach him. [/quote] Having a word with the idiot, the idiot may take offence and give you a bloody nose, just not worth the possible risk.
  11. Just watching it at the moment as it's featuring an hour of "prog". It has just featured a very weird video of Yes doing Roundabout in concert featuring a load of women joining them on stage dancing to it. Hardly the type of song you would dance to, very odd. Yes and dancing don't normally feature in the same sentence.
  12. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1505475068' post='3372181'] I like a bit of flute or violin in a rock song, different kind of voice, can take the music in a different direction. [/quote] +1 violin Mahavishnu Orchestra It's A Beautiful Day
  13. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1504796444' post='3367402'] Walter Becker and Co on top form during this live concert (including rehearsal and interview footage). Well worth a watch and listen for any Dan fans. http://youtu.be/KhITNSSD4OA [/quote] Pure magic and class, quality musicians at the top of their game.
  14. Johnnie Walker announced it on his show this afternoon, sad news. With his show actually being broadcast live, he altered his schedule to include a tribute to Walter Becker towards the end of his show, nice touch.
  15. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1504390233' post='3364617'] I use public transport to travel all over the UK to gigs, and even to Paris earlier in the year. I use a trolley for my gear which carries my combo, pedalboard, cables, MacBook etc. My bass is in a Mono gig bag on my back. Here it is at Birmingham station. [attachment=252722:20375727_742135825994681_2552161252010922407_n.jpg] [/quote] I suppose it depends what type of music you play and what type of bands, that combo in the bag must be very small and certainly would not be suitable for the type of gigs I play. I would assume it's put through the desk at gigs. I took my small practice amp along to one of our rehearsals once, big mistake, lack of volume meant you struggled to hear it above the drummer. There is no way I would be able to manage two Markbass 15 inch cabs, cables/effects holdall and solid guitar case on public transport, alternatively I could purchase a donkey.🙂
  16. Now I have a bit more time on my hands I'm going through my large music collection and listening to stuff I hadn't heard for ages. Pulled out some Robin Trower stuff, I had forgotten how great this guys music is, wonderful stuff. Anyone else on here into Mr Trower ?
  17. [quote name='Ashweb' timestamp='1503863247' post='3361236'] I'd largely agree with that - although Metallica's cover of the same song is, for me, the go-to version [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzPD4CTTnHE[/media] Other notable covers would be The Slits version of Heard it Through The Grapevine... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCr8V5wAroA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCr8V5wAroA[/url] ...and this surprisingly good version of an AC/DC classic. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4Ao-iNPPUc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4Ao-iNPPUc[/url] [/quote] Our band do a mix of the Lizzy and Metallica versions of Whiskey in the jar. Can't agree with the Grapevine cover, bloody awful.
  18. [quote name='DJpullchord' timestamp='1503747082' post='3360663'] How come all you guys play covers???? [/quote] Never had the slightest bit of interest in an originals band, thank goodness we are all different.
  19. [quote name='Surrpaul' timestamp='1503571801' post='3359247'] My bands recently discussed doing a few London gigs next year. We're based in Leeds and fancied a Thursday night gig, Friday night, Saturday afternoon & night then a Sunday afternoon gig. Any recommendations on pubs that get a good crows? We do mostly rock and pop (Elvis Costello, Pulp, Motown, Jam, and the obvious cheesy stuff - nothing heavy tho. I know there'll be hundreds, but we'd ideally like the venues to be near each other for ease of cummute [/quote] The Tower of London would be worth doing, loads of Ravens but no Crows 🙂🙂🙂 (check your second paragraph)
  20. All the time through my effects unit.
  21. [quote name='markdavid' timestamp='1502982726' post='3354860'] I love your response, direct and to the point, you tell it like it is and that is a good quality to have [/quote] Been playing in various bands for the past 35 years, so my tolerance levels have been severely eroded away over time.
  22. Tell the drummer to take a hike, he should never have booked a gig on a date you had clearly previously told him you were unavailable, the guy must be a dickhead.
  23. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1502218959' post='3350084'] Well, just to chime in with an update. On Thursday... I'm meeting 2 new singers and a drummer. We've set ten songs and we'll see what happens. I actually logged onto joinmyband.co.uk and it took a lot of guesswork out, quite a useful little website that. [/quote] My previous experience of using that site has been nothing but total frustration, loads of idiots advertise on it, time wasters and people with their heads in the clouds.
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