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Everything posted by steantval

  1. We had our company Christmas party in London at the weekend. Our American owners flew in employees from all around the world making around 500 people attending. The party venue was The Guildhall in London, an amazing building with loads of history. The live band were absolutely amazing, they are called Get Funked, a 13 piece outfit, superb musicians and vocalists. Has anyone on here seen them or maybe their bass player posts on this site. www.getfunked.com
  2. From personal experience I would not recommend it. Played in a four piece where the vocalist also sang in two other bands, an absolute nightmare, double bookings, conflict of loyalties. Played in a four piece with all four of us playing in other bands, booking gigs was the main issue, try finding a Friday or Saturday night when all four are not playing with their other bands, resulted in the band folding through lack of gigs.
  3. Spotted it in the TV Guide. I'll definitely be setting the recorder tonight.
  4. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1412802007' post='2572307'] Fair enough. I must have a higher pain threshold (or cloth ears!) because I've heard a lot worse [/quote] Watching Jools Holland's show every week has raised your bad music threshold !!!!
  5. I enjoyed the documentary, it took me back to the 70's when we used to gate crash parties armed with tins of Party 7, listening to the Genesis Live album. Banks came across as a right miserable old git though.
  6. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1400358564' post='2453242'] Each to their own. I'd rather go and see an original band I haven't heard before. [/quote] I played in a Free tribute band for a few years, absolutely loved playing those bass lines. Just watch Jools Hollands show every week , that usually shows the quality (usually lack of) original bands you have not heard of before. Went to see Limehouse Lizzy a couple of months ago, a fabulous tribute band and importantly excellent musicians to boot.
  7. Brave for doing the gig. The question I would be asking myself would be - if it was any of your other band members, would they have done the same?
  8. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1360654785' post='1973934'] I dreaded Sunday evenings. Jeez, from about 5pm on it was purgatory! Religious programmes and un-funny sh*t like Dad's Army and weird music shows with acapella groups ( the Swingle Singers) and tawdry folk acts. Grim indeed! [/quote] Dads Army - un-funny sh*t , your opinion. Lots of folks will disagree.
  9. A pretty poor line up for a special show. I personally found it embarrassing watching Ray Davies, he was totally out of it, off time and key. I know he's getting on a bit, but if older vocalists cannot hack it, they should either bring the pitch down to a level for which they can comfortably sing or possibly give up performing live. Age should not really stop good vocalist still performing live, two that come to mind are Paul Rodgers and Tom Jones - they still seem to belt them out.
  10. Mayer Hawthorne - The stars are ours. Sounding very much like Steely Dan - bloody good though.
  11. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1383661246' post='2267211'] I've just watched 'Prog at the BBC' on iPlayer. The bands i liked then i still like and those i didn't i still don't. Family and Soft Machine were great bands. Atomic Rooster and Wishbone Ash were always worth seeing live at a college for only a few bob and Yes still really annoy me more than i can say. [/quote] Family - what a band, Roger Chapmans vocals are unique - superb. Supported Wishbone Ash a few years ago with our Free tribute band.
  12. Jaz Lochrie also played fretless live with Paul Rodgers, a cracking sound.
  13. I like the Floyd a lot and managed to see them play Dark Side and the brand new then, Wish You Were Here at Knebworth in 1975. I found the concert on BBC4, dire and boring, typical overhyped and over produced 80's crap.
  14. From your initial thread title, I thought you had been sacked from your actual job - so it could have been worse.
  15. Blimey, It's handbags at dawn here, I only asked for a bit of help with an old Whitesnake song. I cannot seem to download any of the links, Adobe is not letting it through, thanks all the same. I'm going around the guitarist house tomorrow and we can work it out using the special software on his computer slowing the runs down note for note but keeping it in pitch.
  16. I used to play this in a band many years ago and the current band I play want to do it. We are doing the earlier recorded version (in G)and not the overly produced later version with synth's etc. I am having a real mental block with sorting out some of the basslines as I cannot seem to remember all of them. I have resorted to finding some tab but most of them are not very accurate. I know most of it but the bit I'm really stuck on is the really nice little bass runs behind the following vocal lines - I'll be a fool for ya loving no more, I'll be a fool for ya loving no more, I'm so tired of trying I almost end up crying, I'll be a fool for ya loving no more. Can anyone help me please?
  17. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1373019956' post='2132814'] You could teach prople to use a pencil in one evening. Doesn't mean they'll be writing anything worth reading in one evening does it. [/quote] You really need to spell before using a pencil. What's "prople"..............he he.
  18. [quote name='Stag' timestamp='1372890239' post='2131399'] What.... As in... "Best ever?" Really? [/quote] I was joking. Most people could probably learn to play bass like that guy in one evening.
  19. [quote name='AndyBob09' timestamp='1372760855' post='2129504'] Haha, I'm quite the opposite to a lot of people here. I'm a big, big fan of The XX. I love their music and only wish I could write like them. Jamie XX, the guy on keys/samples/drums/etc etc is one very talented man and when i saw them live the first time, I was really surprised they could pulled off what they do live, due to the amount of production on the albums. I thought their performance at Glasto was exactly expected of them and I didn't feel they disappointed. I totally 'get' their music and I really enjoy it. They're not The Rolling Stones, and they're not in your face exciting but I feel their music is honest and they're not trying to be anything that they're not. [/quote] WHAT A FANTASTIC GIFTED BASS PLAYER.............HE'S DEFINITELY IN MY TOP 3.
  20. Excellent playing - very impressive. My problem is I'm old school and 4 strings are enough on basses, Geddy seems to manage with 4 on the very technical Rush stuff. My question would be that, probably any really good guitarist could possibly pick up a 6 string bass and play the runs you are doing.
  21. Already booked for next years Masterclasses Adam Clayton Sid Vicious
  22. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1357907327' post='1930314'] Fantastic bassline, love paying it. [/quote] I play in a Free tribute band so I have to play it every gig, their biggest song so it has to be done. It's certainly not the best Free song, there are loads better and I absolutely love playing Mr Frasers basslines.
  23. Sex on Fire. Our bloody drummer has no idea how to play it properly and it's an absolute mess. I think we sound like a bunch of schoolkids just starting out playing when we do the song. What I fail to understand is that it goes down a storm with the punters.
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