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Everything posted by AL-the-Bassman

  1. Wicked Track Xgsjx Like the Groove on this , and good production
  2. Well done skol, great little track, , what fretless do u use, great sound
  3. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1395140209' post='2399026'] Sod's law, the picture I chose does not inspire me. Lol. I'm out. [/quote] C'mon BOY, I've been waiting for your track all month. theres still time, I know you Can Do It
  4. Lol. it was 7 mins originally sorry, just listen to the first bit i suppose i could chop it bit more off. And many thanks for your Comments Dad3353 thanks for listening
  5. [url="https://soundcloud.com/al-the-bassman/to-paco"]https://soundcloud.c...bassman/to-paco[/url] heres my (somewhat pitiful ) attempt at flamenco esq tune hope you enjoy , no Guitars or Animals where harmed during the recording of this track Comments welcome
  6. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1394440752' post='2391235'] I've actually got something on the go this month! Here it is so far! Please excuse the dodgy guitar playing [url="https://soundcloud.com/thebrokensky/at-sunset"]https://soundcloud.c...ensky/at-sunset[/url] [/quote] nice track
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1394079598' post='2387713'] Good evening, all... Here, then, is my contribution... [url="https://soundcloud.com/dad3353/sunset-over-a-black-tree"]Sunset over a Black Tree...[/url] Comments welcome. (Votes, too, of course... ) [/quote] Very Nice track Dad time to get my flamencon dubious ..
  8. how about, using the picture as a screen saver for a couple of weeks, and see if an idea emerges. Also , try and pick one part of the picture , and think about that , as opposed to looking at the whole thing...? a bit like porn.! lol
  9. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1393788308' post='2384389'] Not gonna enter again this month. No disrespect i just can't get into these 'Still' pictures that are being used. Just doesn't do anything for me. But best of luck to everyone. I will listen and vote at the end! [/quote] why don't you try, you might be surprised. just try and be imaginative. failing that, just record anything and call it "the tree"
  10. i didn't think there was grass in spain.. just good hash.....
  11. aye. but a great challenge and I shall be brushing up on the fridgian and meloncholic minor scales
  12. lol. not exactly paco de lucia.... but i suppose it will work...
  13. when will the new pic be up?
  14. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1393633044' post='2382941'] I think this is a great idea. I agree that this months challenge should not only be dedicated to Paco but also inspired by him. I'm not very good visually but I will try and find a picture that may be inspirational. I'm overwhelmed to have won. Thank you very much for the votes. Good luck to all in next months challenge. [/quote] Thank You and well done again...such a catchy tune
  15. Well done mate good job
  16. I think who ever wins should dedicate march's comp to Paco De lucia Who died Today. Probably the best Flamenco guitarist Ever. R.I.P Paco
  17. try turning the software monitor off in preferences-audio
  18. 9 Entries Thats Awesome . Well Done people
  19. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1393015009' post='2375384'] No Guitars samples AL? That's amazing, how do you do that. Likey likey P.S. How do you get the quote thing to work it never works for me, I click it in the post I want to quote, then add my text and nothing? [/quote] nah, just distorted bass , with the lows taken out glad you liked it thou cheers
  20. The mrs went out today, and kid went to nanna's which gave me time to knock one out ..... and plenty of time to record this https://soundcloud.com/al-the-bassman/detroit-needs-robocop All parts recorded on bass,
  21. im struggerling to find the time this month.........but i will try and post something......
  22. i got it
  23. brilliant
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