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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. In my party band we do [i]Treasure[/i], [i]Locked Out Of Heaven[/i], [i]Marry You[/i], and [i]Uptown Funk[/i].
  2. Nice review Chris. Don't think I'll be getting one unless I win the lottery...
  3. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1465572549' post='3069389'] Whenever somebody asks from Europe, my answer is always the same. I need payment making first, in Great British Pounds. This usually takes around 3 days to clear in the bank. I need the buyer to arrange and pay for their own INSURED courier AFTER I have informed the buyer of payment clearing. The buyer just informs me what day the courier will collect. It's usually around £60 I take no responsibilty after the bass has been collected by the courier. If I courier in the UK and something goes wrong, I can get in the car and go raise Hell at the courier's Head Office. I can not do that on the continent. I ask for these conditions to protect myself, as I was ripped off a few years back by an Italian. I was left with no money and no bass. I have feedback at the bottom of this thread. Members Aero71 and electriccheese have both bought by following the above conditions. It might be an idea to ask them what they thought of buying from me. [/quote] Very wise.
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1465382043' post='3067645'] At gigs I'm careful with my instruments but not precious about them. As others have said if you really don't look after them then they stop working reliably and that gets in the way of the performance. On the other hand a few knocks and scrapes won't affect them and if they get too battered looking then I can always get them refinished and looking brand new again. [/quote] This. I use cases and covers to keep my kit in good nick, but I'm not too upset if a bass does pick up a ding or scratch.
  5. Ed just bought my 5-er. He asked some well-thought-out questions before we made the deal, which to me is a major plus - you need to be sure that you want to buy! Ed came to my place to try out the bass first, and we enjoyed a pleasant half an hour chatting over a coffee while he put the bass through its paces. Enjoy!
  6. Is Dawn one of the members of the girl band? *fetches coat*
  7. My amp occasionally has a buzz like that. I have had the lid off and poked around with a wooden coffee stirrer to try and replicate it, but to no avail. A bit of 'percussive maintenance' sorts it. I love my 900 too, although it doesn't get out much because my Demeter gets most of the love!
  8. I transcribed this a few years ago and can confirm it cycles backwards in jumps of two tones: Em > Cm > Abm* >Em. It reminds me of a Shadows number! *As a bass/guitar player, I find it much easier yo read in G#m than Abm!
  9. Maybe it is all in the fingers but half of mine are on my fretting hand!
  10. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1465090998' post='3065247'] Just back from a gig that was booked only on Wednesday. Central Swindon (a nightmare to get around) and an interesting gig...good venue, PA and good sound man, so we took backline only. Having struggled with a dodgy right hand to load my gear, I was disappointed when my Ashdown ABM 500 made a bloody awful noise during the first two numbers. Quick change of leads failed to improve matters, so resorted to my DI box, which saved the day. We had to stop during the first set while the police removed a punter who climbed on stage to talk to us while we were playing and then managed to fall over at the edge of the stage and knock himself senseless in the process! Fights were breaking out outside the pub as we finished pacing up, but despite all that, we had a good gig! Soundman reckoned my Ashdown has a broken joint on the input jack, so I'll try to get that fixed next week. Oh, and the guy who wandered across the stage trying to talk while we were playing before knocking himself out when he fell was trying to buy us all drinks and wanted to know what we wanted, according to our drummer who's from the same part of the world as him. [/quote] That part of town is a pub ghetto and well known for getting a bit, ahem, 'lively'!
  11. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1465042736' post='3064889'] When asked if the roll of 'FRAGILE' tape was a wasted effort on my part, the reply was a simple 'yes'. [/quote] I never use FRAGILE tape as I think courier services treat this as a challenge!
  12. I can't guarantee 100% accuracy. I find when I go back to my old transcriptions I hear it differently.
  13. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1464948241' post='3063983'] Drummers: the Kim Jong Il of band volume… [/quote] ...and often haircuts
  14. Nobody's given it less than 3 stars out of 5, and that was to do with the setup.
  15. Gaf bought a cab from me. Always nice to meet a fellow BC-er, just wish I'd had time to stay and chat.
  16. If it were me I would be selling the J-retro on here and getting Kiogon to make me up a passive wiring loom with volume, blend, tone.
  17. I have a Mustang bass and that won't fit in either of my standard guitar gig bags. Fortunately it comes in its own - Fender call it 'deluxe', but 'functional' would be closer to the truth!
  18. I transcribed this about 10 years ago but the band I was with never gigged it. I've made the transcription available for download [url="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32485154/Love%20is%20the%20Law.pdf"]here[/url]. It's notation only, for which I make no apologies! I haven't indicated what any of the sections are (i.e. verse, chorus etc) so you will have to listen to the song with the music in front of you. How's that for BC service!
  19. I can now report that the 801 has held its own in the following situations: (1) Acoustic gig with vocals, acoustic guitar and cajon through PA, electric guitar into Blues Junior, uke bass into 801 (volume at 1 o'clock). (2) Big band rehearsal in smallish function room - drums, saxes, clarinets, trumpets, trombones all unamplified, keys into small combo, vocals into small PA, Precision into 801 (volume at 2 o'clock).
  20. I like Sheryl Crow's music but I wouldn't pay that much for what is just a serviceable bass with most likely a dull thuddy sound.
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