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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I've had some questions PM'd to me, so for the benefit of anyone who is interested, here they are with my answers: [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. It looks like there is engraved swirling on neck plate of the bass-whats that about it can't be original is it?[/font][/color][/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Yes it does look like swirling on the neck plate, but it's not - it's just a reflection of the grass in my garden! I have attached an indoor photo taken just now, and you can see the only marking on the neck plate is the stamped G&L logo.[/font][/color] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2. Why block up the holes with screws?[/font][/color][/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The bass is designed for both top-stringing and through-body stringing. I use flats exclusively, and I didn't want to subject them to the severe break angles that through-body stringing can cause, so I went for top-loading. BC-er Neepheid put me onto [/font][/color][url="http://www.bassesbyleo.com/l2500_bridge_mod.html"]this link[/url][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] warning of the possibility of the 2 bridge screws pulling out of the wood, so I fitted the machine screws. Their purpose is not to block off the holes, but to ensure that the bridge remains firmly attached.[/font][/color] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. How come it needed a shim and you haven't tried the truss rod?[/font][/color][/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Although I set up my own guitars and basses, I am no expert. It looked to me that the neck had the right amount of relief in it, but I couldn't get the action low enough for my light touch, hence the shim. An expert could probably do a much better job![/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][/font][/color]
  2. If there is a significant in overall tension then you may find you end up with a noticeable change in neck relief.
  3. [size=5]£695 cash sale[/size] [size=5]£795 trade value - hit me with P-bass your trades![/size]
  4. [size=5]£995 cash sale[/size] [size=5]£1,100 trade value - hit me with P-bass your trades![/size]
  5. I would have thought the market would saturate quite quickly, and the max prices would drop.
  6. Looks very nice! People will want to know where you are based, and inevitably the weight!
  7. I think the lines I play mutate slowly over time. I start off pretty close to the original though.
  8. [quote name='spyder' timestamp='1463237817' post='3049843'] I had a hum problem with basses and amps in part of the house. I was using home plugs (Internet through mains) and if I removed them the hum disappeared. They pollute the mains with noise that can be picked up on your bass or amp. [/quote] I had this too but only with one particular fuzz box!
  9. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1463229822' post='3049744'] Unfortunately there is a pretty expensive bass in the BC classifieds right now that I'd love to own. I keep logging on to look at it!! If I told my wife she's just say "get it", but I don't play at home and I don't have a band I can use it in. It's an absolutely pointless purchase. . . . but. . . . ! [/quote] Bwahahaha! Sorry
  10. The rule-of-thumb with impedances on valve amps is you can go safely either way by a factor of 2. So if your Dominator's output socket is rated at 12ohm, you can run it into anything between 6ohm and 24ohm - in practice, you should be fine into 8ohm or 16ohm loads. There should be no problem driving your 250W Celestion - you won't hurt the amp or the speaker.
  11. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1463228973' post='3049735'] ...some of the music that gets called prog now sounds almost like a metal sub-genre and I don't really enjoy that stuff. [/quote] That would be prog metal then. Happy to help!
  12. My day job pays the bills and feeds us. Mrs Axe has a part-time job for her fun money, I have gigs for my fun money. The practical limit on the amount of kit I have is storage space - within that I buy what I like and can afford.
  13. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1463219094' post='3049607'] A pro classical guitarist friend tells me a modern guitar has only about a 10 year useful life. [/quote] Based on what evidence!? Why? Are we talking modern classical guitars? Modern acoustic guitars in general? All modern guitars?
  14. Has an earth connection come loose? Many (if not most) electric guitars have an earth wire running to the bridge so that when the player is touching the strings, s/he too is earthed and provides screening for the instrument. This is why touching the strings usually reduces or eliminates buzzing.
  15. It's a long shot, but if you happen to be in the Vienne valley on the evening of Sunday 22nd May, pop along to see us in Gouëx (about 25 miles SE of Poitiers), where we are playing for the evening festivities that follow the brocante - basically a car boot sale! As well as both kinds of music (country AND western) we'll probably throw in some pop numbers. Follow the noise coming from the marquee - I'll be toting a white Fender Mustang bass and a black cowboy hat.
  16. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1462824631' post='3046096'] obviously never lick a capacitor! [/quote] [i]Now[/i] he tells us!
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