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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. The unprofessional practice that bugs me the worst is leaving cases all over the stage and floor for band members and punters to trip over. Grrr!
  2. I frequently use just a BF Midget and either my Demeter or Streamliner.
  3. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1464797605' post='3062680'] last Friday with a blues band I play in It's a regular Friday evening gig at a local British legion type club with three bar lounge areas. The gig takes place in the basement area which has a stage. The organiser gets a headliner band and other solo or smaller acts. I turned up at 9pm for a 9.30pm start, there are 4 people there, all fellow musicians. A couple of solo sets and then we do a 30 minute set 9.30 to 10pm, by which time there are about 15 people mainly fellow musicians. Come off at 10pm and then wait till 11.30pm to do our last set. Between 10 and 11.30 there are numerous other acts. Then we do our final set by which time there are about 10 people mostly fellow musicians. We don't get paid. Our audience is mainly fellow musicians who have seen us before There is no chance of getting any paid work at the venue, they don't pay musicians There is no chance that anyone seeing us will book us for paid work, they are mostly fellow musicians, if they hear of any gigs they will put themselves not yes in. So what is the point? Personally I get little reward from playing to other musicians. I will be insisting we do not play here again. [/quote] That would work for me!
  4. +1 to trying flats. Surprised to hear there is a treble bleed cap - I was led to believe they don't really work on basses. Removing it should allow you to use the volume pot as a second tone control.
  5. I think the Cutlass would have to impress me as being way better than a Precision in all respects before I would want to pay the extra,
  6. I only DI (in addition to backline) if there is a honking great PA provided. It's pointless putting the bass into a band's pub PA, all it will do is steal headroom from the vocals!
  7. I will be travelling between Swindon and Whitby on Saturday 28th May, and making the return journey on Wednesday 1st June. If this might help eith a reluctance to buy unseen, or to be subject to the vagaries of couriers, get PM-ing now!
  8. I will be travelling between Swindon and Whitby on Saturday 28th May, and making the return journey on Wednesday 1st June. If this might help eith a reluctance to buy unseen, or to be subject to the vagaries of couriers, get PM-ing now!
  9. You could do worse than start [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/3730-gain-power-and-volume-a-confusing-menage-a-trois/"]here[/url].
  10. Good work one and all. Slightly OT - what model Charvel is the guitarist on the left of the picture playing? It's given me GAS!
  11. What does the titty boost do? (It's abbreviated to TT on the front panel.)
  12. Bought a cable from Jon, arrived in short order, well packaged and in perfect nick. Cheers Jon!
  13. I don't want to worry you, but I think one of those cases is for a saxamophone
  14. Always angled. Btw it's an OUTPUT socket on your bass.
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