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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Boss pedals use FET switching, operated by a single switch contact. The signal runs through a buffer whether or not the effect is engaged. I would be looking at tracing the signal through that path, and first thing to check would be the wires going between the in and out sockets and the main circuit board. Here's the schematic:
  2. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1461980886' post='3039359'] Ummmmmm. I joined my current band in 1996 so....... [/quote] ...and you're already thinking of leaving? How fickle!
  3. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEDNa-jS5fs[/media] That is one unstoppable groove!
  4. The new centre block Gretsches got very positive reviews in [i]Guitarist[/i] magazine.
  5. I use 3M velcro, 5cm wide, about £10 a roll. It sticks fine to metal or painted surfaces, but a bond to a rubber base will always fail. EDIT: That's 3M the brand.
  6. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1461957241' post='3039183'] The grass appearing greener in the next band along. [/quote] [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1461957415' post='3039187'] Same sh!t different field? [/quote] Yes, I can smell it now
  7. The grass appearing greener in the next band along.
  8. [size=4]This is a 2x10 guitar cab (i.e. NOT suitable for bass!) originally intended as an extension cab for the Laney VC30 combo, which is how I first used it. I have also paired it successfully with an Orange Tiny Terror 15W head, and then a Laney Lionheart 20W head.[/size] [size=4]Here is the spec:[/size][list] [*][size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#111111]2x [url="https://www.jensentone.com/vintage_ceramic/c10q"]Jensen C10Q16[/url] speakers[/color][/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#111111]Closed-back design[/color][/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#111111]70W RMS handling[/color][/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#111111]8 ohm impedance[/color][/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#111111]Leather side handle[/color][/font][/size] [/list] [size=4]The cab works perfectly with no issues, and it is in excellent condition. The only cosmetic defect I can find is where the surface of the leather carrying handle has started to flake away (see 3rd pic below).[/size] There is a review on [url="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32485154/20160103_160840.jpg"]Amazon[/url], and one in French [url="http://alatest.co.uk/reviews/speaker-reviews/laney-gs210ve/po3-88117672,35/"]here[/url]. [size=4]I love the sweet sound of Jensen speakers (in fact I have a P12R on back order for a combo I own)[/size], but realistically I don't have the room at home, so it can be yours for [size=5][b][s]£80[/s] [color=#0000ff]£65[/color][/b][/size]. Collection or meet-up preferred, as courier delivery would push up the cost a fair bit. No trades on this thanks, unless you are anxious to offload a Deluxe Memory Man with NOS Panasonic BBD chips on board!
  9. [quote name='grumpyguts' timestamp='1461921096' post='3038704'] Will be doing it again I hope, just got to think of a band name. [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1461921470' post='3038706'] I suggest 'The Chapel Hat Pegs'. [/quote] What a stand-out idea!
  10. Bump for the weekend. Something else I should mention - there is an audible pop when switching between active and passive. Sometimes it's quite loud, sometimes not, it seems to depend on what amp it's plugged into. Also s small amount of crackl when operating the volume pot, but no crackle when actually playing. Nate Mendel P added to trades list!
  11. My recollection of Marlins is that the hardware was made out of an alloy which scored somewhere between 'Cheddar' and 'Red Leicester' on the cheese hardness scale.
  12. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1461155227' post='3031923'] You need to try them, honestly. The Epiphone 339s are pretty good for the money, but honestly the Custom Shop 339 is probably the best value Gibson there is. [/quote] Speaking of which, just seen a [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/282093-all-original-gibson-custom-shop-es339-2010-vintage-sunburst-50s-neck/"]gorgeous sunburst 339[/url] on sale on BC. NOTE: I have no affiliation to the seller!
  13. [quote name='pineweasel' timestamp='1461845823' post='3038120'] Looks like this place in Bournemouth have them: [url="http://www.southernukulelestore.co.uk"]http://www.southernukulelestore.co.uk[/url] I tried a Kala U-Bass at Duke of Uke in London and it put me off buying one. Too expensive for what it was. [/quote] Not sure I want to be seen going into a ukulele shop! Looks like Ms Axe and I are off to Bristol today...
  14. Thanks for the heads-up chaps. I would really want to try before buying, which would necessitate a trip to either Bass Direct or the Gallery. Anyone know of other bass uke stockists in the South? EDIT: Just found that Hobgoblin Music in Bristol have a couple of Ashbury (budget brand - not Ashbory) bass ukes in stock.
  15. Follow these simple steps to accelerate your bass's ageing process with hardly any effort: (1) Make yourself some sleeves out of sandpaper. (2) Fix a small lump of concrete to your belt buckle with grip-fill. (3) Wear them whenever you play your bass. (4) Round up all the old keys from around your house and chuck them in your bass case or gig-bag
  16. I certainly don't miss old transistor amps. They were cack.
  17. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1461774207' post='3037556'] I mean, the funky one about f**king his girlfriend while she sits on the sideboard with her feet in the drawers lacks a certain [i]resonance[/i] under the circs. [/quote] Or indeed the one about getting it on with his sister.
  18. Just had this out for a play and had some second thoughts, but I can't justify keeping it just for home use so still up for sale. Don't forget trade options.
  19. Hello BC posse, I am considering a hollow uke style fretted Kala U-bass and I wondered what action and intonation adjustments they had. Or are they built spot-on so that adjustments are unnecessary? Off you go...
  20. Have fun, and make sure the audience knows you are having fun. If you do happen to play a bum note, everyone else will be too busy having fun to notice.
  21. It's in good condition. Apparently.
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