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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Paul bought a phone from me in a hassle-free transaction. 'Nuff said
  2. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1461498060' post='3035104'] The funny things was his favourite was......... my cheapest bass - the Fender P with D'Addario Chrome flats! [/quote] Nothing odd about that - I have 2 and I'm contemplating a third!
  3. I have a 'vintage' 73 Precision, and a modern 63 RI Precision. The build quality on the modern one is better by a country mile.
  4. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1461408699' post='3034380'] I've never sold one. I only have two basses (a Fender P and a Fender J) but I happily play them both and don't feel the urge to buy any more. This approach must have saved me loads of money over the past 30 years or so [/quote] Are you sure you're in the right forum? This is a GAS forum for GAS-afflicted people!
  5. (1) Lack of use as above. (2) Coming home with a new bass, looking at the old bass, thinking 'I won't be playing you any more'. Unfortunately (2) has led to me selling a bass that I now wish I still had!
  6. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1458231663' post='3005836'] So, what happened when you put the bass through it? [/quote] Sorry for the late reply - you could hear it, but the lowest notes were not very loud and/or ran into distortion very quickly. There is now a bass version available.
  7. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1461106675' post='3031599'] The only downside is the presets that come with it are mostly useless. For some reason they went for loads of flashy effects rather than just good amp sounds so almost everything has some form of cave-like reverb, delay and sometimes more. [/quote] That is par for the course with modelling amps, and indeed multi-fx - they want to show off what they can do, to impress people trying them out in shops. Unfortunately it puts off those people who want good 'core' tones.
  8. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1461361953' post='3034130'] Any chance of the 410/610/810's? I'd like to try the Marshall Superbass through them. [/quote] And the 16x10 of course. We can hold the bash inside it.
  9. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1461318950' post='3033600'] I know nothing about quantum computing. Is there a simple way you can explain negative delays? Obviously a computer won't be able to tell which note I'm going to play before I play it, so how does it work? [/quote] [url="http://www.explainthatstuff.com/quantum-computing.html"]This explanation[/url] is about as simple as it gets. But yes, the quantum computer would 'know' what note you were going to play a fraction of a second before you played it. On the macroscopic level (the world of 'big stuff' that we inhabit) that makes no sense, but there are other apparently nonsensical large-scale effects that flow from phenomena at the quantum level - an example is the famous [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-slit_experiment"]double-slit experiment[/url] in which a photon simultaneously follows two different paths. /physics
  10. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1461326880' post='3033703'] "A long time" is pretty subjective - when you're a [s]toddler[/s] 20-something wannabe, 10 minutes is an eternity.... [/quote] Fixed
  11. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1461233116' post='3032639'] Personally I am excited about what quantum computing will bring. [/quote] Exploiting quantum uncertainty [i]in the time domain[/i] raise the possibility of negative delay, where the delayed signal occurs fractionally before the played signal. At present the theoretical maximum for a negative delay stage is in the picoseconds, but by chaining many stages in a chip (much as bucket brigade chips chain multiple stages), it could be possible to generate negative delays long enough for us to hear. Imagine hearing your echo signal just before you play it! I think it will be a few years yet before the costs come down though - I would expect the first units to be expensive high-end studio rack units.
  12. Try as many as you can, it has to be the one that speaks to you.
  13. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1461101250' post='3031566'] So much sexier than a Stingray imo. [/quote] Hell yeah! And the active electronics are selectable, so you can carry on playing even without a battery.
  14. I am worried that the new badge is too upmarket for what is, after all, a workaday combo.
  15. Unfortunately the terms 'copyright', 'trade mark', 'design', and 'patent' get thrown around as though they were interchangeable. To understand how they work in the UK, toddle off to the [url="https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/intellectual-property-office"]Intellectual Property Office[/url]. I dare say the US situation is slightly different...
  16. My 336 does great controlled feedback!
  17. I don't think it would affect the playability. As to sound, that's a long discussion for an Internet forum. Oh, wait... EDIT: Actually the smaller body is much more manageable now I think about it.
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