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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Just realised it also colour-coordinates with my Rokit studio monitors!
  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1459714310' post='3018930'] Most start up bands don't stay together long enough to see they're first gig. Any band you join that has no gigs probably will not get any gigs. Blue [/quote] That depends massively on who is running the band. If you're talking about a bunch of weekend warriors getting together to play some of their favourite songs, you're most likely right, they'll never get out of the rehearsal room. On the other hand, I joined a 'start-up' before Christmas that is run by 2 very motivated and organised fellas - we have done 2 gigs so far (including one that they set up and promoted themselves), and the diary is steadily filling up.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1459706245' post='3018791'] Would it keep up with a shed-building drummer..? [/quote] [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1459712731' post='3018904'] Only if you are Talk bass ;-) [/quote] Eh?
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1459706245' post='3018791'] Would it keep up with a shed-building drummer..? [/quote] I doubt it!
  5. Bought a Markbass Micromark 801 combo from Bassgear on Friday. I say 'combo', it's more of a cubist handbag - approx 10.5in in all directions. How the hell does it sound so loud and bassy? I got it for my practice room, but it would easily drown out the rest of a trad jazz combo at a rehearsal. Can't be bothered to take a photo, so here is a stock pic. Remember, 10.5 inches:
  6. I have both a Hiscox and a Fender-branded SKB. The SKB has plenty room for strap, spare strings, jack lead etc, and all the catches are protected by plastic flanges. The Hiscox loses out on both those aspects. Both cases are about as bomb-proof as a plastic case can be.
  7. Could be a management company wanting to put an act into venues and take a percentage of the action. Maybe.
  8. I like the clean sound - could definitely live with that. Who stocks these basses in the UK? World Guitars carry the Rock n Roll Relics [url="https://worldguitars.co.uk/product-category/guitars/electric-guitars/rock-n-roll-relics/"]guitars[/url], but they don't stock basses. At all.
  9. Ooh I really like Move On. Shame I don't live closer, right up my street.
  10. If you had an infinite number of monkeys, each with a Black & Decker and a Jazz bass, you would get quite a few like this. In fact maybe that's what happened?
  11. No mention of the impedance. Hope it's 8 ohm, as ideally I'd like to stack 2 of them, or put them side-by-side for a wall of tone.
  12. I have 3 answers to the OP: 1. I play regularly in 2 bands tin different genres, and dep with just about anyone, so there is plenty of variety for me. 2. It doesn't bother me that the it's not my original material, or the band's original material - somebody wrote it originally! 3. I don't choose to listen to Blink 182, Abba, or Gilbert & Sullivan, but it's a lot of fun playing the songs, as well as frequently challenging.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1459356637' post='3015779'] I meant quicksand..! I have a real problem with keys players and have had for decades. I know there are good ones out there, it's just that for whatever reason I've never managed to work with any of 'em. In my experience it's best to not go through all the stress and grief and avoid them completely. I won't join a band with keys, regardless of how good they otherwise are, it's just not worth it. [/quote] I can think of one (1) keyboard player I've worked with that didn't overdo it with the left hand. Come to think of it, that works euphemistically too!
  14. Although I admit I would be curious too, surely that is beside the point - unless you hope to identify the player from this information!
  15. Nick, if you get bored with that Precision, you know I'm just off your commuting route...
  16. [quote name='ColinB' timestamp='1459161081' post='3013907'] mmmm - as much as I like Duck Dunn, £974 is a lot of money! [/quote] They'd probably take £900 for it. Plus Amazon's 'look inside' feature gives you [i]You Don't Miss Your Water[/i] for free!
  17. His 2008 covers album Meet Glen Campbell is excellent - great choice of material, quality delivery. A true musician.
  18. So buying a Jazz is a weekly occurrence? Nice!
  19. Is there a fee, and if so who pays it?
  20. I don't mind as long as I'm not called upon to play a 'solo'. If I know in advance that something like this is coming, I plan ahead by working out what well-known riff from another song I can fit in, e.g. for a mid-tempo shuffle I play the start and main riff of Deep Purple's 'Black Night'.
  21. Previous thread: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/267391-gospel-players/page__hl__gospel
  22. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1458938341' post='3012339'] Now, if the guy on the left could spell 'practise' properly, they'd all fall into line.... [/quote] [b]practice[/b] is a noun [b]practise[/b] is a verb Unless you're American.
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