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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. The Marshall is a straight-ahead amp, the other two have amp modelling on board. Any of them will do the job for home practice.
  2. Malc and Northy, it's worth saying where you live as you will generally find Basschatters in your area who will be happy to show off their rigs and let you try them out. The more kit you try, the better idea you get of what you like and what you don't. Failing that, find something you fancy (used) on the Basschat market place, and if you don't get on with it you can sell it on without losing much on it.
  3. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1458907578' post='3012022'] you lot are encourageable [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1458908926' post='3012038'] I don't get that one. [/quote] The word is 'incorrigible', meaning 'impossible to correct'. /pedantry
  4. If you only want a practice amp, the smaller Fender V3 Rumbles are cheap as chips - typically £188 (40W) and £110 (15W). Shouldn't be a problem to find one to try at your local Fender dealer.
  5. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1458833180' post='3011357'] Looks a bit different doesn't it! He says he can apply a range of patterns and finishes as they are built to order too. [url="http://www.retrovibe.co.uk/custom/django.html"]http://www.retrovibe...tom/django.html[/url] [/quote] Alice Cooper tribute band anyone?
  6. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1458843826' post='3011528'] I would recommend a Fender Rumble 100 V3. They are as small as an average practice amp, insanely light (you can pick them up with a finger), and loud. I've played a gig through one and it dealt fine with the volume of a moderately loud drummer. [/quote] Doubles as a practice amp and a gigging amp then.
  7. This one actually[i] did[/i] make me cry, but it was the beauty of the performance (with Rodney Crowell at Bristol Colston Hall): http://youtu.be/l3LQeRqTBK4 And this one did when I played it to Mrs Axe - something about sharing it with another person: http://youtu.be/Xad0Qyu__cE
  8. The proposed location will eat a lot of stage space - tripods = trip hazard!
  9. I have a school photo taken when I was about 8. I thought I was smiling (but not grinning idiotically) but the photo shows an 8-year-old who has discovered the works of Jean-Paul Sartre*. [size=3]*This didn't actually happen for another 10 years.[/size]
  10. To the OP - work through the lessons at www.studybass.com to understand how chords are constructed.
  11. I share the OP's pain. I'm a pretty organised person, so disorganised people really wind me up. A band that isn't well run is unlikely to engage or retain my services.
  12. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1458419248' post='3007557'] Generally, if you are doing covers and you have the ability to switch tones during a gig you just choose a tone similar to the original tune for each song? [/quote] [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1458463739' post='3007696'] You'd be surprised! Many don't. [/quote] I just modify my plucking style and use my tone control to suit the bass tone to the song. I don't obsess about exactly replicating the sound on the original recording, I just go for something that works and sounds 'right' to me in context.
  13. Masquerade bash at Swindon MECA [[i]sic[/i]] - followed Nathan Jones All Stars (big band), including a Michael Bublé set, and played virtually non-stop floor-fillers. A few small gaffs (the band is quite new) but overall a success I would say!
  14. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1457693202' post='3000973'] My latest P bass, looking forward to gigging it [url="https://flic.kr/p/E7UJTV"][/url] [/quote] Corrr! What are the pickups?
  15. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1458380165' post='3007055'] I was on a residential songwriting course last year & on the first evening somebody mentioned "Walking on Sunshine", which was the cue for me to go off into my usual rant about how much I hated that song. What I didn't realise at the time was that one of the women on the course was the wife of Kimberley Rew, the guy that wrote it.... [/quote] Don't worry, Mrs Rew must get that a lot!
  16. To me that's always been a second division disco number at best.
  17. I occasionally find myself fancying a bass like this, until I remind myself it's not a Precision! I used to own and gig a Hohner Jack but playing it now (as it belongs to Mr Axe jnr) it sounds a bit thin. That's probably down to the J pickups - the OP's looks like it has humbuckers.
  18. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1458066758' post='3004397'] Inn before the lock! [/quote] Are you here all week?
  19. One pickup (to rule them all). Give me a well-placed good-sounding pickup, and all I need to adjust during a gig are the tone control and my plucking hand.
  20. This is a good illustration of where tab falls short. Standard notation gives you the pitches and durations, and you (the player) work out the best way to play them on your instrument. Bass tab just gives you the mechanical information for one possible way to play the music on a bass - in this case, a rather odd way. Please feel free not to join battle in another notation vs tab debate!
  21. AC/DC, Sheffield Poly, 1978 Slipknot, Bristol Anson Rooms, on their first UK tour (2000/2001?)
  22. I had one just like this - wish I still did, even though I have 2 very nice Precisions.
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