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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1456502528' post='2989752'] No time for the band as she is busy trying to get pregnant? [/quote] Maybe the band could all help in that regard? Obviously I mean by giving her time to be with her other half.
  2. I don't really see a problem with BC market place as it is. You can easily set the scope of your search using the drop-down options.
  3. 2 possibilities spring to mind: - wrong polarity on the mains adaptor - if it's an early model with a 1/8in jack, that will be centre positive, whereas the Boss 'standard' used by the majority of makers is centre negative; or - there is an internal fault which is stopping current flowing form the DC jack to the circuit.
  4. I usually start with a note-for-note transcription from the original, but inevitably I end up departing from this. What really annoys me is when people clearly haven't paid any proper attention to the original and just play 'what they think'.
  5. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1456439756' post='2989164'] Looks like it was painted with a Homebase wallpaper brush - by a crew of Bonobos [/quote] Nah, bonobos would have been too busy shagging each other to be able to paint that badly.
  6. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1455803976' post='2982576'] Early March according to my sources... D. [/quote] What year though?
  7. The Orangery at Blenheim Palace: Although we had to load in through a window!
  8. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1456353345' post='2988307'] ... going forward...! [/quote] Are you in management Pete?
  9. I've had 2 basses and a guitar from Wunjo, great shops.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1456341959' post='2988103'] It's the worst thing I've ever seen. [/quote] [media]http://youtu.be/QMWUYMWlEyo[/media]
  11. 'Some of the fret bars have fallen off'. You don't say!
  12. That dood talks sense! My guess is that the phasing issue is more noticeable on a 2-pickup setting because it is a more harmonically complex signal.
  13. [quote name='Sparky Mark' timestamp='1456338137' post='2988061'] The speakers that I have intimate knowledge of and did compare are Bergantino HT112ER and EX112ER which are the deepest sounding followed by Markbass Traveller 121H then Bergantino AE112 least deep. [/quote] But what does 'deep' mean? And could it just be a baked-in resonance peak?
  14. I have the same YOB as BigRedX. Precisions just work for me, and a 1960 example would indeed be a delight, but I am highly unlikely ever to own one.
  15. Chorus has spoiled more music than we'll ever know.
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1456303666' post='2987474'] Has anyone on here ever had a valve pre go bad? I suspect the role of the preamp valve in hybrid deaths is minimal... [/quote] No, and that includes gigging all-valve guitar amps for the last 20 years. EDIT 1: Far more likely for the Class D power stage to die! EDIT 2: Just checked out the Streamliner 900 schematic, and both the effect return and the aux input come in [i]after[/i] all the valves, but [i]before[/i] the master volume. Thus if one of your valves died on a gig, you could plug your bass into one of these sockets and at least get some kind of a signal. The input impedance is about 100k, so it would work best with an active bass, or via a buffered pedal (or better still a preamp pedal). I haven't tried this, so no idea how loud it would be.
  17. My experience with G&Ls is that the batteries last for ages, as the current draw is so low. Sounds like the OP has a partial short somewhere.
  18. Excellent stuff, thanks for sharing.
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1456183786' post='2986468'] That's easy - a pre-CBS Fender P. [/quote] Yeah but in what finish?
  20. I don't subscribe to the lighter-but-not-quite-as-good thing with micro/lightweight kit. My experience is that my lightweight amp and cab sound better than my heavier conventional solid state kit ever did. I have limited experience of valve bass amps mind, so can't comment there.
  21. So, er... does it sound any good?
  22. Dep guitar gig with a Bristol pub band. Took my LP Standard for a change - worked out really well, great sounds on tap, didn't really miss single coils.
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