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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I use pictures, stories (if the song doesn't have one), and sets of initials to remember lyrics. The OP is right - the more random the words are, the harder they are to remember.
  2. [quote name='Mr Arkadin' timestamp='1455036987' post='2975289'] I guess Bowie's Ziggy Stardust would count ... [/quote] I've always listened to it in that way, but first-hand accounts in the (many) Bowie biographies I've read suggest it didn't start out that way - the concept came out of the songs, not the other way round. Still one of my favourite albums after 40 years of listening! [quote name='Mr Arkadin' timestamp='1455036987' post='2975289'] ... but definitely 1.Outside. I just wish he'd got round to finishing the proposed trilogy. [/quote] It could still happen. Bowie said that 1, Outside had come from about 20 hours of improv, so who knows what other finished songs may now see the light of day. I live in hope.
  3. All very talented players, but to me that talent has been wasted on an ostentatious arrangement.
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1455391890' post='2978783'] What, a towel-rail for £6.25..? I doubt it. [/quote] Towel-rail GAS is a bitch!
  5. Steve bought a guitar amp from me. Quick response to PMs, straightforward as you like. A pleasure to meet Steve for a coffee and chat, the deal having been done in a McDonalds car park in the JapanAxe tradition!
  6. I think the Roland will connect direct to a computer, sending MIDI data via the USB cable, so no need for an extra box.
  7. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1455303345' post='2978084'] It's just convention. I regularly jam with a guy who has a guitar with dots on the fifth, seventh, tenth and twelfth frets. [/quote] Back in the 70s I think the old Eko Ranger acoustics had dots at the 10th fret rather than the 9th.
  8. All good advice. Most of all Kev, stay in touch with your friends - us lot!
  9. "feel player" Musician who plays the song wrong time after time, but somehow gets away with it.
  10. I change my right-hand plucking position to adjust the timbre of the notes, but I had never thought about doing this on a string-by-string basis. To be fair, the B on my 5-er [i]doesn't[/i] sound massively different to the E.
  11. Iconic Redundant term, completely meaningless in any context, but beloved of all popular media hacks.
  12. And I've got titanium pins holding together what used to be the main joint of my big toe, but I didn't know any of the answers. So not metal at all.
  13. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1455053070' post='2975548'] I enjoy the fact that you're a regular GAS sufferer, it means plenty of opportunities to read your top quality reviews [/quote]
  14. A good range on the (passive) tone control is one of the marks of a good bass.
  15. PMT in Bristol have got this Yamaha BB714BS for £547:
  16. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1454874401' post='2973835'] Never liked his music in the 70s and it hasn't improved with age. There again, neither have I . [/quote] I'm with you on this one Pete. When Mrs Axe brought home James Blunt's second album, one of the tracks immediately reminded me of GO'S, and that was very much a Bad Thing.
  17. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1454875577' post='2973858'] I always find these statements funny. I wonder just how high a percentage of all macs are now bitcoin mines without the owner's knowledge because of this assumption… [/quote] I ran MacScan last week but no bitcoin mines came up. Perhaps I should be worried...
  18. Damn! If only 'Go Jetter' had been a career option when I was a kid...
  19. Amp head, leads, tuner, and iPad (for reading gigs) in rucksack; bass, another lead and spare tuner in hard case. For guitar gigs, I have a camera case tidily packed with leads, tools, spare valves, capo, picks etc.
  20. [media]http://youtu.be/7HhFdrH2u3I[/media] Well that's interesting. Yes a thoroughly predictable Precision and Jazzmaster, and from half-way through, a Strat; but I swear I saw a Woolies crappo guitar in there too!
  21. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1454518626' post='2970451'] Well they certainly know what they want, and they have ambition and determination. I'm pretty sure that before too long in the near future we will never hear of them ever again. [/quote] Hey, it's already happened!
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