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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Last year's goals were to do with depping with lots of bands. Did that In 2 bands for 2016, so looking to make a go of both of those.
  2. [quote name='stoker' timestamp='1451311979' post='2939459'] More info on the Bass. It went missing about 10 years ago, dark sunburst, non standard knobs and a repaired headstock crack. [/quote] [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1451371048' post='2939877'] Ten YEARS ago???? Blimey. [/quote] Blimey indeed - I was thinking this was within the last week!
  3. I don't currently use fx pedals on bass, but there are 8 pedals and a tuner on my guitar 'board. I often use very 'gainy' pedals, or combinations thereof, with single-coil guitars. At home the noise (particularly mains hum) is quite noticeable, but live on stage it is rarely a problem. In my guitar-multi-fx-rack days I did experiment with using the noise gate, but iirc it never seemed worth it in the end.
  4. I don't think it's possible to generalise about tone on short-scales, as it is dependent on so many other factors - construction, pickup choice, pickup placement, strings, and of course your playing style. As for looks, no a short-scale won't look like a toy, unless you are a massive bloke! I do recommend you try to borrow a short-scale for a gig. After a 34in bass, a gig on a 30in feels like a 'night off'.
  5. If going for a guitar case, try before you buy - for example, a Hohner Jack headless fitted fine in a generic Brandoni case I had, but not in a Hiscox Strat/Tele case.
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1451291242' post='2939268'] Are there any guitar shops that aren't just full of Strats, Teles, Les Pauls and their copies? I realise that these are the staples but it would be nice to see a decent selection of alternative designs for the more discerning guitarist. [/quote] The aforementioned [url="http://worldguitars.co.uk"]World Guitars[/url] - PRS, Tom Anderson, Nik Huber, Patrick Eggle, Schecter Custom Shop, Vigier, Suhr, Rock'n'Roll Relics... plus the obligatory (though high-end) Starts, Teles, and Les Pauls. A bit nearer to you (Ashbourne, Derbyshire) is [url="http://www.guitars4you.co.uk/"]Guitars 4 You[/url] - PRS, Collings, Dusenberg, MusicMan, Tyler, Trussart, Suhr, G&L, Tom Anderson, Ibanez, Gretsch... plus (see above!) - they are having a 'closing-down' sale as they are moving over to appointments-only.
  7. [list=1] [*]What is your business model? [*]What is your corporate structure? [*]What is your unique selling point? [*]What is your projected turnover for the next 12 months? [/list] Explanation:[list=1] [*]E.g. 'Play covers in pubs, get paid, have fun.' [*]E.g. benevolent dictatorship; star + side-men; equal-shares partnership. [*]E.g. 'U2 covers played acid-jazz-stylee.' [*]The top line! The bottom line is a little harder to calculate... [/list]
  8. Nice review Mr Discreet. When I bought my Demeter, the TH500 came very close to it in terms of clarity and sound quality. +1 to a review update after you've gigged it!
  9. I like 'em both. I have had a CAR Sandberg, and now have a faded Sonic Blue Precision - all good!
  10. [quote name='lushuk' timestamp='1450786415' post='2935827'] we can't turn the drummer down [/quote] ...but a whack upside the head can work wonders!
  11. That guitar head would make a brilliant spare at less than £210.
  12. Well I just read it but I am in the middle of family time with Mrs Axe, Mr Axe Jnr, Ms Axe Jnr and her husband, and our granddaughter!
  13. Mrs Axe got me a Neotech strap from Bassgear. Well I ordered it and she paid for it. Mr Axe Jnr got me the Fender Bass Book. All good!
  14. [quote name='AinsleyWalker' timestamp='1450984649' post='2937678'] Thanks for the links, however I seem unable to open the files he's included as they are .ipb format. not sure what that is. [/quote] Save them, but change [b].ipb[/b] to [b].pdf[/b]
  15. Swing and be-bop. I may have a gig in January playing trad and swing, but thankfully it will not involve boaters and stripey blazers.
  16. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1450888926' post='2936767'] There are actually relatively few circumstances where you can raise a capacitance rating and it not have an adverse effect on a circuit. Power supply ripple smoothing caps are one of these few circumstances (but even then in moderation). I'm guessing the PF500 is a class D / switched mode PSU design in which case it would almost certainly be a bad idea to change a value randomly. [/quote] Increasing cap sizes in a smoothing circuit can caush bigger currents to flow through the rectifier diodes, which may result in 'magic smoke'!
  17. I love both, couldn't choose between the two. And yes, I even enjoy playing Mustang Sally!
  18. [list=1] [*]Is that your real hair? [*]What's that funny smell? [*]Can you lend me some money to buy a bass. And an amp. And a car. [*]Pardon? [/list]
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