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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='Alec' timestamp='1450358880' post='2931993'] I'd accept a compromised sound for the convenience of a lighter pack. Fortunately I don't have to, as I now have lighter and better - result! [/quote] This.
  2. [quote name='BassAgent' timestamp='1450220070' post='2930761'] [color=#141414][/color] [color=#141414][b]1972 Fender Precision Bass[/b][/color] [/quote] Now that is a bass!
  3. I have the opposite experience to the OP - I experienced a revelation about how good a bass can sound once I switched to Class D heads and 'clever' Neo-loaded cabs.
  4. I have a Bose L1 Model 2 and used it just for vocals in a 3-piece (guitar/bass/drums). The Tone Match mixer (which I also have) takes 3 mics and a stereo input. If you just want it for vocals, and don't play silly loud, it may do the job, and if you set ti up in the right place it can be your foldback too. Bear in mind it's not really intended for putting a whole band through - Bose rather optimistically suggest that each musician would have his/her own system for their own vocals and instrument(s)! Like this:
  5. I have the 5-string version, the L1505, and the sound is phenomenal. The MFD pickup is monstrous, and they got the placement just right imo. I don't think the thumb rest is original, but it looks quite classy. GLWTS!
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1450093499' post='2929448'] Anything more than a Telecaster is just showing off. [/quote] Nothing is 'more' than a Telecaster! Many modern humbuckers are wound very hot, which means they are great for generating distortion but sound rather dull played clean. By contrast, an 'underwound' humbucker can sound very nice and characterful. A good P90 can be a flexible alternative, but there is not just one P90 sound, and the guitar in which they are installed can make a lot of difference.
  7. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1450089080' post='2929377'] And in true forum 'Yin and Yang' I owned one in the mid 90's and thought that it was great - it was bought as a practice combo - 80w IIRC, but I did gig it in a rock band without PA support [/quote] That'll be the BLX80 then.
  8. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1450007369' post='2928667'] That's a good job done. Always try to do a better job than the guy you're depping for. [/quote] Quite right. As a minimum, I go for 'can't see the join'. Preferably, 'I wish we had this guy instead of our regular player'.
  9. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1449971803' post='2928526'] Me too, but not at nearly €400. [/quote] You'd better hope it's a roaring success, then a certain proportion will appear on the s/h market for about 2/3 of that. Conversely, if the pedal goes out of production quickly, it will achieve legendary status and fetch wallet-worrying prices on eBay!
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1449971536' post='2928523'] I like La Bellas. [/quote] I hope I do too!
  11. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1449927296' post='2928058'] Good man. That many different musical environments will make you a better, more rounded and experienced player. Did you get asked back? That's the acid test. [/quote] Yes, and in at least one case I got asked to join the band (but declined). [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1449933339' post='2928133'] Good 4 you. Being such a hussy means you often find tunes that are fun to play and a challenge outside of the stuff you would naturally gravitate towards. [/quote] Absolutely. Few pub bands would do a medley from [i]Les Mis[/i] for example. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1449939704' post='2928226'] 14 bands in a year - he is probably too busy to be able to accommodate requests for repeat gigs...! [/quote] I have turned a couple of gigs down because of prior gig commitments. Tonight, for the first time, I turned a gig down because I was just too busy - gigs, rehearsals, practice, work, family, Christmas... [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1449950212' post='2928363'] Where thy gigs, or are you a jam tart . [/quote] Coat. Now.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1449958579' post='2928437'] Got to love sonic with mint guard. Chromes are about the brightest possible flats you can buy, though. [/quote] The Chromes have calmed down a bit now. In the meantime I have bought a nearly-new set of La Bellas from a fellow BC-er, so may give them a try. Chromes on my '73 sound nowhere near as bright - the two basses have very different voices, love 'em both!
  13. About 18 months ago I set out to do as much depping as I could. I have just gone through this year's calendar, and by tomorrow night I will have played with 14 different bands since 1st January. 4x function/party bands 1x country band 2x tribute bands 4x pub/rock bands 1x choir 1x big band 1x duo Well I think I've achieved my goal!
  14. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1449671115' post='2925816'] Wow just went on the Classic and Cool website - he's got some nice stuff there! Shame it's in Devon - I reckon I could spend a good few hours there!.... [/quote] This guy is a bit closer to you: [url="http://cotswoldbassguitars.co.uk/for-sale.htm"]Cotswold Bass Guitars[/url]
  15. Depends a lot on your budget. Just try as many as you can!
  16. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1449695173' post='2926124'] Would love one in shoreline gold. [/quote] Off you go to the Custom Shop then!
  17. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449606585' post='2925186'] Why doesn't anyone say..as you would here... we play for 2 x1 hrs max and our fee is..£xxxx. Take it or leave it..? [/quote] Because the answer would be, 'I'll leave it'.
  18. I'd go for a hard-tail Yamaha or Ibanez - either a 7-string, or a long scale instrument that you can comfortably down-tune. Obviously there is the budget to consider...
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