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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Just been down this road myself and ended up buying a US '63 RI.
  2. [quote name='luckman67' timestamp='1449438814' post='2923603'] Nice looking bass I like the period style case candy. you get with the AVRI basses [/quote] That's all gone in the loft along with the ash-trays - I use a Fender/SKB case for gigs!
  3. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1449428093' post='2923465'] Moonage daydream, Bowie. Mick Ronson's solo is beyond description. [/quote] Won't argue with that!
  4. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1449423300' post='2923413'] There are a lot in the top 50 list that I haven't heard of, let alone played, and several not in there that would be if it was a UK list [/quote] Yep, that's a very USA-centric list!
  5. NBF? New Bass Fortnight! It's all very well reviewing a bass the day you get it, but the proof of the pudding is getting out there and playing it with other people, so this post comes 2 weeks after purchase. I had been on the hunt for another Precision for a couple of weeks (see [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/216528-what-have-you-got-gas-for-at-the-mo/page__view__findpost__p__2907369"]here[/url]), and one of the basses I had tried was an AVRI '63 in Wunjo. They got another one in stock, so I toddled along there, tried it, and bought it it (nice deal Tom - cheers!) If I'm honest, I probably wasn't as rigorous with myself as I could have been as to whether it was what I really wanted - I had worked out that some kind of RI was the way to go, and this one did the business. As a result, I suffered massive buyer's remorse over the ensuing few days. The first thing I did when I got the bass home was to fit a set of Chromes. I initially set the action very low, then took it back up a bit to allow the strings to vibrate freely. This is one incredibly bright bass, and initially there seemed to be a lot more 'boing' to the sound than I usually like. I worried that I should have gone for something with more 'mojo'. However, all this evaporated when I got a call to dep with a pub covers band I used to play with. On the gig, the bass sounded monstrous. I got so much top playing fingerstyle with the tone fully open that I never broke out the pick all night, and it punched through like a very punchy thing. The neck is a fair bit wider and shallower than on my '73, but it sort of disappears under your fingers when playing. I also took it to a soul band audition and got the gig. I'd like to think it was my playing that did the trick, but having a clear, round, punchy sound did me no harm at all. Just to prove it really happened, here's a blurry pic and a live shot (with audience member/victim on drums):
  6. Could also courier at cost. Also here is a Slovakian demo of the amp in its original form: http://youtu.be/H_00EoJ21Uo
  7. Do you just want a pedal for the sake of having one? Or do you some specific sounds in mind that you want to emulate?
  8. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1449316298' post='2922490'] I like the Korg Pitchblack nice and easy to see very accurate also only sold mine as I do not use a pedal tuner anymore but if I did I would get another Korg [/quote] [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1449323466' post='2922601'] This. The display is very clear indeed and can be seen under any stage lighting conditions. The mute switch is completely silent (no pops, even with valve amps). And it has a 9V [i][b]output [/b][/i]socket ... if you only use one non-battery fx pedal on your board, then you can daisy-chain it from the Pitchblack and effectively (see what I did there?) turn it into a battery-powered pedal. [/quote] Another vote for the Pitchblack. When it is bypassed (i.e. you are playing through it) the current draw is tiny. Even so, it gives you fair warning when the battery is nearing the end of its juice (red 'chevron' LED flashes).
  9. If you think of it as an uninspiring go-louder box, you won't be disappointed.
  10. Spelling is not an issue! Just end every sentence with an exclamation mark! Like this! Every single one! You'll soon be famous!
  11. [url="http://worldguitars.co.uk/brands/acoustic"]World Guitars[/url] in Stonehouse (near Stroud, Glos)
  12. This (together with a Jensen-loaded Laney 2x10) has been my home practice amp for the last 3 years or so. I bought it from the first owner, who gigged it for a short while before deciding he needed more power to keep up with the other guitarist in his band. He always kept it well protected, and consequently it is in excellent cosmetic condition - the only sign of wear is that some of the panel lettering has worn away. All electronics work as they should. The amp is fitted mainly with JJ valves. The amp has a lush sound, not far from Vox territory, and does a particularly good just-breaking-up thing. I imagine I may regret parting with it, but I am hankering after a Princeton Reverb, so this a and solid-state Marshall have to go. I am looking for [size=5][b]£300[/b][/size] collected, or possible meet-up. No trades thanks, unless you have a Princeton Reverb, or similar small low-power combo with reverb.
  13. Forgot to mention the long dent in the front panel, running beneath the line of 4 sockets. You can clearly see it in the picture.
  14. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1448906708' post='2919088'] is that a replacement neck? [/quote] Looks a like well-worn neck!
  15. Used to have drive, auto-wah and phaser, but now - just a decent lead. No, you're not missing out at all!
  16. That's pretty exposed, just you and the singer. Good job!
  17. This has been my handy jam guitar amp for a while, but I am after a Princeton Reverb (a very different beast!) so this has to go to make room. First off it is not the ordinary AVT20, it is the Tribute version, with different face plate and basket-weave grille cloth. I don't know what it's a tribute [i]to[/i], but there you go... The amp is simple to use, with Gain (switchable between Clean and Overdrive modes), Volume, 3-band EQ (classic Marshall passive tone stack), and Reverb. Outputs include speaker-emulated DI and headphones. The combo is fitted with a 30W 10in Celestion speaker. I have improved the amp with a few simple mods: [b](1) Replaced reverb tank[/b] Yes this amp has a proper spring reverb. Unfortunately the cheapo OEM unit was dead when I got the amp, so I fitted a nice Accutronics unit (see pic below). [b](2) Changed pre-amp valve[/b] Like many amps of this kind, there is way too much gain baked into the circuit. I reduced this by replacing the Marshall-badged 12AX7 (ECC83) valve with a quality JJ 12AT7 (ECC81). [b](3) Removed clipping diodes[/b] These work like a built-in distortion pedal. I removed them, and balanced the Clean and Overdrive modes by snipping resistor R19. You can now get genuine valve crunch at the top of the Gain range in Clean mode, and the Overdrive mode has a much more usable range. [b](4) Conversion to open-back speaker cab[/b] I removed the back panel and fitted a 4in baffle at the bottom of the cab. The result is an airier sound with better spread. I can include both panels if you wish. The amp is in good condition. There is a bit of 'soiling' but no tears in the tolex, and all the electronics work properly. I am looking for [size=5][b]£80[/b][/size] collected, or possible meet-up if not too far. No trades thanks, unless you have a Princeton Reverb you want to offload!
  18. I used to struggle with octaves, but I changed my technique to floating thumb a couple of years ago and noticed a massive improvement. EDIT: On reflection, I think this is because my picking fingers both stay in position above the target strings, instead of having to stretch over to the higher-pitched string.
  19. Welcome to Basschat! As a resident, can you confirm whether Rodney Crowell was correct on this point: [i]Down in Louisiana The bayou's by-and-by A pirogue pole or your natural soul Keeps you tied to a tree high-tide[/i]
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