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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='rmcki' timestamp='1447360789' post='2907122'] I've had a Sandberg for a few week now, i'd say its a P-bass with options. [/quote] I concur.
  2. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1444386447' post='2882753'] Another Precision. One is great, so two has got to be better, right? The thing is I'm unsure which way to go with this. Options include:[list] [*]Another original 70s model; [*]An original 60s model (£££!); [*]An American Vintage Reissue (aka Pure Vintage); [*]A Custom Shop repro (relic'd or otherwise); [*]A Limelight or similar repro (ditto); [*]A cheaper/newer model to use as a 'beater' or for reduced risk (dodgy pubs, overnighters, overseas gigs). [/list] I will be hitting the Gallery and Denmark St tomorrow. I'm calling it a fact-finding mission for now, but who knows... [/quote] [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1444500353' post='2883741'] My fact-finding mission was a success. Tried a delightful Pure Vintage P (in Sonic Blue) in Wunjo - thought I could definitely go for one of those, but no rush to buy. Then on to the Gallery and a Custom Shop '59 relic P in white with gold 'guard. I spent ages playing it (a good sign when you don't want to put it down) and was all set to make an offer, but after I got the chap to take some relief out of the neck, some of the mojo seemed to go. Weird. Also tried a bass built around a late 70s P neck with rosewood board - played superb, sounded good, looked hideous (to me). The quest continues. [/quote] [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1446408924' post='2899199'] Well the Limelight is out of the running - I wouldn't be comfortable with the fake-ness thing (don't ask). Another London trip booked for next Saturday... [/quote] Sorry to self-quote, but this post would make no sense otherwise. My latest London trip was worthwhile, not least because I discovered how useful Google Maps on my phone can be - tell it where you want to go, specify public transport, and it tells you the bus stop and service number, how to walk to it, and when the next one is due. Outstanding! The Oyster card is a wonderful thing. Anyway, Wunjo had sold their last Pure Vintage, and the only thing in Denmark St that I even wanted to pick up was an original '59 at £9,995 i.e. somewhat outside my budget. New Kings Road Vintage Guitar Emporium (snappy name eh?) had a white P described as 'hybrid 60s/70s', which immediately caught my eye - basically 60s neck and pickup, unknown body (likely 70s from the white paint discoloured to yellow). I notice that the home-made scratchplate was somewhat wide by the controls so I asked them to remove it - sure enough, there was some extra routing, and you couldn't have fitted a normal scratchplate, so I passed. Played and sounded great, but I wasn't feeling the love. Top marks to those guys for helpfulness btw. Nipped up to Bass Direct yesterday afternoon and tried 4 Precisions: (1) 1969 in heavily distressed weird dark green finish - really light, played and sounded great, except for some fret buzz up the dusty end. Could be a high fret, could be an up-turn. Also it looked hideous - I want better for my £2,500! (2) 1993 MIJ in yellowed white / red tort - a real looker, very road worn, good player, but a weak G, even when the lads in the shop had kindly raised the pickup with some foam. (3) 1984 Squier JV in black - completely meh, sounded and played like a very ordinary bass. Did not live up to the legend. (4) CS '59 in sunburst / gold anodised - although my large hands are very tolerant of different neck profile, I make an exception in this case - wide, shallow, with a horrible sharp profile to the edges, completely different from the '59 I tried at the Gallery. Also tried a PJB Double 4 while I was there, and decided it wasn't for me. A practice amp really, I reckon it would be lost the moment someone else started to play. You may think I'm being picky. That's because I am. I'm not complaining though, as I am in the fortunate position of taking my time for the right bass. To be continued...
  3. Bass - live, nope; home recording, yes. Guitar - live, yes for effect or fat boost; home recording, sometimes.
  4. I think Scott Devine has started playing one of these in his videos: [media]http://youtu.be/8opX_-lZ_BA[/media]
  5. Available New Year's Eve and some other December 2015 dates.
  6. Available New Year's Eve and some other December 2015 dates.
  7. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1446822140' post='2902668'] Sonic heaven, lumbar hell. [/quote]
  8. Most puck purchasers seem to use them in conjunction with car jacks, but for jacking up cars, not cabs.
  9. Sorry, nothing there for me to like
  10. Sugar pine is used in some custom builds - in fact I played a friend's Rutter Tel/Jag hybrid which I think was made from sugar pine.
  11. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1446654292' post='2901197'] I got a length of acoustic drum riser foam & cut it in half & placed them under the cab anytime I was on a wooden stage. [/quote] Exactly what I did, works a treat. I started a thread about it [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/224651-the-cab-now-arriving-at-platfoam-3/page__p__2308648__hl__platfoam__fromsearch__1#entry2308648"]here[/url]. However, the latest scientific research shows that the best stand for a bass cab is another (matching) cab*. [size=2]*Just to be clear, I made this up.[/size]
  12. Strangely, when I saw the thread title I knew it was going to be about Bono and U2!
  13. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1446590311' post='2900712'] I was being ironic..... Take a £199 bass, probably cost about £75 s/h.... trash it a bit then put it on Ebay for £250! Wish I'd thought of that.... [/quote] Don't worry, plenty of people have.
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1446590311' post='2900711'] It's been hand-polished!! [/quote] The finish was so shiny that it slipped off that chair when he was taking the photo.
  15. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1446589005' post='2900695'] "I won't except anything under £100" [/quote] BIN £100 or make an offer - I guess he means a [i]higher[/i] offer then!
  16. They have come out with some very catchy songs (Monkey Wrench, Times Like These etc) which I expect are in your new set, but a lot of the album content is filler IMHO.
  17. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1446460641' post='2899444'] Beware that you could end up backing countless fret widdlers soloing endlessly over exactly the same 12 bar format (occasionally in a different key from the previous one). Other bass players tend to disappear when this phenomenon occurs. [/quote] Very much this! Your unenviable task is to try to make these people sound good...
  18. IIRC it also makes a horrid noise when you play through it!
  19. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1444725385' post='2885278'] Yes, two P basses are definitely better than one, of course! Need you ask? I'd agree that a nice vintage P would be a good option. But for said "dodgy pubs" and overnighters A nice relic, or even a Squier P is a great option I've recently discovered the sense of freedom / relief of playing a bass you're not quite so precious about, as I've joined a pub covers band, and we'll be playing some of those pubs So rather than my lovely mint US P, I'm taking my Squier Classic Vibe (I'd rather get a scratch on that than my US) Have you tried the Squier Classic Vibe range yet? They're absolutely brilliant - honestly Also, my other bass is a Roadworn Fender Jazz, which is my fave bass ever I haven't tried the Roadworn P yet - but people rave about them, another option for you, maybe? Good luck with your search [/quote] Cheers! Well the Limelight is out of the running - I wouldn't be comfortable with the fake-ness thing (don't ask). Another London trip booked for next Saturday...
  20. Although I have no great love for 'coffee table' basses, I dislike wanton destruction of this sort.
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