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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1446309852' post='2898523'] Maybe time to start considering just music rather than playing bass... [/quote] This. I consider myself a musician rather than (just) a bass player. Whatever I discover as I play (and sing) has the potential to impact on on all the other stuff. On bass, I feel I am a long way from any 'limit'. About a year ago I sat down with a notepad and identified my musical 'inputs' and 'outputs', and the various tools available to me to improve the flow between the two. In case this seems a bit theoretical, here are some examples (definitely not a complete list): [u]Inputs[/u] Transcription books Tutorial books Tutorial websites Music on CD and mp3 [u]Outputs[/u] My contributions to the various bands I play with My skill set Enjoyment of music Being an in-demand player [u]Tools[/u] Transcription Jamming Learning to improve skill Learning for performance I am nowhere near exhausting these!
  2. I remember reading something by Robert Fripp, many years ago (1980s?), where he says something along these lines: 'Every note on the guitar produces a harmonic of an octave, a 5th above that, a 4th above that, etc. When you play 2 notes together, each of those notes produces such a harmonic series, and many of the harmonics will clash. With a 3-note chord, things could get seriously out of hand.' Is that what you mean?
  3. [quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1446385928' post='2898930'] I didn't find myself missing a hook. I was just overwhelmed by the joy and feedom of expression of it. [/quote] I found myself missing a melody that I could follow, but that's what conventional pop is for.
  4. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1446387859' post='2898956'] I'm not sure I could have a bass with 'urine' in its name though [/quote] It does somewhat jump out at you!
  5. Played a dinner dance with a full-on 20-piece big band. A lot of the numbers (especially fast quick-steps) were really stretching my reading ability at rehearsals, so I had spent a fair bit of time 'woodshedding' with the sheet music - and it paid off, I was pretty happy with my performance. Played my '73 P through the Demeter head and BF Midget. This rig held its own against said big band and sounded lush, to me it lacked nothing. What is it with some of these folks though - the band leader's email clearly stated 6pm soundcheck, and there were still musicians drifting in at 6.15 - surely being on time is 'Band 101'!
  6. [quote name='disssa' timestamp='1445102985' post='2888843'] [/quote] Hey disssa I went straight to your reviews website when I saw this - [s]nothing yet though. Is that the 20W or 50W head?[/s] EDIT: Found your review (50W head) - is it a keeper?
  7. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1414139418' post='2586230'] As with any insurance, you need to hold the actual certificate with a signature. Do MU provide an actual signed certificate of insurance or just a letter saying you are covered by some scheme somewhere. The two are a world apart, a legal certificate of insurance is a bond certificate, with two named parties and a signature of the entity underwriting that bond to its liability value. If you hold the actual certificate you have something to stick down in front of a judge as to who will be Liable for the loss. Anyone confirm if MU issue an actual certificate of insurance as a separate document ? [/quote] Yes they do, and you get a new one every year when you renew your membership.
  8. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1446182071' post='2897523'] Maybe we should suggest enforced bass changes on Basschatters! I reckon it would rekindle a lot of enthusiasm for playing. [/quote] Eh? GAS is bad enough without enforcing bass changes! And think of the oceans of seller's regret...
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1445973547' post='2895867'] Talking of Bond, I believe this bass to be a similar colour to Bond's Aston Martin DB5. Or at least the Corgi version, anyway. [/quote] My brother and I had one of those cars each when we were kids. Guns came out of the front, a shield popped up at the back, and you could fire the the passenger out of the ejector seat. Happy days, jumpers for goalposts etc... Sorry, what were you saying, you have a bass for sale?
  10. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1445880310' post='2895011'] A lot of the sellers also don't seem to be active in the BC community outside the "for sale" section either - you can come away with the impression that there are lot of EU-based trade sellers using BC as an outlet these days. [/quote] What he said. I have been combing BC Marketplace (and various retailer websites) for a particular kind of bass, and I find myself slightly perturbed when all a European seller's posts are in the 'For Sale' sections. It's one thing to build up good feedback by sending the basses that other BC-ers have paid for, but it's quite another to take an active part in the forum and be a BC 'face'. I would much rather buy from someone in the latter category, quite apart from the issue of being able to try out the bass without troubling EasyJet.
  11. Money no object? I wouldn't get a combo! In fact see my signature. (Sorry, can't find a 'smug git' emoticon.)
  12. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1445808175' post='2894438'] Hmmm. Think I might have to see if I can push my budget a bit, or maybe just go for used, for some better quality 112 cabs [/quote] You get way more for your money when buying used - BC Marketplace is your friend!
  13. Looking at the pic, the volume pot is about where the tone pot would normally be. Drilling an extra hole and fitting another pot is not a difficult job but it would become more involved if the body has only been routed for one pot. Or you could fit a stacked-knob dual pot - maybe contact KiOgon on this forum about a solderless loom?
  14. 'Grow the act forwards'? You're not in management are you?
  15. 'Beats the big Cali'? A bold claim indeed! GLWTS
  16. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1445632263' post='2893076'] G&L L2000 does a reasonable P bass sound and lots more besides. The Tribute version is a bargain from Thomann at the moment. Frank. [/quote] [quote name='Callumjord' timestamp='1445633784' post='2893088'] Never looked into g&l, must have to have a look [/quote] I used to own a Tribute L2000, and I can confirm that the neck pickup does a very convincing Precision imitation. Use passive mode for a vintage Motown sound, active mode for more punky clank.
  17. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1445286441' post='2890338'] French doors via the Serpent Gate - if they haven't mislaid the key. How did you get on with the jobsworths? [/quote] The place was fully laid out and this was apparently the best route in. I am told that to hire the Orangery for the day costs £18,000 - could be rubbish of course. I don't recall encountering any jobsworths.
  18. I found the Mono dual too bulky and went back to ABS hard cases.
  19. Nice work! I would definitely want a 4-way bridge though...
  20. I'm sat here with a Precision, and I can say that the end of the top horn is in the right place, but the top cutaway is a fret or two deeper than normal, and the scratchplate has been modified accordingly. We need someone with a good knowledge of P-bass history to weigh in here!
  21. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1445603053' post='2892742'] There's an SM-400S on Ebay in Brighton, for £300. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SWR-SM-400S-Bass-Amp-Head-case-/221903380064?hash=item33aa78de60:g:pcoAAOSwgQ9V01HZ"]http://www.ebay.co.u...coAAOSwgQ9V01HZ[/url] [/quote] That's my nightmare amp: Aural enhancer - no!!! Graphic - no!!!! Semi-parametric - no!!!!! Bi-amped - no!!!!!! Stereo - no!!!!!!! Each to their own of course...
  22. Does the author reference peer-reviewed research carried out using double-blind tests, or is he just relying on anecdotal evidence?
  23. [quote name='bassist_lewis' timestamp='1445593433' post='2892603'] Regrettably I forgot to take any pictures... [/quote] ...but we believe you anyway!
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