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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1444911332' post='2887226'] I had one for a while and thought it was an excellent bass. Good fit and finish, well ballanced, P bass like playability and a wide selection of tones available... nothing to dislike really [/quote] 100% agree with this. I did have to replace the pots on mine after a couple of years though.
  2. i thought I heard the onions in my kitchen singing a Bee Gees song, but it was just chives talking.
  3. I just checked the 'Basses for Sale' thread. There are 43 basses on the first page, and 13 of them are Jazz basses or clones. To some this may indicates that Jazz basses are rubbish, the same argument having been recently used against Limelights. I don't hold with this. To me, it means there are not enough Precisions for sale for me to watch, lust after, and agonise over, without actually moving towards a purchase!
  4. Well I've checked Fender's website, but no mention of a model called the 'Schmender'. Has it gone out of production? And is it any good for metal?
  5. Thanks for all your contributions. I have a 5-string, but I really want to crack this problem on the 4-string. I have plenty of material to work on. I had a quick look at one of the trombone parts tonight, and much of it was written on ledger lines above the bass clef, so trombone books may be a good further source. Bilbo I think you have hit the nail on the head. I can do it on guitar with barre chords, so why not on bass? Actually I did much better tonight at rehearsal as I have been practising with the parts, and got into the 'zone' much more quickly. I print out my own parts from the band Dropbox folder, so I can scribble and highlight them with impunity. I have pencilled in chord names to help me recognise the arpeggios, and marked some fingering positions. Also tonight I found I shifted up to 5th and 6th positions fairly reliably - not there yet, but like you say if I close my eyes and practice, there's no reason why I shouldn't develop the requisite muscle memory. Cheers folks!
  6. No but I have got the shop to take some relief out of the neck (I play with a very light touch) - if they couldn't do it, I would walk away.
  7. I have been rehearsing with a local big band, and it has really shown up the weaknesses in my sight reading. I used to play with a dance band that had a huge pad of pop and strict tempo material, and I got way with because (1) the band leader was a guitarist with sloppy timing, and (2) the previous bassist couldn't sight read, and just worked from the chord symbols or even the note names scribbled above the notes! Here's where I'm at (full disclosure):[list] [*]I'm playing bass guitar (for the avoidance of doubt!) [*]My comfort zone is the first five frets, and I tend to gravitate to first position and using open strings when available; [*]I am not bad at playing 'in position' higher up the neck, using a 1-finger-per-fret approach. [/list] What really catches me out is where the bass line necessitates a shift of position, e.g. notes that can only be played near the nut, followed by notes that can only be played higher up the fret board. If I could look at my left hand it would be much less of a problem, but my eyes are glued to the page and I don't want to lose my place. All this becomes so much worse when it's a quickstep at 200bpm... What have you done about this, that has worked for you? Cheers all!
  8. Did a deal with Freddie for my Sandberg. always nice to see such a straight-up chap.
  9. Most likely either the connection from the J pickup has come adrift, or the pickup itself has failed.
  10. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1444557521' post='2883990'] Apologies for quoting myself but I wanted to add that usually I would only buy a particular bass because I see it being used with a particular band. [/quote] No apologies for quoting the post that quoted my post: Conversely, I don't buy a bass if I can't see it featuring in my musical future. That's why I didn't buy a Dingwall when the opportunity presented itself (not to say I wouldn't one day though).
  11. [quote name='danbanbass' timestamp='1444071474' post='2880094'] I shall get some pictures soon, too busy enjoying it [/quote] How can you be enjoying it when it doesn't exist?
  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1444475613' post='2883511'] Different basses for different bands but also with some overlap between some of them. [/quote] This.
  13. Even if you think your audience may not be as perceptive as some, give them the best show you can - as you should do on all occasions, regardless of venue or audience.
  14. JapanAxe


    Yep, lots of P-love here.
  15. Yep, P obsession is a normal state, and in fact a desirable one. Here's a soothing picture:
  16. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1444386447' post='2882753'] Another Precision. One is great, so two has got to be better, right? The thing is I'm unsure which way to go with this. Options include:[list] [*]Another original 70s model; [*]An original 60s model (£££!); [*]An American Vintage Reissue (aka Pure Vintage); [*]A Custom Shop repro (relic'd or otherwise); [*]A Limelight or similar repro (ditto); [*]A cheaper/newer model to use as a 'beater' or for reduced risk (dodgy pubs, overnighters, overseas gigs). [/list] I will be hitting the Gallery and Denmark St tomorrow. I'm calling it a fact-finding mission for now, but who knows... [/quote] My fact-finding mission was a success. Tried a delightful Pure Vintage P (in Sonic Blue) in Wunjo - thought I could definitely go for one of those, but no rush to buy. Then on to the Gallery and a Custom Shop '59 relic P in white with gold 'guard. I spent ages playing it (a good sign when you don't want to put it down) and was all set to make an offer, but after I got the chap to take some relief out of the neck, some of the mojo seemed to go. Weird. Also tried a bass built around a late 70s P neck with rosewood board - played superb, sounded good, looked hideous (to me). The quest continues.
  17. [quote name='patrikmarky' timestamp='1444409419' post='2883106'] Just need to tell the strife she doesn't scare me though I'll probably have to sell something now . [/quote] Like a testicle for instance...
  18. Just listened to 2 songs from the show. The bass playing was most excellent.
  19. Neat! I usually extract the audio and import it into SMUG Capo to work on.
  20. [quote name='deanovw' timestamp='1444393914' post='2882862'] I recently added another retro two10 cab and an Ampeg V4-B. [/quote] Crikey - I actually felt a slight loosening in my bowels when I saw that!
  21. There's a phenomenon in cover bands whereby certain band members (singers especially) get stuck in their song comfort zone - you rehearse a new number, you get it sounding good, it might even appear on the set list, but somehow it never gets played.
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