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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I had the pleasure of trying this very bass round at Freddie's last night. It is lovely and light, plays like the proverbial yellow spread, and sounds like a top quality jazz. The only reason it's still here is my unreasonable preference for Precisions! GLWTS Freddie.
  2. A bit predictable this, but 60s Precisions. probably a bit unrealistic! But I am itching for a change-around in the bass guitar department, hence my signature.
  3. No trade deal happening today, so still up for grabs, still open to trade deals - try me!
  4. That's fine, as long as each output 'sees' a higher impedance at the next input, there should be no problem.
  5. I was trying to separate out what I'd learned from what I already knew. Without wishing to start another pointless thread, the first video really highlighted one of the benefits of reading music, as Scott's 'groove grid' is instantly accessible in the form of the rhythmic aspect of music notation. I think the real eye-opener for me is in the second video on the subject of note choice. 1. Chord tones - no argument there. 2. Chromatic approaches - see below 3. Scale tones I would not have thought about putting chromatic fills above scale tones, but thinking about some of my favourite players (Jamerson, Rainey) that is bang-on correct. There are times when you use a short scale run to link chords, but it can end up sounding a bit vanilla if you overdo it, whereas chromatic links sound that much spicier. Jamerson famously used the naturals on the open strings as chromatic passing notes when playing in 'flat' keys. And on the third video, the concept of 'stings' had just never occurred to me. So those are my own 'key learning points'.
  6. Blimey Nick, if that lot falls on you there will be no escape. Ditto when your wife sees it... In the meantime, enjoy!
  7. I was in Dawson's in Reading today and they had one up for £365. Not on their website though for some reason.
  8. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1440187514' post='2849011'] Thanks for that. It's a great sounding head that as you say, is easy to get a good sound with. I use it with a BF midget at 8ohm and it's plenty loud enough for me. [/quote] Like this then:
  9. Will be investigating a possible trade deal on Sunday, so potential purchasers do not delay!
  10. Saw one of these in my local music shop today. Anyone tried one yet? I don't expect it would be very loud, but you never know what power management trickery they might have employed!
  11. I had one of these, plenty loud and easy to get a good sound. GLWTS
  12. Hi mate, I'm in Swindon, happy to take a look with my test meter etc, PM me contact details if you like. Graeme
  13. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1440162276' post='2848753'] Look into my eyes (electronically speaking), it's the weekend and you are suddenly overcome with the need for a vintage P Bass, yes, yes this is the one you want [/quote] You're dead right but I need to sell my Sandberg and accumulate a significant wedge of beer tokens before that becomes possible!
  14. Shouldn't be a problem as long as you have the right capacitance values and don't go below the working voltages on the original caps. Oh and make sure you fit them the right way round (polarity) unless you want a little firework display!
  15. Just finished watching the third video of Scott Devine's Groove Formula series, which you can find [url="http://www.thegrooveformula.com"]here[/url]. I have to say it's a very useful and usable approach to building a groove from the ground up. He has tried to help non-music-readers with his 'Groove Grid', basically a 4/4 bar broken down into 1/4-, 1/8-, and 1/16-notes, so prepare to do a lot of 1-e-&-a counting! Heartily recommended.
  16. Excellent thorough review Merton. Looking forward to seeing this (and the CTM30 I hope) at the SE Bass Bash. Just thinking about the DI, I would have thought a ground lift would kill hum rather than hiss. Ashdown's specs don't say whether the DI out is isolated or not. As it stands I could see the lack of pre/post and ground lift options annoying some sound engineers - if you got a hum loop you would have to isolate it with a DI box, which kind of defeats the object!
  17. My family are from Wigan and I was born in Lancashire but it's not the sort of thing I'd want publicised on the Internet. I also love pies. Welcome aboard Mark!
  18. I love P90s, 2 of my 6 skinny-strings are P90-powered (and sound completely different!)
  19. It might also help to indicate where you are, as not all will want to buy untried.
  20. All trade offers responded to. Keep 'em coming folks!
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