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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Not much difference except the volume! The home sound works against the music I am practising to, it just gets scaled up on the gig.
  2. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1439659545' post='2844781'] Sounds like one of my late night threads. The later I start the less likely the scenario is likely to happen in the cold light of day. [/quote]
  3. PRACTICE - I spend some time almost every day on one or more of the three kinds of practising that I do: - Transcription - of bass (or guitar) parts into music notation; - Skills - working on material I won't necessarily play live, but which stretches my abilities; and - Performance - learning whole songs to play live, typically not completed until a few days before the gig. REHEARSAL - How much and how often depends entirely on the band I will be playing with. There may be no rehearsal, or 1 or 2, lasting anything from 2 hours to 6 hours! Note the distinction - practice is an individual activity, rehearsal is what a band does.
  4. How hard are you plucking the strings? Although I'm not the fastest of players either, I have found that using a [i]lighter[/i] right hand touch helps me to play with more speed and fluidity. Playing hard (a punk trait if ever there was one) can make you tense up, and thus slow you down. If there's a piece I don't need to nail for a gig, but would still like to conquer anyway, the dots go into my 'Bass Challenge' folder (and I maintain a corresponding iTunes playlist). In my practice time I will sometimes pick out a song from the folder and have another go at it. If I crack it it goes in my general alphabetical song folders (yes I am that organised), otherwise it stays in there for another day. A few pieces have made the transition. The latest song to get the treatment is the Jacksons' 'I Want You Back'. It's still in the 'Bass Challenge' folder, but not for much longer I reckon.
  5. No worries. When I first posted, I was in one of my 'I must give fretless another go' phases. Now I'm in an 'I can probably live without fretless' phase. Fickle or what!
  6. The pics below are of a '69 Precision currently offered for sale on Bass Direct. It is described as 'dark green' and there is no suggestion of a refin. I don't recall seeing a similar colour before - can anyone identify it? It looks black or dark blue to me! Please note I am [i]not[/i] casting any aspersions on the provenance of this bass, I am just curious. In fact so curious, I might even feel a trip to Warwick coming on!
  7. Jimmy bought a pedal from me, paid as soon as the deal was done and let me know it had arrived safely. Cheers Jimmy!
  8. I have Chromes on my G&L L1505. They sound superb, everything from in-your face rock to sweet round Motown. I reached a bit of a compromise when setting the action, in that the B frets out when held at above the 15th fret, but tbh I never use the B above the 10th anyway.
  9. Makes no difference - if it's a Jazz then it's not a Precision. *fetches coat, closes door quietly behind him*
  10. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1439362732' post='2842095'] What like this? [/quote] Aargh! Yes. That one also features another pet hate, i.e. through-necks visible as contrasting stripes down the middle of the instrument.
  11. +1 to G&Ls, whether US or Tribute. Someone has an ASAT in Basses for Sale at the mo.
  12. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1439540190' post='2843618'] I was never a believer in Jamerson's concept of.."the funk is in the gunk...". [/quote] Apparently that gunk eventually reached the point where Jamerson's bass would no longer intonate properly and he stopped getting studio calls. I have a black Gibson semi that seem to attract dried sweat to its top. I'm forever having to clean the thing. So: clean mojo for me, thanks.
  13. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1439548508' post='2843747'] All Fender necks have Truss Rods , but quite a few years ago, around 10 I think, they introduced graphite stiffening rods for the USA necks into the equation too. Super stable necks. Si [/quote] Thanks, I didn't know that
  14. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1439161021' post='2840525'] The Fender neck is mint apart from a very small impact on the very end of the headstock, this is the graphite reinforced neck. [/quote] Does that mean no truss rod?
  15. [quote name='Manwithvan' timestamp='1439480716' post='2843267'] Your full story link took me to a site called asschat.co.uk, where I didn't fancy hanging around. Very good bass. I own one,and particularly like the bridge adjustments for string spacing. Useful when you have a large thumb. [/quote] Fixed! And yes the bridge is phenomenally adjustable.
  16. I don't think I could bring Myself to deal with an Organisation that uses so many Capital Letters at the start of Nouns. EDIT: and Adjectives. In Fact Any Random Words.
  17. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1439467867' post='2843077'] It's ridiculous... looks like a budget 80s disco on the end of your headstock. [/quote] Gotta get me one of those!
  18. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1439474178' post='2843171'] Yep, as does the C# as well. [/quote] You are of course correct.
  19. A few months back I bought a Fender ABS case (with ATA locks) here on BC. It's one of those bits of kit that makes your gigging life easier and is a pleasure to use. It's rectangular, not too bulky, and has enough space for strap, lead, clip-on-tuner, and a spare PP3 battery. On and I have a Hiscox P-size hard case too!
  20. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1439473748' post='2843163'] For parts or not working [/quote] For firewood more like!
  21. The Undertones' 'Teenage Kicks' is indeed in D, the chords used being D, Bm, G, and A. Arguably G# appears as a passing chord. The bass plays the roots.
  22. I have one of these for taking on holiday, and for 'kitchen table' jams. Excellent vfm and very usable sounds. It will work for bass too, but the low end is unsurprisingly limited.
  23. [quote name='acidbass' timestamp='1439337922' post='2842076'] Great bass! I'd imagine she'd respond well to the tort guard and flatwound treatment [/quote] Flats - yay! Tort - bleargh!
  24. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1439333392' post='2842062'] Does the ad not mean the bass lines might be only simple so a bass player night not be to keen. However a bored guitarist might fancy a go at a few simple lines?. [/quote] [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1439358454' post='2842084'] [/THREAD] [/quote] You make a convincing argument!
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