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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1438983766' post='2839267'] not sure what you mean. Gospel. ? [/quote] [quote name='tobiewharton' timestamp='1438984112' post='2839275'] Yes, gospel. [/quote]
  2. Absolutely YES to using a metronome to get your timing tight. You need to listen critically to your playing - are you dead on the beat? Try recording yourself playing with the metronome.
  3. I have always followed this guidance from [url="http://www2.fender.com/support/articles/bass-guitar-setup-guide/"]Fender[/url]: [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]Pre-cut each string for the proper length and desired amount of winds. Pull the fourth string 4" (102 mm) past its tuning post and cut it (again, make sure to pull each string taut). Insert into the center hole of the tuning key, bend and crimp to a 90° angle, and wind neatly in a downward pattern, being careful to prevent overlapping. Pull the third string 4 1/2" (114 mm) past its tuning post, cut it, and repeat the winding procedure. Pull the second and first strings 4 1/2" (114 mm) past their tuning posts and cut and wind as noted. For five-string basses, cut the fifth string 3 1/2" (89 mm) past its tuning post and repeat the same cutting and winding procedure.[/color][/font][/size]
  4. A band that is engaging you as a dep will [i]hope[/i] that the performance will still be ok for the gig they are playing. I always aim to exceed this, i.e. at least achieve a standard where they can't hear the join, or preferably make them wish I was their regular player!
  5. Where are you based? BTW, I don't think you'll find many 'time wasters' on this forum!
  6. What make is the replacement pickup? What is the weight of the instrument? Thanks
  7. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1438799473' post='2837521'] Anyway I never liked Toyah Wilcox. What did Bob Fripp ever see in her? It's a mystery. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] I take it you're here all week?
  8. I don't mind when the other instruments drop out to leave the bass line in its awesomeness (as in Brown Eyed Girl), but otherwise I have no interest in bass 'solos', improvised or otherwise.
  9. No idea what a Wal recessed socket is like, but the angled jacks on Planet Waves cables usually fit the recessed jacks on Teles and Gretsch guitars.
  10. [quote name='countjodius' timestamp='1438676635' post='2836232'] G&L L2000 all the way! If you remove the battery the passive mode works normally, but the signal can be killed when switched to active, so the passive/active switch essentially becomes a mute toggle. [/quote] That's right. The treble and bass controls are both passive (so full up is 'flat'), the active mode switches in the pre-amp for a more modern sound and a slight volume hike (I estimate 3dB).
  11. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1438257788' post='2832967'] ... but it's worth mentioning that if you run several Boss pedals on your board, you will lose an appreciable amount of bottom end, noticeable even on a skinny-string! [/quote] [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1438258382' post='2832973'] Interesting. I've never noticed that, or heard it mentioned anywhere else. [/quote] It's mainly down to the decoupling cap at the input. This forms a high-pass filter with the first resistor - the smaller the cap value, the more low end it will shave off. Let's say it takes 1dB off your E string - you won't notice it. Chain 6 pedals like that and you will lose 6dB - I noticed that on skinny-string guitar, so imagine what that will do to a bass. Of course you then set your amp EQ to compensate, and it doesn't have to be a huge problem, but it pays to be aware of what is happening. EDIT: This is [u]not[/u] a criticism of Boss effects, just some information about what can happen when you chain buffered pedals!
  12. Mine has the Glockenklang 2-band pre-amp - [url="http://www.glockenklang.de/en/news.htm"]see here[/url]. £71.12 from [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/glockenklang_2band_electronic.htm"]Thomann[/url]. They also stock the other variants e.g. 3-band and stacked.
  13. JapanAxe

    Andy 67

    Andy bought an amp head from me, brilliant communication at every stage. Cheers mate!
  14. I refer you to the comment of the late, great Reg Presley: 'F**kin' drummers, I f**kin' s**t 'em!'
  15. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1438582797' post='2835503'] ... around a grand? I'd go Sandberg. [/quote] [quote name='King Tut' timestamp='1438583926' post='2835510'] Sandberg . . . Either a VM or TM . . . . So that's equivalent to P/MM or J/MM. The MM pickup splits into a J and they will go fully passive inc tone control in addition to the really musical active pre. Under a grand second hand or imported. [/quote] [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1438586862' post='2835521'] Second hand Spector or agree that Sandbergs are amazing too ! [/quote] Yep, the fat MM pickup on the VM overcomes the tendency of the J pickup to sound a bit thin against the P in a P-J configuration. Also the active bass control fattens the fundamental up to at least the G at the 12th fret, not just the really low notes.
  16. Discreet will have the Kleenex out To mop his fevered brow, obviously.
  17. As an adherent to the 'stand there motionless and play, hopefully looking a bit moody'™ school of bass playing, I can't see much benefit for me. Plus it's another thing to carry and set up. I am also an analog snob (for which read: self-imposed limitation), and most wireless systems are now digital, so that's another no. But if it works for you, go for it, you won't hear me criticising (and I won't even be [i]thinking[/i] bad things about you).
  18. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1438519956' post='2835094'] Make a trip to Bass Direct and BassGear and try a load of basses out - just because an instrument has a high price doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you. Even if a Fodera/Ritter/whatever has been built out of the best materials available, with attention paid to every tiny detail and exquisite workmanship, it doesn't automatically follow that you will find it inspiring to play or producing the sound you want. [/quote] +1 You get all excited about a piece of kit, try it, and then 'meh'. In a shop, fine; but you don't want to be saying 'meh' when you've bought it online (distance selling rights notwithstanding), even less so when you've had something custom built.
  19. Are you planning to gig the CTM30 with the BF cabs?
  20. Forgot to mention, as on previous bashes, I will be bringing my Orange Valve Tester, BZZZT - PFFFT!
  21. Can't go far wrong with a G&L. GLWTS.
  22. After Judgement Day, the world will be ruled by Skynet and Peavey bass combos.
  23. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1438176043' post='2832280'] Its one of those songs that is usually only in the set list for a guitarists benefit. That's a guitarist who is stuck in the past and hasn't noticed it's well past it's prime as a song. [/quote] That comment applies to [s]an awful lot of setlists[/s] a lot of awful setlists.
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