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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1435483637' post='2809097'] This is music 2015 style. [/quote] Yep, a bloke with backing tracks.
  2. 'On t'sofa'... is that a Yorkshire thing? I'll get me coat, but not before saying 'nice work!'
  3. Depped on guitar at a pub where the 'stage' is in the middle of the room, so that there are often punters leaning over a wooden rail to the side of you and slightly behind. Monitoring and lighting were atrocious, making for some rather adverse playing conditions. During the encore, I turned round to see that a woman had put her glass of orange juice on top of my amp - a £2k+ Matchless with lethal DC voltages inside it! I politely asked her not to put her drink there, but glanced round a minute later to find she had done it again. I put the glass on the floor and wiped off the orange juice ring with a bar towel, and the night finished without further incident. Not my favourite place to play!
  4. I select my couriers via Interparcel.com. Most quotes come with £50 or £100 cover, which you can then add to, typically at a rate of 2% of the insured value.
  5. [quote name='roman_sub' timestamp='1435229965' post='2806694'] looks nice! talk about diminishing returns, when comparing this to £1k fender strat... [/quote] And I'm sure my Custom Shop Strat is 44 times better than that HB...
  6. I had one of these, great sound and easy to use, only sold it because I'd ended up with 3 amp heads at the time!
  7. I gave up changing skinny-string guitars mid-set with my own band, and now only change guitars between sets if I feel like it. Typically Tele-Strat-Tele ot Tele-Strat-Strat. Even if I don't change, the other one is always there as a spare in case of string breakage or switch failure - the latter has happened twice!
  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1434961426' post='2804090'] No house kit will be better than mine (vintage '70s Camco; look 'em up [/quote] +1,000 to Camco - great sounding drums imo! [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1434877694' post='2803441'] Not again, no. [/quote] Do you mean you'll never use a house rig again, or 'Oh no, not this tired old topic'?
  9. [quote name='Oldman' timestamp='1434426234' post='2799408'] Shame the information is in German..... [/quote] Open the page in Google Chrome and it will give you the option of translating the text into English. The results may be hilariously random but at least you stand a chance of gleaning some useful information.
  10. I have one of these in natural Ash - superb guitar, I use it on rock gigs as much as country. BUMP for you!
  11. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1434738546' post='2802441'] I was thinking that , it must be a good thing to switch off for awhile and live headphone free for a few days . Surely there are some benefits , [/quote] Absolutely! Using earphones or headphones causes a rise in temperature in the ear canal, and the nasty bugs in there start to multiply.
  12. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1434732619' post='2802350'] Do they work well for plastic appliances or are they just good for metal ? [/quote] Somebody give this fella a prize!
  13. I listen to my iPod through my car stereo on my 4-days-per-week 1-hour-each-way commute. I had a loan car recently while my own car got repaired, and after a few days Planet Rock was driving me nuts! Also serious listening through proper stereo at home (but only if Mrs Axe is out, otherwise the TV is on). If I've been doing a lot of playing (giving music out) I find I sometimes need to refresh myself by taking some more music on board.
  14. I had a Tribute L2000 and never had cause to tweak the truss rod. However the pots wore out very quickly and I had to replace them all. On the plus side, loads of good sounds in there.
  15. I think I'm right in saying that the Internet abbreviation 'WTF' was coined specifically as a response to that picture. Anyway, is it any good for metal?
  16. JapanAxe


    Now that's a happy ending, or indeed a beginning. I hate to see Precisions butchered with a Jazz pickup right by the bridge!
  17. [quote name='grandad' timestamp='1434146963' post='2797229'] I have the same D'Addario flats on both my Tokai SG and Aria Pro II Cardinel CSB380. They sound so different. The Tokai, (32"), has lots of smooth low end and no bark - 2 humbuckers. EQ is pretty flat. The Aria, (32.5"), has a lot of grit - 1 single P type pup. EQ needs a smiley face to tame the mids. I enjoy both very different tones and prefer the feel of flats. I'll never go back to rounds, don't like the feel and all that finger noise would annoy. [/quote] ^^^ This. I have Chromes on all 4 of my basses (see 'boast list' below!), and they all feel, play, and sound different.
  18. [quote name='geoham' timestamp='1433162608' post='2788386'] I picked up my P-bass last night immediately after playing the Lakland, and I couldn't believe how unimpressed I was with the sound - lifeless and dull - like big rubber bands! This is the bass that can't sound bad - have used in all sorts of situations and has never let me down! [/quote] I get this when I go from my G&L to my P. Both are strung with D'Addario Chromes, but the sound of the G&L's MFD pickup is so bright (especially in active mode) that the P sounds dull in comparison.
  19. Reasonable offers considered. I have 2 pedalboards and a drawer full of 'spare' pedals, and this just won't fit! [media]http://youtu.be/kT_ohvAX_zg[/media]
  20. As someone who has 'murdered' this live more than a few times myself (using a plectrum), I must say that was very smoothly executed.
  21. What bass(es) are you playing? What sounds are you shooting for? What styles are you gigging? etc...
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