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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I get exactly the same when my son plays through my rig - I pick lightly with curved fingers, he doesn't!
  2. It's a good discipline to be able to play your material [i]without [/i]a drummer.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1433877143' post='2794827'] I'd agree with this. Nothing matches the 'all-valve bounce'. I just wish they weren't so heavy... [/quote] Perhaps they could be made with unobtainium like in Avatar, although that would make them even more expensive, and probably involve some kind of alien genocide. Or something.
  4. [quote name='ColinB' timestamp='1433690635' post='2793119'] Witchita Lineman?????? ewww! [/quote] [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1433695736' post='2793160'] It's an absolutely fantastic song and performance by all concerned - in my opinion (and Carol's) [/quote] +1!
  5. JapanAxe


    [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1433672662' post='2792910'] When I hit the open low B with the bass set at 7 it felt like my lungs were going to fall out of my bottom! [/quote] Quote of the month!
  6. Another Cali76, maybe the top-of-the-range one this time.
  7. That is the deepest body I have ever seen on an acoustic bass! GLWTS
  8. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1433153152' post='2788214'] This is our audio reqirements sheet, it may give you an idea of what's required. [url="http://www.manfredmann.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/MMEB-Audio-2015.pdf"]Audio Spec[/url] [/quote] Now [i]that's[/i] comprehensive! In bands I've played in, we're lucky to get enough room to set up, and an adequate, safe mains electricity supply.
  9. Just collected this from an eBay auction. Loving the sounds, quite easy to navigate, and seems to be highly regarded. My keyboard skills are barely better than my footballing skills, but I will definitely have some fun with this:
  10. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1433449127' post='2791239'] The Carvin sounds very different to a Streamliner. The latter is very warm (sounds 'muffled' and wooly to me but that's obviously just a personal view). The Carvin delivers big clean gobs of power and punch and goes very loud indeed - especially if run at lower [s]ohmage[/s] impedance levels. [/quote] Sorry Barrie, had to fix that!
  11. Last year my band played a country music festival where each band brings their own PA. All 5 bands set up along 2 lorry trailers (3 smallest on one, 2 largest on the other), and each plays 2x 1-hour slots throughout the day. All are supposed to be set by 10am but we were the only ones who managed this! Strangely it works ok. My Bose PA handled vocals and just a bit of mic'd up 15W guitar amp (which it probably didn't need), and bass and drums were left to their own devices. It was hilarious to hear another band repeatedly hitting the snare drum in an apparently fruitless attempt to get a decent sound through their monster PA rig! We're doing it again this year...
  12. Also up for trades, but not looking to spend more money!
  13. 14/15 I got no.11 wrong - schoolboy error!
  14. My Compact is just an ornery one. Great, now I have Compact envy...
  15. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1433186555' post='2788735'] You did say 'school me', so: it's not 'ohmage', it's 'impedance'. [/quote] [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1433189709' post='2788793'] I thought the terminology was one and the same? So I could use both depending on context. [/quote] 'Ohmage' isn't really a word, but musicians have invented it because it seems to make sense next to 'voltage' and 'wattage' (which should strictly be 'potential difference' and 'power' respectively). Also there is no 'amperage', that should be 'current'. Impedance is measured in ohms (symbol Ω, but often replaced by the letter R in circuit diagrams), as is resistance.
  16. Here are some things to think about: Transposing up: - fretted notes are not a problem unless you run out of fretboard at the dusty end, but open strings will need a fretted alternative. - some things just sound wrong played too high, so you may want to think about taking sections down an octave. Transposing down - eventually you will come to the nut, and have to play the note on the next lowest string. - if the new lowest notes are lower than the pitch of your lowest string, you may have to take sections up an octave. The results of transposing may leave you with a piece that's easier to play, or much harder. Personally I rarely think in terms of just moving the position, but then I tend to work from my own transcriptions in music notation, and address a transposed piece with fresh eyes and ears,
  17. You did say 'school me', so: it's not 'ohmage', it's 'impedance'.
  18. [OT] Hey Blue, loving that blue G&L ASAT bass! [/OT]
  19. Am I right in thinking this is a slim/light-weight set of bass pedals and a sound module?
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