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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. A wop bop a-loo bop, a wop-bam-[b]BUMP[/b]!
  2. I think [b]@rse biscuits[/b] is the phrase you're searching for.
  3. How much does a kidney fetch these days? I still have both mine...
  4. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1431443872' post='2771434'] Biggest audeince ever - 4,000 at a Jazz gig. [/quote] [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1431449557' post='2771513'] Really? Had they double booked the venue or something? [/quote] Ooh - harsh!
  5. Bump! Several interested parties, just waiting for the clincher.
  6. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1431258515' post='2769277'] I'm not sure how relevant this might be to you, but in near on 40 years of me playing bass other than breaking a string I have never had to revert to my back-up! Maybe I have just been lucky? I'd keep both P's Lozz and not worry about trying to match the sounds too much, the chances of it being that critical are rather minimal imo. [/quote] This (again). If I take a backup, I may use it just for a change, but I never rely on it being identical to the 'main' instrument. Live - 2010 Studio - 1978
  7. Glad to hear it's not just me! When i had a Jazz I ended up replacing one of the volume pots with a pickup selector switch and using the other as a master volume. Sweet spot? Load of b0ll0cks!
  8. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1431285870' post='2769664'] Why should it even be a problem? [/quote] No problem. After Friday night I was wondering which of my cabs would best partner the Demeter, as I think my Sandberg would definitely have benefitted from the extra something that a Midget brings to the party when used in combination with a Compact. All my basses sound different (despite all being strung with flats, ahem!), so I am taking the opportunity to try out as many combinations as possible. Next up is a rehearsal in a friend's biggish home studio: L1505>Demeter>Midget.
  9. Well I am happy to report that Precision>Demeter>Compact sounded great in a 7-piece Americana band. I had the Midget ready in my car boot but didn't need it. I was standing on the snare side of the kit, and the drummer complimented me on how clear the bass sound was from where he was sitting (i.e. quite a way off-axis). Result!
  10. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1431245886' post='2769059'] [attachment=191702:Hercules.jpg] Hercules. I've used them for years. You lower your bass into the spring-loaded clip and it closes around the neck. [/quote] Yep, this. I also have the double version.
  11. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1431240859' post='2769016'] When you are securing the neck to the body make sure that the screws pass through the body without catching. They should be a tight fit but the thread should not catch. If the screws do catch on the body this can cause you to create a gap between the neck and body because the screws can be screwed tight up to the end in the body wood, but only part way into the neck wood. The resulting gap is then like a shim. [/quote] My vote goes for this. Alternatively, some neck screws engage with a self-tapped thread in the body as well as in the neck. This creates the same problem as Grangur describes, in that the very end of the heel may be sitting a screw-turn too high in the pocket. A photo of the fretboard side of the heel, sitting in the body, might help - normally the line where the fretboard meets the neck will be parallel to the top of the body.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1431209050' post='2768898'] The smaller one is listed as plywood, which would be a sensible choice. [/quote] Fair enough then
  13. [quote name='ChunkyMunky' timestamp='1431111954' post='2767989'] Bump! Tried this out at a bass bash and it sounded darned awesome. Would recommend! [/quote] Thanks for that! All PMs replied to.
  14. The actual boards look suspiciously like chunks of MDF covered in Tolex and Velcro-eye material.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1431208160' post='2768883'] Or get a reasonable pedalboard bag then build a board to fit it... ...actually while Googling stuff I came across this board-in-a-bag for £32 which seems reasonable. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/gator_gptblack_pedalboard_mit_bag.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ard_mit_bag.htm[/url] Almost makes me want to buy some FX to use with it! Almost. [/quote] And the 'Pro' version is less than £50! http://www.thomann.de/gb/gator_gptpro_pedalboard_with_bag.htm
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1431178267' post='2768520'] For example, can you tell me why this costs the best part of £140? Because I can't see it, myself... [url="http://www.dv247.com/cases/pedaltrain-junior-hc-hardcase--208758"]http://www.dv247.com...ardcase--208758[/url] [/quote] I have used a Pedaltrain 2 for several years as the basis of my guitar FX board. Although they are pretty pricey, the box is a bomb-proof flight-case type of thing, and who here has the metalwork skills to make up the PT board itself? Combined with power supply and switching solutions from The GigRig, it has been the most effective and reliable pedalboard system I have owned. Having said that, the whole thing was so darned big and heavy that I swapped over to the much cheaper soft case version (and the case doubles as a cover for my Ampeg SVT 3Pro).
  17. The won't-switch-off fault has recently disappeared of its own accord, so while the Demeter is working properly I took the opportunity to gig it tonight - no point looking to fix a fault when it's working fine! The gig was a party for students, parents, and staff at a nice secondary school, with a 6-piece function band. I chose to take just my Sandberg bass and Compact cab. This may have been a mistake, as they are both quite polite-sounding, and I had underestimated both the size of the hall and the loudness of the rest of the band (of which my bass was about the only thing not mic'd or DI'd). Although I would have been better off with the Midget as well, the Demeter/Compact rig gave plenty of volume. Any difficulty hearing myself was more to do with the mushy low-end-heavy sound coming out of the back of the guitarist's Peavey tranny amp (bleargh!) which was just in front of me on the drum riser, and the fact that said riser put the kit that much nearer to my left ear! I found myself pushing up the presence, to counteract the inherent softness of the Sandberg's sound (with Chrome flats that is). Each gig or rehearsal is an opportunity for me to find out what combinations of bass and cab(s) work best with the Demeter, so this is all gravy. Next up is a country/Americana rehearsal in a village hall on Sunday. I'll be taking my Precision and both cabs, so if the Compact doesn't cut it I can add in the Midget. Bwahahahaaah!
  18. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1431036420' post='2767291'] Has anyone had any experience of buying from Joe's Pedals? That is all. [/quote] No but now you've made me go and look at their website. D'oh!
  19. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1430984377' post='2766469'] If they practice every week you could be looking at a hobby band who are not particularly interested in gigs. If they want me gig ready for a booked gig in two weeks then they're the band for me. [/quote] ^^^ This!
  20. I have one of these, great for jams and the like, definitely the Marshall sound. The pre-amp valve is a 12AX7 btw (not 6L6 ), and you can usefully lower the gain range by replacing it with a 12AT7. Also I replaced the closed back with a 4in wide baffle at the bottom of the cab - I prefer the open-back sound! GLWTS
  21. OK it's coming with me on Friday while my Demeter gets sorted, but still very much for sale
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