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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1430811431' post='2764664'] Thanks for the review, I've been admiring these and it's great to get some first-hand feedback on them The power switch fault is worrying though, having it go once is unfortunate, but twice?! Pretty bad for such a premium amp IMO. What's the repair turnaround time like - do they have to go back to the US each time? molan: It would be interesting to know if this fault has been properly rectified for the next batch? [/quote] I now don't think it was the power switch, more likely a relay? It went to Bassgear's amp tech, not back to the US! And this is the only reported instance, so don't let that put you off. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1430812585' post='2764675'] Is this the version with the DI? [/quote] Yes it is, but haven't tried it yet. [quote name='Raggy' timestamp='1430816750' post='2764737'] Thanks for the review, looking forward to hearing this when you are out next with it. [/quote] I'll be sure to post here when I'm next playing locally.
  2. JapanAxe


    53? You young whipper-snapper! Plenty on here older than that, myself included. In fact your age is [i]for[/i] you, as by now you have the life skills to apply yourself and make fast progress. Enjoy!
  3. [quote name='NoRhino' timestamp='1430766461' post='2764431'] One thing I don't understand is the sniping from the sidelines from people not involved in the scene who think they have the right to stir up arguments and trouble. So we just totally ignore them. [/quote] Yep, some musos seem to like dissing tribute bands. I put it down to snobbery! Some of the most talented players can be found in tribute bands.
  4. Bloody Nora! I normally run a mile from exotic woods etc, but that looks freakin' amazing!
  5. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1428515578' post='2742066'] This is through my Spector set with the Eq flat and the P pup slightly pushed. The bass and treble on the head are flat with a slightly pushed mid. The blend and gain settings are both equal at a touch past 9 o'clock, so it could go less if that be your thing. or more indeed. Any-hoo is this kinda what you mean? [url="https://soundcloud.com/lord-bongus/ob1blendgain9andabit"]https://soundcloud.c...endgain9andabit[/url] [/quote] Sort of, but this has all got a bit academic for me since I got my Demeter head! Sorry!
  6. I was going to suggest taking your amp with you, then I realised it weighs 40lb!
  7. [quote name='Freddie75' timestamp='1430738085' post='2764106'] Just a cheap one - think it cost about £25 with about 10 9v outputs. What would you recommend? Many thanks Freddie [/quote] A cheap power brick like that will not have isolated outputs, so you can't use a voltage doubler cable with it.
  8. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1430751737' post='2764260'] I will probably my regret asking this but by why would anyone want a valve front end these days? If there is any magic in valves it comes from the output transformer and owner supply not the preamp. [/quote] Before the lynch mob gathers, I'd say it kind of depends on the amp and on your personal preferences.
  9. This is my third attempt to write this post, as previous ones got bogged down in detail. In short, this is one brilliant amp. The sound is so clear that you can hear yourself without having the volume up high, but even when loud it never sounds obnoxious. Clear, smooth, sweet, and warm without losing its lovely high end (which puts it way ahead of the GB Streamliner). Background noise is extremely low - you wouldn't know it's on! As well as plenty of home use, I have used it as follows with a classic rock band I have been depping with: [indent=1]Rehearsal: '73 Precision (Chromes) > Demeter > BF Midget[/indent] [indent=1]Pub gig: Fender Pawn Shop Mustang (Chromes) > Demeter > BF Midget + Compact stack[/indent] The mid control is passive, and I dislike a scooped sound, so I keep this at 2-3 o'clock. The switch by the input sets the overall tone of the amp: dark/normal/bright. I normally go for dark (not dull!), but with the Mustang I selected bright, cranked up the Presence @2kHz, bass flat, treble rolled back slightly, and was rewarded with a monster rock tone. I adjusted volume and tone on the bass according to the song. I was smiling all night hearing the sound coming from behind me (even with earplugs in). I used to think I needed some drive to get 'my' sound, but it was probably more to do with mid-range 'colour'. The Demeter has only a volume control, which comes after the valve preamp. I can just get it to overdrive audibly by playing the Mustang harder than normal, so no need for me to adjust the internal trim pot. [u]Things I like[/u] The sound - pure quality. Did I mention the clarity? It's not sterile-sounding by any means, but you can hear and bring out the voice of each bass. The various controls are worth spending some time on, but I think I have it sussed now, so for me it has become plug-and-play. There is no fan, just a mahoosive heatsink and passive ventilation for the 800W Minnie Class D amp section. The amp came fitted with JJ valves (my first choice for off-the-shelf quality), but I may swap out the 12AX7 for a '76 Sylvania at some point. Last and probably least, it actually looks like a proper amp head and not a boy racer's car stereo! Despite the wooden sleeve, it only weighs 10.5lb, and fits comfortably in a double bass-drum pedal gig bag. It is a perfect match width-wise for my Midget, and looks perfectly at home on top of a Midget/Compact stack. [u]Things I don't like[/u] I would have preferred a mute switch, which I think could have been implemented using the relay that mutes the audio for the first 15-20 seconds after power-up; clearly not a deal breaker though! Full disclosure: This example developed a fault whereby the power stayed on when the amp was switched off. Bassgear got it fixed for me FOC (replacement mains switch), but a similar fault has now recurred, so it has to go back again. As a result I have had fewer opportunities to gig/rehearse with it than I would like, and I will probably have to use other amps for my gig and rehearsal this coming weekend. When Mrs Axe asked me whether I was going to request a refund, I said what's the point, I'd only want to buy it again! Now a couple of pics: [b]Midget mini-stack[/b] [b]Snug as a bug in a gig-bag[/b] [b][/b] These amps are on back-order so you may not have many opportunities to hear or try one. If you are local to Swindon and want to try mine, PM me, but it will likely be a week or two before I have the amp back again. Also if I have any public gigs I will add a post to this thread.
  10. I second that, I had a Silver Series Jazz and it had the longer bridge pickup to match the increased string spacing. I think most of the modern Squier Jazzes have both pickups the same length, which I expect helps to reduce tooling and production costs.
  11. Big Prince fan here, although I gave up after '2010'. Many of his old B-sides pee all over other people's A-sides!
  12. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1430735291' post='2764068'] It;s worth noting that voltage doesn't operate this way though, providing more voltage than something is rated for will blow it up. [/quote] A point well worth making. There are some pedals that can operate, and may give different/better results, at higher voltages than specified (e.g. many analog delays, chorus and flanger pedals), but you need to know the specs of all the chips inside before risking this!
  13. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1430732996' post='2764033'] Maybe Behringer bought TC so they could start using their power rating methods as they quote even higher differentials. . . Sorry, couldn't resist [/quote] Think of a number and double it?
  14. No you definitely won't blow up your pedals. The Volto will happily supply any current [i]up to[/i] 2000mA. The lower the current you actually draw, the longer the Volto battery will last.
  15. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1430733492' post='2764039'] Musicians union members have ooodles of free PLI. [/quote] £10,000,000 to be precise, but that applies only to the member i.e. it covers [u]me[/u] if some of my kit trips up a punter and they break their arm.
  16. JapanAxe


    My L1505 has a 6-bolt neck joint and doesn't have the rear body sculpt. I presume the L1500 is the same, but I guess specs may vary according to the year.
  17. New updated trades list: [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]D'Addario Chromes - 4 or 5 string sets, 32"(medium), 34" (long) or extra-long scale - unused complete sets[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Aguilar Octamizer[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Markbass Micromark 801[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Voodoo Labs Iso-5 power supply[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Maxon OD808[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Aria Sinsonido fretless[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I am planning to use the amp on a function gig next Friday but cash in my hand (or bank account) would convince me otherwise![/font][/color]
  18. This should be the retailer's problem, not yours!
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1430653067' post='2763374'] Seriously though, all I want is a decent all-valve amp that doesn't burst my scrotum when I pickup it up, then I'm done. [/quote] You need to try the Mesa Prodigy. I know it wasn't for me, but it definitely meets your second requirement!
  20. Yes, I totally get this. Ideally you want to feel the start of the bonding process in the shop (I have never yet bought a bass untried) but you can still get caught out and later find you haven't fallen in love with the instrument.
  21. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1430609929' post='2763110'] True Lozz but I'm going to have to try every combination. I think my head will explode. [/quote] Ah, option anxiety - I remember it well from my days of guitar multi-effects and multi-channel amps...
  22. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1430612850' post='2763133'] One thing chaps, if you have suspicions or concerns about an advert, it'd be much gentler and nicer to tell me or another mod about it by PM. [/quote] Yep, I get that.
  23. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1430578108' post='2762800'] Hello I have discovered a few unlikely coincidences in that thread that will need to be explained before it is unlocked again. [/quote] [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1430578724' post='2762803'] Often there's nothing untoward going on, but sometimes there is. If you see something suspicious then let me know, hit the report button or just drop me a PM and I'll look into it. I'd rather look into a thousand false alarms than have a 'con' slip through the net. [/quote] Good work icastle!
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1430572646' post='2762743'] I saw them in 1977 or 1978 (before they were signed) at the recently-opened Swindon Oasis - they supported Talking Heads (who I had gone to see) and I had no clue who they were. They sounded like a pub rock band to me. Talking Heads were totally fabulous. At that time I did not think DS were [i]quite [/i]as fabulous, and nothing they did after that changed my mind. So, thpp! *Runs away thumbing nose - crashes into lamp-post - is rendered unconscious - instant karma* Edit - Many years later the Gallagher brothers saw Inspiral Carpets there and used the name of the venue for their equally unremarkable pub-rock band. Not many people know that. [/quote] I knew that, as local radio made a big thing of it at the time. Anyway each to their own - Talking Heads leave me cold!
  25. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1430569392' post='2762699'] I'd be showing him the door much sooner than that if he started playing [i]Sultans of Swing[/i]. [/quote] Ahem! I'm really rather fond of Dire Straits. Care to step outside?
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