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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. No, eBay won't let you contact someone you're not transacting with. Of course you could always try a bit of detective work to find a way to contact them yourself...
  2. To me, it is not enough just to say 'thanks'. So I say 'thanks, that's very kind of you' or 'thanks, glad you enjoyed it'. I don't find it embarrassing, just surprising!
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428782534' post='2744549'] Holy crap, this is a bargain, too! Would go well with JapanAxe's SVT... [/quote] Can't argue with that!
  4. Now also considering trades for the following:[list] [*]D'Addario Chromes - 4 or 5 string sets, 32"(medium), 34" (long) or extra-long scale - [u]unused[/u] complete sets [*]Aguilar Octamizer [*]Hotone Nano Legacy Thunder 5W bass head [*]Voodoo Labs Iso-5 power supply [*]Fulltone OCD version 1, 2 or 3 (but not 4) [/list]
  5. I use a piece of that tacky rubber mesh sheet that people use to stop things sliding around on their car dashboards - available quite cheaply from places like Wilkinson's and the Range. You might need to cut a hole for the cab handle.
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1428503043' post='2741891'] Ole! [/quote] Actually 'Ole!' is a misquote of 'Vale!', which sort of means 'OK!' *expires and joins discreet in mass grave dedicated to victims of own pedantry*
  7. Just popped into Bassgear and while I was there the deal was being done for the sale of this bass. I had a bit of a chat with the buyer who was a really nice chap. You heard it here first!
  8. Packing up after a gig, hopped up onto the lowish stage but slipped and barked my shin - under my full weight. It was painful for days. Another time I was opening a gig bag pocket and caught the velcro down the side of one fingernail. It made a painful cut which then became infected. D'oh!
  9. I don't know whether you're familiar with the Tubetone control on TC amps but it adds a layer of overdrive to your clean sound. Is the OB1 capable of adding just a little lightly-driven signal to the clean, almost as 'colour'?
  10. [quote name='dogload' timestamp='1428484612' post='2741647'] I'm very interested in this (although I have no idea how I would collect it...) but what do you mean by "...[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] there is still the occasional click here and there."?[/font][/color] [/quote] My original description refers to background noise - the level of hiss is a fair bit higher than what we are used to from modern amps, plus there is some random low-level snap, crackle and pop going on. You would notice this if no other sounds were going on, but not whilst playing, especially with other instruments. When I fired it up yesterday it was a bit worse than that, because there was also a crackle on each note. It is the same on both channels, so I swapped out the two 12AX7 valves in the common signal path but there was no improvement. Valves can be noisy but still test ok so ideally I would like to try swapping out the EL34 output valves and seeing whether that makes a difference. Until I can do that or otherwise get it sorted, here is the deal: [u]Potential buyer can try the amp at my place or within 20 miles of Swindon and I will consider [b]reasonable offers[/b] based on the likelihood of some remedial work being necessary.[/u] If you have a pair of EL34s you can bring, so much the better! Thanks for your interest
  11. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1428359010' post='2740630'] I ended up with an amp that was only half the wattage ... [/quote] I wouldn't be too hung up on that, it should still be plenty loud - the perceived difference between 500W and 900W is not all that much. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1428359010' post='2740630'] The most annoying thing is that for about a year I had a spare Streamliner just in case but as the original one seemed to be reliable and I was short of cash I sold it a few weeks before this one died. [/quote] Now that is annoying!
  12. Freddie's a nice bloke (I've met him), and he's got some great [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/227935-freddie75/page__p__2543442__hl__freddie75__fromsearch__1#entry2543442"]feedback[/url]. If you want a Streamliner, get in now while you still can! GLWTS
  13. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1427911822' post='2735837'] Perhaps it is just because I have just bought one, but am I seeing more 5s for sale than usual at the moment? Are they really that hard to switch too? I am slowly getting into mine and yes it tough due to string spacing but it does not seem too hard. I have read some technical bumph about why studios do not like the B string, but why are there so many for sale? Thoughts anyone (humorous ones too are acceptable)? [/quote] Reverting to the OP, I am sure it is not uncommon for a 4-string player to buy a 5-er and then not get on with it. The number for sale in the BC market place could be a reflection of this, or of their continuing popularity. You do see quite a few people saying 'great bass but I've decided to stick to 4 strings'. As has been mentioned, there are various factors that can make the 5-er that bit harder, chiefly neck width and continually going for the wrong string. I have to admit I have only gigged my 5-er once in the 18 months that I've owned it, and that was because I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. It went OK except on the songs where I had to take lead vocal, and then there just seemed to be too much to compute! Nothing that can't be overcome with practice though.
  14. Great - now I have Super Compact envy! Seriously, thanks for that review, seems to be a boss bit of kit.
  15. [quote name='planer' timestamp='1428354148' post='2740573'] I reckon that's well worth the current price... 99p [/quote] ...except no-one has yet bid 99p!
  16. Now reduced to [size=5][b]£375[/b][/size] delivered.
  17. Now reduced to [size=5][b]£160[/b][/size]. It's a steal!
  18. [s]Here's why I sold my Rickenbacker[/s] No no no NO [b]NO![/b]
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