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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. The Little Mark II delivers 300W into 8 ohms, so that is all you would get in terms of power. No idea how good or loud it would sound, and no experience of Ampeg cabs I'm afraid! You could add any cab via the parallel out, but (1) you need to ensure your amp sees the right impedance, and (2) the results of mixing speakers or cabs are very unpredictable. I suggest you have read of some of the sticky threads at the top of the Amps and Cabs section.
  2. From the info on the plate it is an 8-ohm cab. It will handle up to 1200W so to get that out of it you would need an amp that can deliver 1200W into an 8-ohm load. The 'parallel out' is wired in parallel to the input socket so you could connect it to another cab - if you had 2 of these connected like that, they would present a 4-ohm load and could handle 2400W! Before you take the plunge: How is your back? Do you pay your roadies well? How will the landlord of the Sprout & Spittoon react when he sees that being manhandled into his skittle alley? Just some thing to think about...
  3. Some discussion already [url="http://asschat.co.uk/topic/253891-new-ob1-series-from-orange"]here[/url], but not yet in the shops afaik.
  4. IMO the MIJ version of [i]Smoke on the Water[/i] has one of the best live guitar sounds ever committed to vinyl (or aluminium and optical-quality polycarbonate), and the entrance of the bass just racks it up a gear.
  5. [quote name='geofio' timestamp='1427412574' post='2730242'] I wonder if it makes a difference in the way you are treated in person in the shop ? my experience was via telephone, i have purchased thousands of pounds worth of basses from Guitar Guitar in Glasgow where i am treated very well, i just found this phone experience very annoying and totally unhelpful. it has made wonder about spending any more money with the Glasgow shop. [/quote] Mine was a distance purchase.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1427403451' post='2730075'] Well I wasn't expecting that! Thanks! [/quote] [b]You[/b] weren't expecting that? [b]I [/b]wasn't expecting that! But the Demeter is one of those bits of kit that instantly makes you think 'quality!' when you start to play, plus I could find a way to afford it, so the deal was done. BTW when you said 'Thanks!', did you mean 'Thanks a bunch for stoking my GAS', or 'Thanks for sharing that amazing event' - or something else?
  7. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1427400451' post='2730021'] PMT in Manchester, have Orange Bass Terror, 500 watts in. [b]AT £359. BARGAINACIOUS [/b] Seems Orange have a replacement incoming... [/quote] That would be the OB1-500 (and OB1-300).
  8. Even if there is just a 16-ohm cab, select 8-ohm on the back of the amp - you may 'only' get 250W to 300W but it will be fine. If you have set a cleanish sound on the preamp, your best guide to whether you are pushing a cab too hard is your ears - if it sounds like an elephant farting, turn down
  9. This is the exact opposite of my experience! I had a TC head that went bang (literally) after a week. When I rang GG the first thing the guy asked was whether I was ok. Then he arranged for a next-day pickup of the dead amp from my work, and I had a replacement within a week.
  10. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1427377290' post='2729583'] JapanAxe is the man to ask - he tested the Demeter vs The Mesa recently [/quote] Indeed I did. I was savings this for a NAD, but what the heck... I took a trip to Bassgear specifically because I noticed they had a Mesa Prodigy in stock - rare as hen's teeth in the EC, and a nearly-new example so a £400+ saving over new. I had been heavily swayed by Mesa's YouTube video, but in the flesh with my '73 P plugged in, I struggled to get a sound I liked. It was a bit better once I found the sweet spot on the gain control, but in brief the Prodigy was unremittingly aggressive, and made my (usually well behaved) E string uncontrollably boomy. There will doubtless be a rock player who will love it. I had thought that my sound depended on the preamp being on the edge of breakup, so I hadn't considered the Demeter. Boy did I get a surprise when I plugged in! Difficult as it is to describe sound, this amp lets you hear your bass's voice. I should mention I put the Demeter through my BF Compact, and also compared it with my go-to Streamliner. I love the round warmth of the Streamliner but the the Demeter outdoes it for clarity whilst not lacking warmth. I pick up the Demeter next week, and will furnish a full report once I have tried every combination of bass and cab. In the meantime I am reluctantly selling off some other amps (see below). Oh yes, I also tried Dave Swift's Monique Dove Cage / Minnie 800 setup - fantastic sounds, incredibly flexible, but not the most convenient form factor, so more of a studio amp really.
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1427382750' post='2729699'] I actually thought it was less than that. Sorry, 'fewer'. [/quote] Ah, a kindred spirit!
  12. [quote name='1970' timestamp='1427206231' post='2727125'] yeah could be a micro VR - interesting choice to run before a 70s SVT... [/quote] Or is it there as a spare?
  13. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1427233777' post='2727822'] Don't agree with not being able to blow speakers... I've known quite a few instances relatively recently. ... So, I wouldn't trust them with cabs unsupervised.. IME. [/quote] +1. I think the supervision thing is the key. I would have no hesitation in walking on stage and turning a bass rig down if i thought my kit was at risk. EDIT: So maybe make it plain you will absolutely go with the wishes of the kind kit-lender if they think you are getting too loud through their cab.
  14. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1427219689' post='2727472'] Nothing sexist really is there? [media]http://youtu.be/U_JvLt2nz90[/media] [/quote] Who are the 2 bald fellas hiding behind the guitar?
  15. Andy bought a case from me. Everything was easy and straightforward .
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1427191534' post='2726843'] I'm guessing it's the PM thing and/or the fact that he may have been banned previously for whatever reason and then returned under a different name..? [/quote] This. I believe icastle is familiar with his antics.
  17. With that kind of power you must have endlessly headroom. Enjoy!
  18. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1427115078' post='2725863'] Tough one! Perhaps try some old SWR stuff? [/quote] SWR heads come up fairly often at very low prices in the Basschat market place - worth buying cheap to try, sell on if you don't like.
  19. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1427142970' post='2726445'] I wanted to make totally sure of the facts first, and that took a little time to do for various reasons. Once I managed to plough through the detail, it was easy and done in a matter of seconds. Something that did come to light during this was that the person in question had been sending offensive PM's to at least one person. If anyone got one of these then just delete it, he won't be replying. [/quote] Cheers! Hope he's not holidaying in England any time soon...
  20. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1427103499' post='2725678'] Just heard they raised over £600 for Macmillan cancer support, so a job done well. [/quote] Nice one! I really will get round to seeing you guys soon...
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