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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1427139770' post='2726368'] Entertainment? [/quote] Entertainment? You sick *^%&$£!
  2. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1426946719' post='2723806'] You sound awfully familiar, have you ever been to England? EDIT: Oh, and the Iranian IP address you're using isn't a particularly good disguise. [/quote] [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1427136666' post='2726294'] 8...9...10 and he's banned [/quote] Why so long between detection and banning?
  3. [quote name='goingdownslow' timestamp='1427061192' post='2725371'] Sh*te. We have played this venue a few times before, they have their own PA so I just take my Hartke Kickback and DI straight in. Up to now their have been no problems. Last night they had the DJ doing the sound, he couldn't mix pollyfilla, no bass out front and not for the want of telling him, I even turned my amp down so it could not be heard out front but still no response. As soon as our last number was done my bass was off, amp was off and coat was on, and the DJ was shouting to the crowd "do you want more" to the response of "Yes". I said to the band I'd had enough but was persuaded to come back on and do two more songs. When we were stripping down the drummer said he could hear no bass at all when I came back on, I told him it was because I couldn't be bothered turning my amp on. There was no problem with the house music though, that was thundering. Next time I will be turning up with a bigger rig. [/quote] To misquote the late great Reg Presley: 'F***in' DJs, I f***in' s**t 'em!'
  4. How about something from Steely Dan e.g. [i]Pretzel Logic[/i] or [i]Peg[/i]? Both adapted from blues sequences, and both pretty funky.
  5. Those are irresistible prices - assuming you don't already have both cabs already! GLWTS
  6. Potential buyer from another forum, so if you were dithering, stop now and contact me for a Selmer try-out!
  7. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1427049911' post='2725106'] I really miss Dingus and his input... [/quote] ... and I miss his top TV totty avatars! The site has grown hugely in membership since I joined in September 2012 (not that I'm claiming the credit for that). Yes, there are a lot of non-UK newbs trying to flog high-end instruments, but I just ignore them. There is still plenty of enjoyable discussion to be had here, which is why I contribute more to this forum than to the other two forums I belong to put together.
  8. Currently booking 2-3 months ahead. More free dates from September 2015 onwards.
  9. Currently booking 2-3 months ahead. More free dates from September 2015 onwards.
  10. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1427029023' post='2724814'] Incidentally the first customer pair of FR800s was gigged last night! [/quote] And...
  11. +1 for Sir Duke for covering the instrument's range. When I am watching bass-related demos I can usually spot the thumb and stop the video before the slapping starts
  12. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1426954095' post='2723971'] 4 hours?? 2 hours here in the UK Blue [/quote] Some social clubs want 2x 90mins, and that is tough enough. You just have to pace yourself!
  13. The [url="https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.928383,-2.844815,3a,75y,312.07h,77.15t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sfO2ZfcmzQ3VfX0WzuEQjRA!2e0"]village hall[/url] in Seavington St Mary, near Ilminster. Nice easy load through the front door, quite high stage with lights. Guitar and vocals with my country and western trio.
  14. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1426946719' post='2723806'] You sound awfully familiar, have you ever been to England? EDIT: Oh, and the Iranian IP address you're using isn't a particularly good disguise. [/quote] You don't mean...
  15. [quote name='Bronner' timestamp='1426901592' post='2723382'] I say the Rick sounds terrible recorded direct (especially for the money). [/quote] [size=4]You're right, listen to these, all '[color=#474747]recorded in Logic, with as little processing as possible to put across the true sound of the instrument' [/color]by Andy Baxter:[/size] [url="https://soundcloud.com/andy-baxter-bass-guitar/70-rick-fingers-pickup-selector-both-neck-bridge-same-with-pick-tones-off-fingers-pick"]1970 4001[/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/andy-baxter-bass-guitar/73-4001-black-md1450-neck-both"]1973 4001[/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/andy-baxter-bass-guitar/1981-rick-4003s-vd963"]1982 4003S[/url] Shocking!
  16. I recently tried a Demeter head that has the Minnie 800D inside, and the closest in sound was an Aguilar TH500 - a great amp in its own right, even without an outboard preamp.
  17. [quote name='Bronner' timestamp='1426931819' post='2723522'] This is what I mean by the cult of Rickenbacker. If you want to quote me, there's a quote button. There's no need to fabricate imaginary quotes to prop-up a shoddy brand. [/quote] I'm afraid you are way off there. I have never owned or even played a Ric, my preferences tend towards the Fender P, and I am certainly not a devotee of any 'cult of Rickenbacker'. As to fabricating imaginary quotes, you will see I started with the phrase 'Are you saying...'. I am not purporting to quote you, simply inviting you to identify whether any of those 4 options fairly identify your point in this thread.
  18. Can we just clarify Bronner, are you saying: (1) Don't buy a Ric, they are sh!t; (2) Don't buy a Ric unless you really really like it, because they are sh!t; (3) I once owned a Ric that was sh!t, and further anecdotal evidence leads me to believe that all Rics are sh!t; or (4) Something else we've all missed.
  19. I would so love to see John Hall post in this thread. Comfy chair, popcorn...
  20. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1426891827' post='2723291'] It's a rehearsal, it's what you want to sound like on a gig. Why the hell would you not use the gear you'll use on the gig? Confused. Steve [/quote] Rehearsing with your full gig set-up, with the aim of ironing out practical bugs, is known as a 'technical rehearsal'. If you are just rehearsing new material, then it can save a lot of time using kit that is already set up, even if it sounds a bit Barry White. If you are rehearsing [i]old material[/i], you are wasting your time and money, regardless of how the costs are split!
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1426891720' post='2723288'] [url="http://www.videomaker.com/article/14680-youtube-copyright-rights"]Youtube and copyright ...[/url] [/quote] Thanks Dad!
  22. If you are trying to play with your left thumb over the top of the neck you will have real problems (I do this all the time when playing skinny-string guitar). Not so bad if you keep your thumb on the back of the neck opposite to somewhere between your first and second fingers. Ignore me if you already know this stuff!
  23. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1426890538' post='2723279'] I'm not sure that's right. I have a few videos on youtube with my music, I don't remember giving up my rights to the ownership of it. [/quote] You may have done so when you signed up to Google, YouTube etc. - I guess it would be the rights to the video and its soundtrack rather than the composition of the work itself. But that is just a guess!
  24. Generally an even split, although if I am called in to rehearse for a dep job I am not usually expected to contribute to rehearsal room costs.
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