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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1426516328' post='2718691'] I've tried it both ways. Both cabs, on their own, are quite different. But when you put 'em one on top of the other - it's real hard to tell the difference ..... if there is any real difference to hear. Depends where you stand. If you are standing right beside them - then you can hear the different cabs. Take yourself more than three yards away - and they sound like one combined bass sound. [/quote] Exactly. We don't hear 2 bass sounds from 2 cabs run together, just one. The cab nearest to our ears may predominate if we're very close, otherwise they just blend together. As for the audience, they're not exactly going to notice a difference!
  2. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1426515029' post='2718671'] With a 2x10 and 1x15 it's hard to predict what that difference would be with either cab on top, so suck-it-and-see is as valid an approach as any. If neither cab has a tweeter and they're both receiving a full-range signal, I would listen to it both ways, and if there's no major difference then it comes down to stability and aesthetics. The idea that the 2x10" [i]must[/i] go on top comes from the old "10s for the highs, 15s for the lows" dictum, which has been done to death on here. [/quote] I concur.
  3. [quote name='planer' timestamp='1426513878' post='2718649'] I [s]don't[/s] think you mad to [i]want [/i]it, it's bloody [s]gorgeous[/s] hideous. [/quote] Fixed. That is one fugly bass.
  4. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1426452561' post='2718214'] 2x10 on the top. From a mechanical perspective it's far more stable and from an audio perspective it's easier to hear the higher frequencies if they're not round your ankles. [/quote] If the 2x10 has a tweeter then fair enough. Otherwise, it probably won't make much difference sonically.
  5. [quote name='geoff90guitar' timestamp='1426443074' post='2718110'] The 4 ohm thing with hamfist is irrelevant with a valve amp regarding sound to the ear. Yes, you'll certainly notice the sound volume with a trani but valve, na. Buy it if it's your thing. [/quote] Although I am led to believe you can safely go up or down in impedance by a factor of 2 (i.e. 8ohm will work ok into 4ohm to 16ohm), I am not about to recommend it on a piece of semi-vintage kit that I am selling!
  6. Sunday evening bump. These amps have been going for a fair bit more on EvilBay, so snap up this great price while you can. 'Kettle lead' will also be included of course.
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1426377446' post='2717548'] Could it be an RF amp, for driving a radio transmitter aerial..? Short wave, or similar..? [/quote] If it's an RF amp, I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry to fire it up and start poking around - RF burns can be pretty nasty.
  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1426366306' post='2717451'] [size=4]On the occasional double bill when the other bass player wants to use my amp, my response is always "No". [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]My reasoning, I can't afford to replace my rig if anything were to happen to it and people treat and use equipment differently.[/font][/color] Blue[/size] [/quote] Although I might be able to pay for repair or replacement of kit that someone else has broken - why on earth should I? The first you will know is when you plug into your amp, and the other guy is out the door!
  9. I once played in a band where the singer's Strat went through a 30W Vox Escort combo - possibly the loudest solid state 30W amp on the planet!
  10. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1426240482' post='2715948'] < Obligatory EBS_Freak comment in a Barefaced cab thread. > [/quote]
  11. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1426338823' post='2717074'] Sounds like an exciting prospect. Well done, hope it works out. [/quote] Cheers Gary. A lot have excited emails have passed between band members today!
  12. I have only had this gig bag for a few months. Although it is incredibly light (though not with 2 basses inside it) I am finding hard cases suit my needs better, plus I need to release funds for a large purchase. You can find full information [url="http://monocreators.com/dual-electric-bass/"]here[/url]. The bag is in tip-top condition, except for a 4cm split in the fabric which I have repaired using a vinyl repair kit recommended by Mono. I have priced this for a quick sale at [b]£120[/b]. Realistically this would be by collection or meet-up near Swindon or Oxford, as I think the shipping cost may be prohibitive. No trades thanks - I am saving up my pennies!
  13. Last night I went along for a try-out with a new (start-up) band covering contemporary country and Americana material. I have already played with some of the members, so it wasn't a formal audition as such. I had been sent a list of 18 songs that they were currently working on, so I had transcribed bass parts for most of them. Some songs had quite indistinct bass parts, so I just familiarised myself with the chords and structure. The line-up was: [indent=1]Male vocalist[/indent] [indent=1]Female vocalist[/indent] [indent=1]2x guitarists, each alternating between acoustic and electric. Also one played banjo, and the other had guitar synth for faking banjo and mandoli.[/indent] [indent=1]Keyboard player[/indent] [indent=1]Bass player (me)[/indent] [indent=1]Drummer[/indent] When I first saw there was a keyboard player I thought, 'oh dear, heavy left hand = clashing with the bass', but far from it, the guy is a consummate musician who [i]listens[/i] to what the others are playing. What a joy! Everyone was well into the music, and I seriously thought some of the songs sounded better than the originals. Needless to say, I am [i]in[/i]. We are looking to be gigging by this June, and some of the band have contacts with local festivals, which should be great fun. We do need a band name though. It took me a while to get off to sleep last night...
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1426288238' post='2716747'] Did he give you the finger?? [/quote] I'd be surprised if he did, he will need it for playing bass. Duh.
  15. I think I once started a similar thread myself, so I may be repeating myself here, but what the hey! I don't mind what the band's 'corporate structure' is, as long as everyone agrees from the start. Example 1 - Democracy - 3-pc pub covers band. We supplied our own instruments and backline, but owned equal shares in the PA. Each October we would divvy up the venues 3 ways and each try to get as many gigs as we could. New material was decided by an occasional informal meeting. When I left, the other guys bough out my share of the PA at an agreed depreciated rate. Everybody happy. Example 2 - Dictatorship - 5- to 9-pc dance band. One guy ran the band, owned the PA and 'pad' (sheet music), sorted the gigs, and paid all the players. You turned up, you played, you got paid. Everybody happy. Example 3 - Dictatorship - 3-pc country band. I run it as a sole trader, own the PA, sort the material (with input from the others), pay for rehearsal space, get the bookings, sign the contracts. I pay the guys (or deps) as sub-contractors; 1/3 of the take, or if it is a larger sum and won't split 3 ways, I keep an extra £10 or £20. Everybody happy - almost. Actually I am fed up of all the hard work involved, and hankering after being a minion rather than Gru!
  16. I have a MIM Pawn Shop Mustang. Fit and finish are as good as any recent MIJ or USA instrument I've played. I have to say when I first tried out MIM Precisions about 10 years ago, that was not the case, they were vey uninspiring.
  17. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1424683817' post='2699008'] You can try contacting [url="http://www.shure.co.uk/meta_en/contact"]Shure[/url] direct. They have helped me out in the past with 57s. Obviously it'll be out of warranty etc. but they will be more likely to have replacement parts to hand. Tel.: +44 (0) 1992 703058 [/quote] [quote name='Oggy' timestamp='1426237093' post='2715873'] Hi Basschatters Just to let you all know that Shure were as good as there word, the Unidyne has repaired and sent back to me, only charged me for the shipping. Great service and comms, pleasure to deal with. Oggy [/quote] Wow! That's good to know.
  18. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1426187068' post='2715474'] Even if your FIRST recordings sound arse . , I think I am just past 30 now and 'arse' describes them well [/quote] If I ever reach the dizzy heights of 'arse' I shall be very proud of my recording prowess
  19. A guitarist I know sprays WD40 on his strings before playing. Then again he is a car mechanic. This is all true btw, not a joke! For myself, I use flatwounds, so they are slinky smooth anyway.
  20. I wouldn't, unless I could go with it to guarantee its safety!
  21. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1426166038' post='2715120'] When I say 'just paid', I mean as in this morning! I also bought 2 1/2 basses and a sansamp DI last month. I also think my very tolerant wife doesn't really deserve a fourth amp in our rather small lounge! But the Selmer is a lovely amp, I used mine for quite a few years through a variety of cabs. I'll mention it to the band at rehearsal tonight, our guitarist and drummer both live in Swindon. [/quote] Cheers Dave. BTW is that 2x1/2 basses = 1 bass, or 2.5 basses?
  22. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1426162233' post='2715049'] Home build is Ok up to 18W, gets expensive and scary high voltages beyond that. [/quote] There's up to 340V DC on the board on my 5W single-ended amp - that's scary enough!
  23. [quote name='BruceBass3901' timestamp='1426150781' post='2714866'] [/quote] Oops - how did I miss that? Cheers Bruce. So what does it' 'nice tone' sound like - trademark Ashdown sound or what?
  24. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1426156673' post='2714962'] So did I, I'd have this like a shot but just had to pay out nearly a grand to have the engine fixed on my bike. [/quote] Time to start saving then...
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